Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 925 Xi Rong

Chapter 925 Xi Rong
The strange voice of the tall boy echoed in the cold wind.

There was a long silence in front of the altar, and the way everyone looked at him changed.

Everyone knows that among the six sons of the Warring States period, there are two special sons, that is, Mr. Zhaohua and Mr. Guihua who have almost never shown their faces in front of the world.

And just over a month ago at the Southern Chu Primary Ceremony, Lord Zhaohua appeared in front of everyone.Although no one knows his face under the mask, Li Ji actually appeared in public in real life.

As a result, among the six sons of the Warring States Period, there is only one son who has never appeared before the people of the Six Kingdoms.

Of course, it is impossible for ordinary people from the Six Kingdoms to see him.

So far, Ghost Huajun has become the most mysterious of the six sons of the Warring States Period.People are both curious and afraid of him. The curiosity lies in two aspects. On the one hand, his appearance is a mystery, and on the other hand, it lies in his origin and special status in Xirong.

"It turns out that Ghost Huajun's name is really Chunyuye..."

Before this young man announced his name, even many practitioners in the younger generation did not know Gui Huajun's name.

The practice world has always been divided into two groups, the younger generation and the older generation. The younger group represents the new forces on the Shanhai Continent. People such as Ji Jiashu and Murong Feixing belong to the younger generation. The Great Immortal Officer is the older generation.

Gui Huajun is like a taboo among the young sect in the practice world. People are taboo about his name, but they are faintly curious and spread the shocking story about that Xirong boy.

"Chunyu?" Hearing the name and surname reported by the tall boy, Ji Jiashu and Li Ji's expressions became complicated.

Although they are both the Sixth Prince of the Warring States Period, their understanding of this ghost Huajun is only in rumors.After all, there are very few people who have seen this boy before.

Away from the Great Wall of Eternal Night, Xirong was covered with a thick layer of fog, and the rumors were always strange and strange.

Practitioners have long been accustomed to take a half-belief attitude towards Xirong's news.Speaking of which, the reason why the Sixth Prince of the Warring States Period selected a Xirong man was because the pre-Qin Dynasty was in decline and no outstanding men could be selected. Out of curiosity, some people suggested that it is better to spread that reputation to the Great Wall of Eternal Night The young Xirong boy put it in.

Anyway, according to the thinking of the practice circle at that time, the people of Xirong couldn't step into the Great Wall of Eternal Night, so they just made up the numbers.It can also make ordinary people more awed by the title of Sixth Prince of the Warring States Period.

But no one expected that this young man from Xirong would actually appear at the gathering of the six sons of the Warring States Period three years ago.

Although he just disappeared from a distance, but Ji Jiashu remembered that his father was furious because of the fact that some Xirong people had sneaked into the territory of Southern Chu, but no immortal officials noticed.

As a result, the Southern Chu Imperial Prayer Province was purged on a large scale, but the daring Xirong boy was not caught.

Just like his name, the boy's figure floated like a ghost, and then disappeared like a drop of water.

So far, there is no news of Ghost Huajun appearing in the Great Wall.

Until today.

Ji Jiashu stared fixedly at the young man in white-haired sacrificial attire. Three years ago, that young man didn't even report his name. He didn't expect that he would hear Gui Huajun's name at the Great Court Meeting of Soochow.

Chun is the surname of Xirong, so it seems that this person is really the youngest son of the White Wolf King of Xirong as the rumors say.

Then the other rumor should also be true.

Among the six sons of the Warring States period, there is no shortage of royal family members. For example, Fenghua Lord Murong Feixing is His Highness the Third Hou Liao, but Chunyuye is not only a prince, but also King Xirong Zhai.

"Twelve Zhai kings? Could it be that..."

"That's right, that's King Zhai. I heard that he is the youngest King Zhai in order to become King Zhai, he killed his brother..."

"What? Kill brother?"

The faces of the practitioners present all changed.

Before the name Ghost Huajun became famous, the notoriety of the youngest King Zhai of Xirong had already spread throughout the Shanhai Continent.

In Xirong, the title of King Zhai is equivalent to the title of county king in the six countries, but everyone knows that the title of King Zhai in Xirong is different from the county kings in the interior.

In the Soochow team, Zhao Guang, who is the king of the county, turned pale.

It is true that he is the king of the county, but he knows very well that as long as the king of the county is the son of a prince, the favored prince will be granted the title when he dies and gets married, even if he is favored. Brother can definitely get this title even if he becomes king.

The heirs of a royal family are more prosperous, including three generations of old, middle-aged and young, and the county king has fifty if not one hundred.

But the Zhai kings of Xirong are different. The number of twelve Zhai kings is fixed.

No matter how many sons and brothers King Xirong had, the number of King Zhai could only be twelve.Because there are only twelve tribes in Xirong, and only twelve Zhai kings are granted. According to their words, this number is set by the White Dog God, and it is better to be short than to be excessive.

Queue is better than flood... Zhao Guang looked at the young Xirong boy standing in front of Li Ji and swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

The canonization and abolition of King Xirong Di was not decided by the king of Xirong, but the strong preyed on the weak. The method of wanting to be the king of Xirong Di is very simple.

As long as you have royal blood, even if your mother is from the royal family, you can become the new king Zhai by killing an old king Zhai.

Kill the old king.

Looking at the ferocious wolf head embroidered on the chest of the Xirong people, Zhao Guang felt chills all over his body.

You must know that this generation of Xirong Wang Guang has not only twelve sons, but also he has brothers and grandsons, and the old king of the previous generation also has grandsons and grandsons... so many royal children are together, and the position of King Zhai who was killed in this way is as good as that of the king. His position as the king of the county is different!

According to the grassland tradition, if Xirong wants to finally inherit the position of Xirong White Wolf King, he must first be King Zhai.

Therefore, the fight for the throne of King Zhai is actually the first ring of the fight for the throne of Xirong.

After Da Siming killed the six Di kings before, Xirong failed to fill the position of the twelve Di kings for a long time, because traditionally Xirong people are only used to recognize the person who killed the old king as the Di king. There was no old king to kill, and civil strife broke out among the tribes surrounding the heir.

It is said that the No.12 King Zhai is a new King Zhai who was killed during the civil strife.

Although ranked No.12, everyone knows that the Zhai kings of Xirong are ranked according to age. No.12 means that he is the youngest Zhai king.

That year, it is said that he was only 12 years old.

He killed an elder brother in succession, and became King Zhai after three uncles.

Such rumors were shocking to the people of the six kingdoms in the Great Wall, so the name of the young King Zhai spread out of the Great Wall of Eternal Night and spread throughout the Shanhai Continent.

That name was Chunyu Ye.

It's just that few people could be sure that Chunyu Ye is Ghost Huajun.At this time, thinking that such a person who can kill his brothers and uncles without hesitation is standing in front of him, many practitioners with low realms trembled.

But I don't know if it's the problem of wearing a mask. People found that Mr. Zhaohua of Soochow's expression didn't change much when he was so close.

Li Ji looked at the young man with an unruly expression in front of him and said indifferently, "It turns out that Lord Guihua is the Twelve King Zhai. I don't know what the King Zhai has to do?"

(End of this chapter)

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