Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 979 Treasure Hunt

Chapter 979 Treasure Hunt
30 seconds.

It can be called the speed of life and death.

What's more, this 30 seconds is not only enough to reach the city wall, but also to climb up.

Ying Baoyue took out a round bag of things from her arms.

"What is this?" Ji Jiashu asked.

"Glutinous rice dumpling." Ying Baoyue said, "It's used to climb walls."

"This..." Ji Jiashu was stunned. She took out a bag from her arms to eat at such an urgent time. He thought she was hungry, but he didn't expect that she would use this to climb the wall?
"You are a magician, there is a better way." Ying Baoyue glanced at him, followed his ear, and whispered something quickly in his ear.

Following her soft words, Ji Jiashu opened his eyes a little bit.

"This is the skill I learned from the lightning man who caused me to fall off the cliff." Ying Baoyue straightened up, opened the bag, took out two balls and stuffed them for him.

"I don't know how much you can master in such a short time. If you lose your strength, use this."

After speaking, Ying Baoyue stuffed Li Ji with four more, "Your realm is high, these are probably enough."

Fortunately, she brought enough dumplings tonight, otherwise she really doubted whether she could climb the high wall of Jianzhang Palace.

Don't underestimate glutinous rice. In the era when there was no cement, glutinous rice mortar is the secret of ancient Chinese architecture for thousands of years.

When the Great Wall of Eternal Night was being built, Ying Baoyue saw people mix glutinous rice with slaked lime and limestone to make a paste, and then filled it in the gaps in the masonry to make a super-strength "glutinous rice mortar" .

The world she lived in in her previous life had a "Great Wall" with a longer history. Experts in that world discovered glutinous rice from the wall glue of the Ming Great Wall.Glutinous rice mortar is considered to be the main bonding material of the Great Wall, and this strong bonding material is also considered to be the reason why the Great Wall has not collapsed for thousands of years.

After she returned to this world, she carefully made these glutinous rice dumplings with the ingredients of glutinous rice mortar for emergencies, and it just came in handy tonight.

Li Ji silently stared at the unattractive dumpling in his hand. Ordinary thieves who climbed the wall used some kind of iron hook with hundreds of claws, and practitioners even used swords. This was the first time he saw someone climbing the wall with glutinous rice dumpling.

Why does this girl do all kinds of weird things, it's just like...

Li Ji was startled for a moment, shaking out the familiarity that suddenly appeared in his mind.

what happened to him?
How could he still think about other things in such an urgent time?

"Okay, there are two breaths left, hurry up!"

At this time, Ying Baoyue gave a soft shout, and rushed to the palace wall first, regardless of whether he had a bottom line in his heart, the others bit the bullet and wanted to go.

Ji Jiashu gritted his teeth and rushed after her, Li Ji put away his thoughts and followed closely.

The three jumped up with the first breath, reaching the height of three people in an instant.

This is not difficult for practitioners. As long as it is the wall of an ordinary house, practitioners above the sixth level can jump over it.But tonight they were facing a palace wall as high as ten feet, and the three of them only reached one-fifth of the way with this jump.

With a soft click, Ying Baoyue's hands were tightly attached to the palace wall.

Although after special modification, the stickiness of glutinous rice balls is of course limited, but as long as the posture and timing are adjusted, this stickiness is enough for practitioners.

Ji Jiashu jumped higher at the beginning, but at first he wanted to try the technique of attaching to the wall that Ying Baoyue said, so he fell a little bit, and he didn't use a ball until his hands lost his strength.

It actually... really works.

Li Ji, who was slightly higher than Ying Baoyue, stared at the meatball firmly glued to the palace wall under his palm and was speechless.

He... seems to have learned some new skills.

But before the two of them were surprised, Ying Baoyue had already clasped the wall seam with one hand and the meatball with the other, and crawled towards the top of the wall like a gecko.

So fast!

Li Ji looked at the figure of the girl above and took a deep breath.

In his realm, he only needs to borrow a little bit of strength to lift himself up. After mastering the method, he quickly climbed side by side with Ying Baoyue on the wall.

