Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 990

Chapter 990

"Who is this person?"

"Is this the censor?"

"It looks so shabby, doesn't it? Could it be that he just recovered? It feels like this official won't last long."

Seeing this middle-aged scribe, everyone was stunned for a moment, and then they talked a lot the next moment.

Ji Jiashu in the crowd suddenly felt the aura of Ying Baoyue standing beside him change for a moment.

When seeing the middle-aged scribe, Ying Baoyue held his breath.

With her back facing the billowing waves, there was a sea breeze full of water vapor blowing between people, but when she saw him, billowing yellow sand appeared in front of her eyes.

After returning to this world, she met many old people, but this was the first time she met someone who belonged to her in the previous life.

Of course he probably doesn't know who she is yet.

"I'm old but not talented, this is the main examiner of this intermediate ceremony," Dongfang Yi stood in the center of the altar, and Wang Jiuyuan and the middle-aged scribes around him stepped forward together, standing on the left and right of Dongfang Yi respectively.

"I'm Wang Jiuyuan, the deputy chief examiner."

"I'm Qian Bofang, who is also the deputy chief examiner and chief supervisor."

The two deputy chief examiners stepped forward to introduce themselves, and the practitioners in the audience bowed and saluted one after another.


Ying Baoyue lowered her head and smiled. She had been with him for nearly ten years, and she hadn't really pronounced this man's name very much. She, Mei Niang and others were used to calling him by his nickname.

Bofang's expression is very interesting.

After everyone saw the ceremony, the middle-level ceremony officially began.

Dongfang Yi stood on the altar, repeated the rules introduced at the Great Court Meeting, and then held up a wood carving in the shape of the Azure Dragon God in his hand.

"This is the token hidden on Xiaoyao Island. There are a total of [-] tokens on the island. Each has a different inscription on it. It cannot be forged. Only when you return to the shore with this token will the trial be over. .”

eight hundred.

Ying Baoyue exhaled, there were a total of more than a thousand practitioners participating in the intermediate ceremony this year, which meant that even if everyone could land on Xiaoyao Island, not all of them could get wood carvings.

At least 200 more will be eliminated.


Ying Baoyue looked at the wood carving in Dongfang Yi's hand. If she guessed correctly, the wood carving fire magician could easily destroy it.

It must be obtained before it is destroyed.

It is not an exaggeration to call this round a trial.

This is a very cruel trial.

"Once you enter the water, life and death are your fate, and you will not be held responsible. It's too late for you to regret it," Dongfang Yi said in a deep voice.

"Our Soochow will arrange rescue soldiers on the shore. If anyone wants to give up halfway, just hold up or light the map you just received, and someone will come to rescue you."

They also specially arranged for lifeguards. Soochow is more humane than Nanchu.

Ying Baoyue glanced at Zhao Muren who was sitting at the head, and secretly praised.

"Cultivators who are determined to continue participating now come here to draw lots and decide where to stand on the shore later." Wang Jiuyuan and Qian Bofang brought a lottery box together.

It is impossible for so many people to go into the water in a mess. There must be a sequence. In order to avoid confusion, the order of launching is determined by lottery.

Ying Baoyue glanced at the teenagers around her. Although some people's hands were shaking, none of them flinched.

She went to draw lots together with Ji Jiashu and the others, and when they opened it, they were in the order of the front and the back. The difference was not big, but the positions were scattered.

"Baoyue, what number are you on?" Ji Jiashu asked,

"530 six." Ying Baoyue said, this order is neither forward nor backward, but it is not bad.

Soochow people have long placed numbers on the shore with stones, lined up along the coastline, and lined up in two rows. Even if they stand at the back and outside, the time for entering the water with the first row in the middle will not be too different. big.

"I'm at 310," Ji Jiashu said, "Then I'll pass by, you must be careful."

Ying Baoyue nodded, took the number plate and walked towards her position. After standing still, no one came over on both sides, so she first looked around for other people's positions.

Among them, Chen Zichu had the best luck and was in the best position. In the middle of the first row, Xu Yishan, Chen Zihan, and Guichen were not far away, and Ji Jiashu and her were outside. Zhao Guang was unlucky in the back right. And at the very side, Ying Baoyue finally saw Li Ji's figure.

I am afraid that this position was not drawn by him, but Li Ji chose the most side position to stand there from the beginning.

Soochow can be regarded as fully demonstrating its fairness, and the county king and the son of the national teacher were squeezed aside.

But at the very side on the other side, Ying Baoyue also saw someone she didn't want to see.

Helianyan's Bitong looked over, and she silently looked away.

Others, some acquaintances, Meng Shi, Mo Hua, Xu Bingqing, etc. were all mixed in the crowd, and the practitioners who kept finding their places were like ducks before entering the water, and they lined up in two neat rows on the coast.

Sure enough, although the conditions for this round were harsh and dangerous, it was the first round after all, and very few people gave up.

Ying Baoyue was also standing at position 530 at the same time. Seeing the person coming, she opened her eyes in surprise.

It was Ying Xun.

Ying Xun was obviously also a little surprised, but before their cousins ​​could talk about the past, Dongfang Yi's solemn voice came from the high platform.

"It's auspicious time!"

The large sleeves of Dongfang Yi's toga fluttered with the sea breeze, and the old man waved his hand violently.

"The first round of the Intermediate Class Ceremony in the Seventh Year of the Warring States Period has officially begun!"

"Go into the water!"

Drums sounded from the shore, and with Dongfang Yi's order, all the young practitioners jumped into the water one after another!

It's really like a duck diving into the water.

Ying Baoyue was standing in the second row. After the person in front jumped down, she also stepped forward and jumped into the icy sea water.

The sea immediately engulfed her.

Their ears were filled with the sound of water, and they lost the support of the land under their feet. At this moment, no one was in the mood to look at their companions. Holding back their mouths and noses from being stimulated by the salty sea water, everyone swam desperately in one direction.

Standing on the high platform on the shore, you can see everything on the sea at a glance. You can see countless small dots rushing towards the east, gradually converging into a tide composed of the heads of practitioners. You can see that there are many small dots They kept falling or getting lost from the edge of the crowd, but in front of the crowd, there were a few practitioners who swam extremely fast, took the lead, opened a fan, and led the whole team forward.

"The quality of practitioners in this class is really good," Dongfang Yi stood on the high platform watching this scene and said with emotion, "Luck is also good."

At this time, the sea breeze was blowing eastward, and the practitioners were swimming along with the tide, and the fan-shaped team formed spontaneously was not interrupted by the waves, and it looked quite neat.

"It's better for young people to go through some storms," ​​Wang Jiuyuan said on the sidelines, "this time it's a good deal for them."

"Based on this momentum, about 800 people will be able to land on the island." Dongfang Yi said, "Even if they land on the island, they may not be able to get out of the labyrinth forest. There are many tests. It is a good thing that safety at sea can be guaranteed."

Zhao Muren nodded, his eyes fixed on the sea, but at this moment, his pupils shrank.

He didn't know if he was wrong, but behind the team of practitioners, he suddenly saw a huge black shadow flashing past under the sea.

 This scene comes to mind, it's so scary

(End of this chapter)

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