Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 936

Chapter 936
The voice of the old man in black was too gloomy, and the surrounding bystanders trembled when they heard the words.However, no one expected that in this hell-like atmosphere, a girl's laughter could be heard from the altar.

"What? You want to chop off my hand?" Ying Baoyue laughed when she heard this, and looked at the old man standing in front of her with a sword in his hand.

The old man in black suppressed his anger and stared at her coldly, but he didn't expect the girl in front of him to have no fear in her eyes.

"I'm not even willing to cut it myself," she said with a smile on her lips, quietly looking at the ugly fairy opposite, "It's your turn!"

"You!" The old man in black was furious, he raised the sword in his hand and slashed at Ying Baoyue. The next moment there was a clear sound of collision, the old man in black stepped back three steps and leaned against the altar to stabilize his body. shape.

"Mr. Zhaohua, are you going to rebel?" The old man in black stared wide-eyed, looking at Li Ji holding a sword in front of Ying Baoyue, he couldn't believe his eyes.

"I don't remember that I am loyal to people like you," Li Ji's expression remained unchanged. From the very beginning, his expression was the calmest except for Ying Baoyue. Holding the Juque sword in his hand, he looked at Zhao behind him. Mu Ren and Dongfang Yi said indifferently.

"Our majesty and the national teacher haven't spoken yet, where is it your turn to deal with our Soochow guests?"

"You..." The old man in black looked resentful, but there was nothing he could do.They are used to being domineering slaves in various countries, but they never thought that they would encounter this stick today.

Thinking back then, he had long been jealous of this Lord Zhaohua who was not often in Soochow, because from the first time he saw this Lord Zhaohua in Soochow, he found that this person was so ignorant of them and Taizu's handwriting. No respect!
What annoys him even more is that this person is not a fairy official and does not read the manuscript, and his realm is still rising steadily. How can it not be dreadful?
Fortunately, Li Ji didn't stay in Soochow often, let alone enter Soochow's Imperial Prayer Province, so he didn't interfere with them.But the old man in black never expected that the king of Soochow would let this person who disrespects the gods and ancestors be the chief sacrificial officer at this great court meeting.

This man dared to strike the scripture slave with his sword!


Seeing the cold giant sword in Li Ji's hand, the old man in black shrank while being angry.

Li Ji's words are high-sounding. In Soochow, it is true that everything is up to the Soochow King, but they are used to punishing practitioners at will in the matter of Taizu's handwriting. How could they expect two juniors who don't take them seriously today? .

"Your Majesty, please show me," Li Ji ignored the old man in black who was wandering in front of him, and turned his head to look straight at Zhao Muren.

A certain Soochow king who had been neglected for a long time looked at the mess that went around and flew to him, and he just wanted to cover his heart in depression.

He hoped that Li Ji would not think of him at this time...

Everyone followed Li Ji's eyes and looked at him one after another, and Zhao Muren was suddenly stressed.

"Then, His Majesty the King of Soochow, what are you going to do?" the old man in black swallowed and asked coldly.

"Your widow..." Zhao Muren looked at the girl standing straight in front of the altar, with extremely complicated emotions.

Why does he feel familiar with this ability to cause trouble?

But no matter what, the entire Taizu Handbook disappeared in front of everyone's eyes. It is not an exaggeration to say that such a crime is punishing the nine clans. What can he do?
He is king.

He is the lord of a country who bears the destiny of a country.

"Since the letter has disappeared, Master Xiahou said that the death penalty is exempt, so the living penalty..." Zhao Muren lowered his eyes and was about to speak, but saw the girl standing in front of the altar turned around and looked at him.

Meeting those bright eyes, Zhao Muren's heart suddenly suffocated.

"Who said the manuscript disappeared?" Ying Baoyue smiled, "I said, if you kill me, you will never see that manuscript again."

"Don't kill me," she looked at her hand, "Without my hand, you don't even want to see that handbook."

