Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 970

Chapter 970
Announcing the main examiner, the main examiner will naturally appear on stage.

Ying Baoyue, Ji Jiashu and the others raised their heads, only to see a middle-aged man in a blue sacrificial attire walking up to the altar and standing respectfully beside Dongfang Yi.

This person looked to be about 40 years old, with a thin body, two beautiful beards, and a gentle manner. He didn't look like a practitioner who killed people with a sword, but a bachelor who had studied hard for many years in an academy.

"This is Wang Jiuyuan?" Chen Zichu said in surprise, "It doesn't look like a practitioner, but a great Confucian."

"How do you know who he is?" Zhao Guang was also surprised, pouted on the scroll, "Isn't it also written on it? Mr. Jiuyuan is still a Bachelor of Hanshan, a civil servant of the third rank."

According to the current official system of the imperial court, court officials are divided into three categories, civil servants, military officials and immortal officials.There are quite a few practitioners who also serve as military officers, but those who also serve as civil servants are rare.

Ying Baoyue looked at the thin middle-aged man on the stage, and a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes.

If she remembers correctly, according to the official system of Soochow Wu, Hanshan Bachelor is equivalent to the Cabinet Grand Bachelor of later generations, and those who are not well-educated and well-educated cannot be appointed.

"Then this Mr. Jiuyuan is actually a master of both civil and martial arts?" Chen Zichu couldn't help but changed his honorific name, and exclaimed, "No wonder he is so arrogant."

This person does have the capital of pride.

"If this person is qualified to be the chief examiner in normal times," Jiang Yuanyuan said, "I don't know who the other deputy chief examiner is?"

With Wang Jiuyuan in front, the practitioners in the audience were obviously also curious about who the other deputy chief examiner who could be on an equal footing with Mr. Jiuyuan would be.

"There should be no practitioners in Soochow who can stand side by side with Mr. Jiuyuan?"

Someone whispered.

At this time, Dongfang Yi on the altar pulled out another scroll, and the scroll rolled down, and seeing the name on it, Ying Baoyue was startled suddenly.



When the twilight was just rising in the south, the bright moon had already risen beside the Great Wall of Eternal Night in the north.

Taking advantage of the cover of night, the little lieutenant who sneaked down from the beacon tower hid in an inconspicuous corner by the city wall, talking to the tall man who was leaning against the wall and pretending to be asleep.

"Didn't I just come here three days ago?" The thin captain frowned and looked at the man, "Why did you come to me again so soon? What happened?"

Clutching a crumpled note in his hand, the man coughed, "Brother, I haven't delivered a letter this month."

The captain opened his eyes wide in astonishment, and immediately suppressed the worry in his heart, and said calmly, "Doesn't this happen twice a year? I guess I saw a caravan somewhere, and went south to do business on a whim." ?”

"Are you coming again?" The man looked a little sad, "Isn't the money in Shanhaiguan not enough for my brother? Why are you running out again?"

The captain was silent, "Guancheng is a border after all, so the money you can make is limited."

"But brother's property is more than that of the owner of Guancheng, right?" The man was puzzled. "Brother is an old bachelor, so why do you want to make money? It used to be fine, but now..."

Seeing the face of the captain in front of him, the civilian husband wisely didn't say any more.

In the past, it was necessary to raise soldiers, but now there is no need for that.

"You came late, I don't know how difficult life was in the army before." The thin captain glanced at him, "The general's soldiers and their military pay are the most easily deducted by the higher-ups. The general's salary and Juelu are all posted to you guys." Group of people."

Soldiers in the army have two steamed buns a day, no oil and no vegetables, and it is a luxury to be able to eat enough.But everyone in the army knew that the soldiers who served as generals not only had enough steamed buns, but also never lacked vegetables and meat. They were the most full and the best.

You can only know how edible those five big and three thick old men are.

And all of this was done when the general was found fault with the deduction of military pay.

"Being eaten by you guys, the general couldn't even afford a silver hairpin before he was 15 years old," the captain glared at the big, tall man who could eat the most back then.

The tall man rubbed his nose and lowered his head in shame.

There is nothing like a royal princess mixed up like this.

However, the one who was wronged was never willing to go back to the imperial city to tell the master, only saying that he had no interest in gold and silver jewelry, and as a result, the group of them could only watch and feel distressed.

"Brother was the thinnest one in the army back then. He was originally exiled to the border as the son of a criminal minister. He was picked up by the general when he was about to starve to death on the side of the road." The captain sighed, "Brother can read and write , It's a pity that his body is not suitable for serving as a soldier at all."

But the general still picked him up and let him serve as a military adviser in the army.

However, the general is very good at the art of war, so he needs military pay more than a military division.

"Later, in the year of General Jiji, Eldest Brother recovered his health and left the frontier army." The captain said, "Before he left, weren't you there? Eldest Brother only said one word, saying that there was him outside."

He's out there.

So they don't need to be afraid of freezing and starvation anymore.

Back then, there were a total of five generals under the general's account, and because they were the oldest, the military adviser who left was honored as the eldest brother by them.

"He is desperately trying to make money, just to let the princess live a life where she can eat delicacies from mountains and seas and wear silk and satin casually."

The captain looked down at the frozen ground beneath his feet.

But one day that person did it, and the girl he promised to make her live a good life was gone.

"Maybe I'm to blame for what happened this time," the little captain quietly raised his head, "I told my elder brother what happened in Soochow during the last correspondence."

The man opened his eyes wide.

"How do you..."

"It's been almost half a month since Heifengtou went out," the captain said helplessly, "Brother asked in the letter if there was any news about Heifeng, so I told him the news that the fourth brother investigated."

Including the incident where someone rode a black wind into the city gate of Soochow.

"Then our guesses..." The man lowered his head.

"I didn't say that," the captain said quietly, "but the eldest brother must have his own judgment in his heart."

"Brother, maybe he wants to take a look with his own eyes," the little captain looked up at the bright moon in the sky.

Take a look at the teenage girl who has risen to fame in recent months.

"Whether it is or not, someone of us has to meet in person."

The little captain patted the civilian husband on the shoulder, and said lightly, "Soochow is also the hometown of the eldest brother, so he must have sense of proportion."

"What can he measure? What can a businessman see?" the man frowned.

"Huh? Don't you know?" the captain said, "The old man who caused eldest brother to be exiled back then seems to have overturned the case and has been reinstated as an official. Unfortunately, he passed away three years ago after suffering in prison. Get a title."

"What title?" The man asked in amazement.

"It seems to be a title of censor, but it's not a doctor censor, it should be a fifth-rank junior censor?" The school captain thought about it.




It was established during the Shang and Zhou dynasties. In the Warring States period, it was originally a position of errands such as the secretary of the monarch. Later, after Qin unified the six kingdoms, it became an official who received foreign guests, checked criminal laws and supervised.

The highest level of censor can be a doctor censor, ranking among the three gongs and nine ministers.

But Yushi, as a senior civil servant next to the monarch, rarely participated in such grand events in the practice world as the middle-level ceremony.

"The other deputy chief examiner is actually a censor?"

Looking at the official position on the scroll on the top of Dongwu Hanshan Mountain, everyone said in amazement.

 During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, the Shiqing Shilu system was implemented. The official positions of senior officials were hereditary.

(End of this chapter)

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