Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 974

Chapter 974
"I thought it was done, but now it seems that it is not." Li Ji looked at him and said calmly, "Send every Xirong person back to the place where they should go, and the work of our ceremony officials will be considered over."

"You're still so serious," Helianyan sneered, "but don't be so nervous, I'll go back right away."

Ji Jiashu gripped the hilt of his sword tightly.

Just now He Lianyan walked up to Ying Baoyue and was about to swing his sword, but Ying Baoyue signaled him not to move with his eyes, so he held back.

Ying Baoyue would signal him this way, which means that this Xirong native is extraordinary.

Ji Jiashu never felt that he would lose to practitioners of the same realm, but now he has also seen some ways.

I am afraid that this person's realm is beyond the fifth rank.

No matter how confident he was in his skills, he couldn't help being afraid of a fourth-rank practitioner, so when Li Ji appeared, Ji Jiashu was slightly relieved.

Even if the acupoints have been sealed with golden needles, Li Ji's realm is at least at the fourth level.

But he didn't expect that Li Ji knew this Xirong man.

Two masked men stood opposite each other in the moonlight, and the scene looked even more weird.

"Since you are going to go back, leave immediately," Li Ji said, staring at Helianyan.

"It's really ruthless, I'm still going to catch up with you," He Lianyan's green pupils in the mask narrowed.

"I have nothing to say to you." Li Ji held the hilt of the Juque sword at his waist, "The Great Court Meeting is over, if you feel that the fight is not enjoyable, I will accompany you at any time."

"True murderer, why didn't I realize you were so belligerent before?" Helianyan glanced around with a half-smile.

"Mr. Zhaohua showed his sharpness today. Even the Northern Wei Dynasty master dared to hold a sword. I dare not fight with you, boy." He Lianyan yawned, and his eyes slowly swept over Ying Baoyue and Ji Jiashu, " But not everyone has the power to protect themselves like Mr. Zhao Hua."

Sensing that his gaze was on her, Ying Baoyue's expression did not change.But at the next moment, when she found that this person was still looking at Ji Jiashu, the hairs on her back suddenly stood up.

Murong Feilan's warning suddenly appeared in her mind.

"What exactly do you want to do?" Li Ji's knuckles pressed against the mouth of the scabbard, and with a click, the scabbard of the Juque sword was unsealed.

"Don't do anything," He Lianyan laughed. "The Intermediate Ceremony will start in three days. This is the first time for Xirong to participate in the Intermediate Ceremony. I'm just a little excited."

This person's emerald green eyes were like two gemstones exuding air-conditioning, and there was no trace of excitement.

"Since I'm excited, Mr. Helian should go back to rest early," Li Ji said calmly, "I won't see you off."

"It's a long time to come, we'll see you in three days."

He Lianyan put away his smile, cast a final glance at Ying Baoyue, and brushed past Li Ji.



It wasn't until Zhao Guang, who had been watching He Lianyan leave completely, that he had been afraid to let out a breath, let out a breath.

"Phew, I almost suffocated me. What's wrong with this guy?" Zhao Guang touched the goosebumps on his arms, "I've been laughing all the time, but it's so chilly."

The king Zhai who was at the head of Xirong before spoke with a strange accent, but He Lianyan spoke Chinese very fluently. If it weren't for those eyes, he would look just like the people on the Great Wall.

But the more so, the more he listened to this man, the colder Zhao Guang's back became.Once looking directly at those green pupils, it feels like being stared at by a wolf.

Why does this person feel more terrifying than the notorious Ghost Huajun?
They also wear masks, but He Lianyan and Li Ji have completely different auras.

Because of Li Ji, Zhao Guang was used to looking at people wearing masks since he was a child, but today it was the first time he felt that people wearing masks were creepy.

"It's right to be cool," Li Ji glanced at him, and with a click, the Juque sword was put back into its sheath, "You must stay away from this person in the future."

With Zhao Guang's morality, he was eaten enough to leave no bones left.

"Yeah, I have nothing to do to provoke him," Zhao Guang nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, "I can't even avoid the people of Xirong."

Since he was a child, he was most afraid of the word Xirong, and he rarely dared to touch Xirong when he collected information.

Hearing Zhao Guang's words, Li Ji glanced at Zhao Guang's eyes, complex emotions flashed in his eyes, and finally said nothing, just nodded.