But his realm is two levels higher than Ying Baoyue's, so it's amazing that Ying Baoyue can maintain the same speed as him.

If there is a wall-climbing competition, she should be able to win the first place...

Just when the two climbed to the middle, Ji Jiashu caught up.

Looking at his hand that was attached to the wall before leaning against the dumpling, Li Ji's eyes were slightly startled, and then he narrowed his eyes for a moment.

He could naturally sense the tiny flow of true energy in Ji Jiashu's palm, and small electric sparks would pass by from time to time.

"So that's it," he looked at Ying Baoyue and said silently, "Is this Helianyan's technique?"

It was this trick that Helianyan was able to climb up the cliff where Beihan Pavilion was located without making a sound.

That person certainly didn't expect his housekeeping skills to be discovered by others, and he even taught it to the son of the Southern Chu State Teacher.

Ying Baoyue smiled, "As expected of Jiashu, she understood so quickly."

Compared with Ji Jiashu's terrifying understanding of speed, what's even more frightening is that you are obviously a water magician, and you can see the tricks of other thunder magicians' skills at a glance, right?

Li Ji silently cursed in his heart.

With the last three seconds left, all three of them reached near the top of the wall, but at this moment, a strong wind suddenly blew along the wall.

And at this moment, Ying Baoyue just ran out of glutinous rice dumplings.

Suddenly a strong light shot from inside the wall, just in time to sweep the light from Ying Baoyue's eyes.

The girl's figure flickered on the wall.

"Embrace the moon!"


Ji Jiashu burst out with true energy, turned over suddenly and climbed up the palace wall, and reached out to the girl who fell backward under the wall.

He grabbed the clothes on Ying Baoyue's left shoulder, and a figure flashed past him like a kite, Li Ji also climbed up the palace wall, and grabbed her right hand.

Ying Baoyue stabilized her figure in an instant.

It was only then that Ji Jiashu realized that she had pulled out an iron chisel with her left hand at some point, and inserted it firmly into the crack in the wall.

Ying Baoyue raised her head and smiled at the two of them. Li Ji stretched out her hand and pulled it. She pulled out the iron rod and jumped, and the next moment she fell into the arms of Ji Jiashu on the wall.

"Lie down!" she said softly.

The footsteps of soldiers came from under the palace wall, and Ji Jiashu lay stiffly flat on the top of the palace wall, trying to keep his body as flat as possible.

The two are like two pies stacked on top of each other.

The sound of the soldiers' footsteps faded away, Ying Baoyue sat up from Ji Jiashu, and exhaled, "It's really safe and sound."

Where did she see that she was safe?
Li Ji, who was lying on the side, got up and looked at her silently, "You almost fell to pieces just now."

Ying Baoyue put the iron rod into her arms, "It's okay, I won't fall that easily."

She has actually been climbing since the screening of the fourth palace.

Jixia's banquet, the primary ceremony, the intermediate ceremony, countless people below hoped that she would fall.

Past and Present.

She and Master have been walking on a path of no return.

Winners and losers, there is no way to turn back.

But in this life, no one will ever support her no matter what troubles she causes.

So she won't look back, and she won't be afraid.

However, at this moment, someone flicked her forehead suddenly.

with a snap.

"I know you have means to save your life, but don't make people worry too much," Li Ji withdrew his hand, looked at her and said calmly.

But the next moment he looked at Ying Baoyue's hand covering his forehead, his eyes were stunned for a moment.

What did he just do?
Li Ji stared blankly at his own hands that rose up spontaneously.

Ying Baoyue was stunned for a moment as she covered her forehead.

She was not angry, but shocked.

Because in her previous life, her master would flick her forehead like this when she was angry.

After all, Master was never willing to beat her.

"That's right, you're not afraid, I'm still afraid," Ji Jiashu's voice buzzed from below, interrupting the embarrassment between the two.

Ying Baoyue immediately turned over and stepped aside, "Sorry, I crushed you?"

 something is wrong, something is wrong
(End of this chapter)

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