Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 957 Wildfire

Chapter 957 Wildfire
On the high platform, two women stood side by side.

Xu Bingqing froze without reacting, Ying Baoyue stood still with the sword in its sheath.

But Xu Bingqing was not the only one who froze.

Looking at the pile of broken swords on the stage and Xu Bingqing's bare hilt, most people in the audience froze.

In the end what happened?
Although everyone present is still young, they are already famous practitioners. They have seen hundreds of swordsman battles if not a thousand, but they have never seen such a battle start.

This... should be the beginning, right?

Looking at the former Qin girl standing on the stage with an unchanged expression, the faces of many practitioners who were about to cheer for the Holy Maiden of the Northern Wei Dynasty twisted.

This was originally a battle with great disparity in strength in all aspects.

Regardless of realm, background, fortune, fame, and inheritance of swordsmanship, the princesses of the former Qin Dynasty are not far behind the saints of the Northern Wei Dynasty.

It's not that people haven't thought about the instant kill at the beginning, but that was the case of Xu Bingqing vs. Ying Baoyue.

Even those who have seen Ying Baoyue's performance in the primary ceremony and have a certain amount of confidence in her, did not expect that this battle destined to be difficult for her would have such an opening.

The sword is the arm of the practitioner, and it is another life in the battle. Generally, only in a battle with extremely different strengths can one party break the other's sword.But no one expected that the sword in Xu Bingqing's hand would disappear before the opening.

Not just broken, as the words say.

The pile of broken swords on the stage stimulated the eyes of the practitioners in the audience.

This is the case.

The sword in Xu Bingqing's hand is more appropriately called broken into pieces.

The scene of the dregs of the broken sword falling from the hands of the slender girl is even more shocking.

Seeing this scene, no matter whether it is an enemy or a friend, the practitioners in the audience have only one thought in their minds.

what did she do?
If everyone's eyes read correctly, Ying Baoyue just broke the sword that Xu Bingqing stabbed with all his strength with just one hand.

A practitioner's sword is indestructible. If there is a huge gap in realm, it is still understandable to do such a thing.

But this woman...

Her realm is lower than Xu Bingqing's!
Everything was beyond the common sense of practitioners, and the audience was dead silent.

The moment Ying Baoyue shot was too fast, many people only saw the result but not the process, but there were still a few people who saw the process and were silent at this moment.

Just because you see it doesn't mean you understand it.

But someone didn't "see" it, but understood it.

"Senior brother, she..." He Lancheng firmly held onto the armrest of Tuoba Xun's wheelchair. He had just described to Tuoba Xun what happened on the stage in detail, but he couldn't say anything because of the shock. .

"What is this..."

But at this moment, He Lancheng was shocked to find that Tuoba Xun's face was not shocked.

"Brother, don't you know..."

"En," Tuoba Xun nodded, and before he could answer, a hoarse voice came from beside the two of them.

"The loophole on the Saintess Sword has just been caught."

He Lancheng stared sideways suddenly, and stared at Meng Shi who didn't know when he was standing on the other side of Tuoba Xun.

Mo Hua stood quietly beside Meng Shi, looking at the former Qin girl on the high platform with complicated eyes.

"The stepson really has good eyesight," Tuoba Xun said with a smile as his eyes moved slightly under the white silk.

"There are a total of five loopholes in the sword." Meng Shi stood beside the wheelchair and said calmly. "She was caught and the sword was broken into six pieces, so she kept it."

If Ying Baoyue hadn't used his hands, Xu Bingqing's sword would probably have been reduced to powder.

"What?" He Lancheng was speechless, his mind was full of doubts, Tuoba Xun smiled helplessly, pulled up a barrier, and explained to his junior brother.

This matter is easy to say.

"Junior sister can't control the true energy well," Tuoba Xun said indifferently, "so the true energy doesn't spread all over the sword, and there will inevitably be places where the true energy doesn't flow on the sword."

A sword is a weapon, so it is naturally hard and powerful.

But at the same time the sword is also fragile.

Tuoba Xun quietly held the hilt of his sword by his waist.

The reason why the practitioner's sword is indestructible is because the practitioner will pour true energy into the long sword in his hand during the battle, and the sword thus becomes a part of the practitioner's body.Leaving aside some famous swords with their own true essence, generally speaking, the stronger the true essence of a practitioner, the greater the power of the sword in his hand.

As it should be.

But just like when a person's breathing is interrupted, pouring the true energy in the body into external objects will always be beyond the reach of one's strength.

Just as a burning flame has its strengths and weaknesses, the true energy poured into the sword by the practitioner will also have gaps and weak spots.

But such loopholes are very rare. You must know that pouring true energy into the sword is the foundation of the foundation of swordsmanship.

As soon as a practitioner notices a loophole, he can immediately make up for it, and the weak points on the sword surface are ever-changing and fleeting, basically they cannot be called loopholes.

However, in the battle with that girl, this is the loophole.

Meng Shi's eyes darkened slightly.

If you can seize this moment, which one is stronger, the weak spot on Xu Bingqing's sword and the girl's fingers filled with real energy...

The pile of broken swords on the stage has already told the answer.

"Junior Sister was caught at the moment when her true energy was exhausted on her sword..."

He Lancheng murmured, he understood.

This is indeed a very simple truth, but...

easy to say, hard to do.

The weak point on the sword is fleeting, and if anyone can catch it, breaking the opponent's sword in the battle will become commonplace.

What is even more unbelievable is that the girl actually caught the five loopholes in Xu Bingqing's true essence in an instant!

Even if Xu Bingqing is the opponent, there is indeed a problem with the control of the true essence, but is this really something that ordinary people can do?
A lot of other things, the subtle control and perception of the true essence between the lightning and the flint, this keenness and the speed of the shot...

Is this really a sixth-level practitioner?

"You don't have to doubt, she is indeed at the sixth rank," Tuoba Xun said indifferently, "I can probably feel it when I am at the sixth rank."

"But senior brother, it's because of..." He Lancheng covered his mouth with a slip of the tongue in the middle of speaking.

Tuoba Xun is the disciple of Beihan Pavilion who uses the true essence most skillfully, but no one in Beihan Pavilion will compare with Tuoba Xun in the perception of true essence.

Because everyone knew that Tuoba Xun's sensitivity to true essence was caused by his blindness.

It is impossible for ordinary people to reach the same height as him.

"No problem," Tuoba Xun said flatly.

He was not surprised because she knew who she was.

It was also because he had been surprised before, how could she have a sharper sense than a blind person even though her eyes were normal.

She rescued him from the Great Wall of Eternal Night and taught him that even blind people can practice.He knew she was amazing, but he didn't know why a normal person would understand this.

Facing his puzzlement, he only remembered that girl looked at him and said softly, "If a person often needs to resist the enemy in the dark, then what's the difference between having eyes and not having eyes?"

What's the difference?
The cloud forest is famous for its darkness.

However, when the Xirong cavalry invaded, they would often choose the night before dawn.

A person who grows up in darkness does not need light.

Tuoba Xun raised his head, in his dark field of vision as usual, he seemed to be able to see the high platform, and saw the bright flame that seemed to be burning on the high platform.

She is no longer a fire mage in this life

But she is the moon in the dark.

An unquenchable wildfire.

Only they could hear the conversation of Tuoba Xun and others, and the stage was still silent.

Xu Bingqing couldn't see the flames, all she could see was the dazzling broken sword on the ground.

"Xu Shengnv," Ying Baoyue stood on the high platform and glanced at Xu Bingqing who was stiff behind her, "Do you want to change a sword?"

(End of this chapter)

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