Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 939

Chapter 939
The wild cries of the men echoed through the trees.

Originally preparing to enter the next stage, Dongfang Yi's eyes turned cold.

"What? The people of Xirong still want to read the handwriting of Taizu?"

"Are these savages crazy? Their cultivation is not in the same system as ours. Are they here to find fault?"

"How could the scripture slave be willing to show the people of Xirong..."

The eyes of the practitioners around were secretly angry, and there was a lot of discussion.

Zhao Muren stood up, looked at the Xirong people rushing to the altar from behind the crowd, and clenched the king's sword by his waist.

"Ghost Huajun, what exactly are you trying to do?" He shouted coldly.

The people of Xirong were indeed scary, but their thoughts were all on the Taizu's handbook, and all the practitioners became nervous.

Facing the unfriendly eyes of practitioners from the Six Kingdoms, the young Xirong boy who led the way did not panic in the slightest.

"Why? Since the king of Dongwu promised me to attend the middle-level ceremony, he didn't arrange for me to worship Taizu's handwriting?"

The boy who called himself Chun Yuye grinned.

"Could it be that the King of Soochow wants to go back on his word?"

"Taizu's handwriting belongs to practitioners within the six kingdoms," Zhao Muren said indifferently, "There is no rule to show it to Xirong people."

"However, practitioners who participate in the middle-level ceremony are eligible to read Taizu's handwriting." Chunyuye clenched the scimitar at his waist, and said with a half-smile, "This is also the rule set by you people from the Central Plains."

Zhao Muren's pupils shrank slightly. He knew that the people of Xirong came here in a bad way, but it was about Taizu's handwriting. No matter how tough the people of Xirong were, he must not give in.

But the toughness of the Xirong people was beyond his expectation.

"It's not that Xiao Wang doesn't know why the King of Soochow is reluctant to show us. You Central Plains people think that revealing Taizu's handwriting to Xirong people is a sinner through the ages," Chunyu Ye sneered, "But if there is another war outside the Great Wall of Eternal Night, the East Isn’t King Wu a sinner through the ages?”

Zhao Muren's eyes turned cold, and his five fingers in his sleeves clenched into fists.

The fact that the Xirong people want to go to war has nothing to do with Soochow's attitude!

Could it be that Xi Rong really wanted to fight, but would he not fight because he gave them the Taizu Handbook?

But with Chun Yuye's words, if there is a war, he has no doubt that the other five countries will put all the responsibility for the war on Soochow.

This is the Six Kingdoms within the Great Wall today.

There are no complete eggs under the overturned nest.

The fist in Zhao Muren's sleeve clenched little by little.

The entry of Xirong would be a catastrophe for any country within the Great Wall.But in the current situation of fragmentation, the six countries will be busy fighting among themselves first.What is unanimous to the outside world does not exist at all under the circumstances of the demise of the Qin Empire.

Except for the Hou Liao and Northern Wei, which had to bear the brunt and had to resist, no country would take the lead in resisting the Western Rong's invasion of the north.Southern Chu, which is the most powerful country in the south, might just sit on the sidelines.

But this is the Six Nations today.

As the former No.1 General of Soochow Wu, Zhao Muren is well aware of Xirong's strength.

Although the population of Xirong is small, all the people are soldiers. Children of seven or eight years old can go to battle and draw bows. The strength of a single country within the Great Wall is unstoppable.When Emperor Taizu repelled Xi Rong, it was achieved by the whole country after the unification of the six countries.

Ordinary wars do little damage to the nomads, but once the army passes through the Central Plains, it will take years for the people to recover from the damaged fields and houses.

Zhao Muren knew very well that the Six Kingdoms in the Great Wall and Xirong were in a delicate balance.

In the battle of Efang Palace 18 years ago, Da Si Ming and Emperor Taizu took the huge risk of pulling the imperial capital into a sea of ​​flames. Injured vitality, dare not invade the Central Plains for more than ten years.

But now 18 years have passed, the emperor Taizu has died for eight years, the chief commander has died for seven years, and there has been no war on the border for many years. The Northern Wei Dynasty has always swallowed the small invasion of Xirong. Gradually recovered.

This delicate balance has reached saturation.

All it takes is an easy fuse, and the balance is thrown.

In recent years, with the growing strength, Xirong has gradually begun to test the strength of the Central Plains.As the monarch of the six kingdoms, Zhao Muren didn't know how many of these overt and secret temptations were until he took over the throne.

After the death of Da Si Ming, the Six Kingdoms gradually spread all over Xirong.

Zhao Muren still remembers his astonishment when he learned the information from his deceased father. Looking at those secret letters like snowflakes, he stayed up all night and was speechless for a long time.

What shocked him even more was that these temptations were also made in the other five countries. The kings of all countries were well aware of these temptations, but none of the countries made it clear, and they all dealt with the matter secretly.

No one wants to be the first country to start a war.

Because at that time, there must be internal and external troubles, and if one is not handled well, the country will perish.

Zhao Muren took a deep breath, suppressed the turbulent emotions in his heart, and looked at the Xirong people who were among the practitioners in the Central Plains, but their expressions remained unchanged, with cold eyes.

The Xirong people's trip is probably also to spy on the strength of the Central Plains practice circle.

Although he bears the national fate of Soochow and is no longer a wanton general on the battlefield, if Xirong thinks that he can take Soochow first, it is a big mistake.

"I remember that more than ten years ago, the Xirong people dismissed the Taizu's handwriting, saying that the Xirong people could still practice without relying on these." Zhao Muren looked at Chunyu Ye and said calmly, "Why, now I want to read the Taizu's handwriting gone?"

The practitioners in the audience were terrified when they saw the confrontation between the King of Dongwu and the people of Xirong, but when they heard this remark, they all showed sarcasm.

Ji Jiashu, who was originally solemn in the audience, nodded secretly when he heard the words.

His father once told him that the practice of the Xirong people does not belong to the same system as the Central Plains.The practice of the six kingdoms within the Great Wall follows the practice system established by Emperor Taizu. Although it provides a more clear and efficient method of practice, it contains many constraints, such as the prohibition in the body of a practitioner of the heavenly rank, and the curse that the son of God must be loyal to the royal family.

Naturally, Emperor Ying would not introduce his own practice system to Xirong. Twenty years ago, the practitioners of Xirong were still barbaric and not strong. Therefore, Emperor Taizu used the power of practitioners from the Central Plains to severely damage the cavalry of Xirong.

But not long after the founding of the Qin Empire, a local god son appeared in Xirong, which greatly changed this situation.

The Son of God claimed to be able to reach the heavenly ranks without needing the Taizu's Handbook and the rules proposed by Emperor Ying, established a sect, and created his own system.

The Central Plains practitioners originally scoffed at this, but after the appearance of the Son of God, high-level practitioners appeared one after another in Xirong, and their appearance rate was higher than that in the Central Plains, and these practitioners also became an important source of Xirong's fine works.

Ji Jiashu looked at the menacing Xirong people under the altar, and couldn't help but clenched Ying Baoyue's hand.

The Son of God who established the Xirong practice law is the current Xirong National Teacher, the only second-rank practitioner who could compete with the Emperor Taizu back then.

The rank of the eight gods is seventh, and the name is .

Mr. Yunzhong.

(End of this chapter)

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