Ying Baoyue noticed the slight change in Li Ji's mood, and her eyes swept over Zhao Guang, thoughtful.

At this time Li Ji strode towards her and Ji Jiashu.

"Are you two all right?"

He put on a businesslike tone, and Ji Jiashu closed his sword and clasped his fists.

"Thank you Dong Wu for your help," he said calmly, "We were about to go back when this person suddenly appeared, but fortunately he didn't do anything."

"Well," Li Ji said, "It's getting late, you two should go back early."

"What about you?" Ying Baoyue looked at Zhao Guang, "Before I left, I made duck porridge for supper, do you want to eat some together?"

"Okay, okay," Li Ji didn't say anything, Zhao Guang immediately agreed.

At the banquet, his stomach hurts from pushing and changing glasses, he is not full at all!
"Your Highness is still careful," Zhao Guang grabbed the person next to him, "Second brother, it's too late and I'm afraid of walking alone at night, so let's go together."

Li Ji choked on his lips when he wanted to refuse.

Ying Baoyue smiled. At this time, Chen Zi, Chu Ji, Qingyuan and the others could not wait for them to come from a distance with torches.Seeing the figures of Ji Ange and others, Zhao Guang smiled and waved his hands, his men became stronger and pulled Li Ji away.

Both Ying Baoyue and Ji Jiashu smiled, and walked into the crowd.

Everyone happily set foot on the way home together.

Chen Zichu, Xu Yishan and others didn't know about the episode that happened before, but when they saw Ji Jiashu approaching, Chen Zichu patted him on the shoulder and shouted, "It's too slow! I thought you, an all-rounder in civil and military affairs, would be left behind by some great Confucian What about the closed disciples!"

"You flatter me too much," Ji Jiashu smiled wryly, "I didn't show anything today."

"You should be humble," Chen Zichu said, "who doesn't know that you can do everything, to be honest, I feel terrified when I think of the water battle three days later, but you dare to send a letter to the Northern Wei Guoshi in the name of water battle, I really admire you admire."

Ying Baoyue's heart skipped a beat when he heard this.

Ever since she heard about this fiancé's name in the former Qin Dynasty, she had heard that Ji Jiashu could do everything and was called an all-rounder.

Moreover, Ji Jiashu is also impeccable in his style of life. He is not close to women and does not like to have fun. He has no desires and desires. He grew up in a high-pressure environment since he was a child. black hands.

Rather, which practitioner on the Shanhai Continent would dare to attack Ji Mo's only legitimate son?
If you want to prevent assassination, you need to start from the perspective of the assassin.

Ying Baoyue is proficient in the way of assassination, she knows very well that from the point of view of an assassin, Ji Jiashu is the most difficult bone to strike.

Few weaknesses.

That's why she never worried about Ji Jiashu's accident before.

"I always hear you say that, but I'm a little curious, Jiashu, what can you do?" Ying Baoyue suddenly interjected.

"Something you don't know?" Ji Jiashu was taken aback when he heard this.

"You're going to ask us Mr. Chunhua now," Chen Zichu laughed, "But if you talk about those fun things like running around with cats and dogs, Jiashu probably doesn't know anything about it, except for these..."

"Is there anything related to the water battle?" Ying Baoyue interrupted him and asked quietly.

Chen Zichu laughed and frowned, "It's related to the water battle..."

"Jia Shu, how is your water quality?" Ying Baoyue asked.

Practitioners from Southern Chu were stunned for a moment.

There are many mountains in Southern Chu and not much water, not to mention that fire mages are naturally at odds with water, and most of the practitioners in Southern Chu are not familiar with the nature of water.

But practitioners can hold their breath, and the higher the level of practitioners, the longer they can hold their breath, and they will not drown even if they don't know how to swim. Why did she ask that?
"Although it may not necessarily affect the water battle," Ji Jiashu looked at Ying Baoyue after a moment of silence and said, "If I have no realm, I'm not good at swimming."

Ying Baoyue's heart tightened.

No, this is it.

 Baby Jiashu is theoretically a landlubber, but to defend our perfect Chunhua Jun, he is not good at it, but not good at it.Just like the inland people practiced in the swimming pool, it is difficult to compare with the water quality of the people who grew up by the sea, and often they can't move after being hit by a wave.

(End of this chapter)

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