Zhao Muren's heart moved, and he narrowed his eyes, "You mean..."

"Although I'm not willing to give these people, I really can't make it difficult for His Majesty the King of Wu." Ying Baoyue smiled, and the next moment she suppressed her smile and looked at her palm, "Please also give me a pen and ink similar to a I will make an identical copy for His Majesty."

Remake, a book, a manuscript.

The girl's voice was calm, but the practitioners around who heard this sentence were all stunned.

What is she talking about?
The old man in black reacted quickly, understood what she wanted to do, and flew into a rage, "Do you want me to dictate the contents of the handbook to you?"

He thought he understood Ying Baoyue's plot, did this woman really think that she could be invincible by imitating Taizu's handwriting?

Not to mention that he made up his mind not to help this woman, if the scripture slaves revealed the contents of the manuscript, each of them would be killed immediately!
However, he didn't expect that Ying Baoyue just glanced at him indifferently when he heard the words, "How can I use you?"

Everyone was in an uproar when they heard the words, and the old man in black smoked from his seven orifices.

Ji Jiashu raised her forehead, as long as she wanted to, she could really make people speechless with just a few simple words.

"What does the former Qin princess mean?" Zhao Muren's heart moved slightly, this way of speaking in a manner that was so pompous and irritating...he felt even weirder in his heart.

"I just remembered the content. Your Majesty only needs to provide a pen and paper." Ying Baoyue smiled and said, "Don't worry, Your Majesty, it will be ready soon."

The practitioners around who heard this froze into a statue.

If they remember correctly, just before the manuscript was destroyed, the manuscript was indeed quickly flipped through in front of the former Princess Qin under the wind, but she should have only glanced at it for a short time, right?
Zhao Muren quietly looked at the girl who was in such a desperate situation but remained extremely calm, and waved to the palace people beside her, "Go and get the things that the former Princess Qin wanted."

When the King of Soochow spoke, the palace servants respectfully inquired about Ying Baoyue's request, and soon brought rough paper and cheap pen and ink.

Everyone in the world knows that Taizu's handwriting was written with these worthless things. Later generations often praised it as representing Emperor Taizu's hard work for many years, but no one knew why Emperor Ying, who was clearly the prince of Qin, used such pens and inks.

Ying Baoyue looked at these familiar pens and inks, and there was a glimmer of light in his eyes.

She took a deep breath, spread the paper on the altar, held the pen holder, and lowered her head to write away.

At this moment, she could no longer hear any sound in her ears, and returned to those precarious years.

She sat on the tree, looked at the young woman and the middle-aged man who were sitting opposite each other under the tree, talking and laughing at the heated discussion.After the two had finished arguing, watch them write a few strokes in their notebooks.

Sometimes she will be called down to act as the recorder of the two.

She didn't remember anything about the practice at first, but the moment she opened the notebook in the black box before, those words resurfaced in front of her eyes.

At the same time, there are memories that are about to be forgotten.

I don't know how many days and nights, drinking some rainwater when thirsty, and eating some animal meat when hungry, the men who came out of the palace were uncomfortable at first, but later they got used to carrying a wild boar and bringing some cheapest pen and ink every time.

Those were the happiest years of the three of them together, when did they disappear?
Ying Baoyue straightened up after writing the entire notebook.

It seems that ever since that man became the emperor and they walked into the Efang Palace with him, the days when the three of them sat cross-legged relative to each other, ate, drank and discussed cultivation happily, never happened again.

She looked at the wrist of her left hand, and remembered the scene of the collision of black and red forces before.She was very clear about what happened before, the accident was that the curse in her hand collided with the protective formation hidden in the black box.

And it was that man who set up the formation.

A secret guess was hidden in the bottom of Ying Baoyue's heart, with the memories of the past piercing her bloody.

Does the curse on her hand have anything to do with the dead emperor?
 Things are different, and only she was left among the three people back then.
(End of this chapter)

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