Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 995 Coordinates

Chapter 995 Coordinates
The tattoo on the collarbone is hot.

Soaked in the turbulent seawater, Ying Baoyue held the semi-conscious Ying Xun with one hand, and tightly covered her left chest with the other.

The tattoo there burned her hand like a branding iron, but she never let go.

Ying Longshen's huge claws pressed down like a hill, she swam to the side suddenly, narrowly dodged, but was pushed into the sea by the stirred up sea water, and before she could show her head, there was another wave of wind and water Claw strikes.

"Embrace the moon!"

whose voice is this?

By the way, it's Li Ji.

In the violent wind and rain, she heard Li Ji's voice, and she knew who the "she" Li Ji was talking about was.

Just don't know if he meant "it" or "she".

Or should it be "he".

If it was "her", Li Ji might even retain the memory of seeing Teng Snake's avatar, and it is really hidden. Next time, I have to talk to Teng Snake...

With the sea water pouring upside down, Ying Baoyue swam away from Xiaoyao Island little by little, thinking about these seemingly unrelated little things.

"Hold the moon, hurry up!"

She could hear Li Ji's voice, sandwiched between the wind and the sea, and she saw him struggling to approach her in the waves, but every time he was opened by the waves, his realm was limited, and he was only ranked fourth at this time. In the storm that was raised, it was probably the first time he had tasted what it means to be powerless.

It is precisely because of this that he said that sentence.

Human beings are powerless to fight against the gods unless they call on the gods.

It's a call, not a call.

Beast God is not a summoned beast.

Although in the memory of her previous life, Teng Snake was really like a summoned beast to her master, but she never forgot that he is a god.

With the support of the four directions, protect the sky in the four directions.

In the mythology, the gods are cruel, but in Ying Baoyue's view, the gods are generous.

Just like the Taizu Emperor Yingdi not only dragged the Eight Beast Gods into the water for a little while, but also participated in the human war, just like her master was not afraid of Teng Snake's appearance, Teng Snake gave them their sincerity.

Just like the sins done by humans burned to the gods, Teng Snake still wanted to save her.

In the salty and bitter sea water, Ying Baoyue raised her head. In her blurred vision, she saw the wings of the Soaring Snake swaying on Yinglong's back, and saw the fat and dark body of the giant beast no longer radiant. With golden scales, Teng Snake's words sounded in his ears.

"Ying Long, it's really happy."

"You haven't seen it much, have you? That guy looks like a dragon, but his temperament feels more gentle than our snakes. In your master's words, he is like a salted fish hahaha."

"It's not young, but Qinglong protects it and lives like a child. It doesn't have any ambitions. It basks in the sun on the beach every day. It has been in peace with us snakes for thousands of years."

It has been peaceful for thousands of years, so why did such a dragon with a temperament like salted fish suddenly fall into evil ways and snatch the wings of the flying snake?

It is the gods who will fall into the evil way, but it will always be human beings who will cause the gods to fall and make the gods fall into the evil way.

Ying Baoyue still remembered that when the White Dog God fell into evil ways, that was when the national teacher of Xirong became the son of God.

A son of God can only serve one god at most. She doesn't know who owes Yinglong God's current state, but Teng Snake lost her wings seven years before her master died, and Yinglong God disappeared five years ago .

Since Soochow had sacrificed to Yinglong God, they wouldn't even know that it had extra wings. Looting is a sign of evil, and Dongfang Yi's shrewdness must be able to detect it.

Soochow did not discover something wrong with Yinglongshen in advance, which proved that Yinglongshen was normal five years ago.

So in the two years' time difference, who owns the wings of the Soaring Snake?
Where did the sword made of soaring snake wings and feathers that she saw in Murong Heng's hand come from?

And who was it that put the wings of the flying snake on Yinglong's body?
Ying Baoyue didn't know who it was, but she knew that there must be human handwriting in it.

This is all the sins of human beings.

Someone made Yinglong God go crazy, and let him pick this time to appear and attack young practitioners, especially...


Chen Zichu's exclamation sounded not far away, Ying Baoyue's pupils shrank, and he looked suddenly, only to see a giant tail breaking through the water and slashing towards Ji Jiashu who was helping other practitioners!
Ji Jiashu dodged at an extremely fast speed, but was pushed into the bottom of the sea by the waves.

Before he could show his head, another tail appeared, as if determined to keep him submerged in the water forever.

The dragon's tail is the place where the dragon hurts the most, but it was assigned to deal with Ji Jiashu alone. Ying Baoyue didn't know whether to worry about him or be honored, but she could faintly see the light of water-repelling beads in the turbid waves, which made her relax. tone.

She was really thankful at this time that she had prepared for a rainy day.

Just as the water-avoiding beads flickered, Yinglongshen's movements seemed to stop for an instant.

Haven't completely lost your sanity yet?Or feel the breath of its big brother?
"Embrace the moon!"

At this moment, a hand grabbed her shoulder, and Ying Baoyue looked over, but Li Ji finally swam to her side through the wind and waves.

He was able to swim against the current to her side from the most marginal position. Are all people in Soochow so good at swimming?
"What are you doing?"

Before she could say what she was thinking, she saw that the black eyes in Li Ji's mask had rarely lost their composure, "Ying Longshen will target you next, why didn't you call her?"

Li Ji has too many things to say to her.

Why not call on the Teng Snake God?
Why not turn to the gods?
"Yeah, why," Ying Baoyue looked at him in the waves and smiled, "You came just in time, I have someone to ask you for."

After finishing speaking, she suddenly pushed Ying Xun in her hand into Li Ji's arms.

"Embracing the moon?"


At this moment, Ying Xun, who had been semi-conscious, woke up by chance, and instinctively grabbed Ying Baoyue's skirt.

"Either sink, or follow this person," Ying Baoyue looked at Ying Xun and smiled, "I guarantee that you will be fine after you wake up in the next quarter of an hour."

"Cousin..." Ying Xun was speechless, but Ying Baoyue put away her smile and looked at him seriously.

"Xun'er, listen!"

Ying Xun suddenly let go of his hand, Ying Baoyue stepped on the water with both feet, and left the two of them in an instant. Ying Xun found that the man behind him wanted to catch up, but stopped when he saw her raising her hand.

The girl tightly clutched her collarbone, and the next moment she scratched hard at the tattoo.

"do not come!"

Li Ji didn't know whether he was talking to him or the god in a distant place.

"Embrace the moon!"

What is she going to do?
In the breaking waves, Ying Baoyue swam forward desperately, she could feel the awakened ancient god moving slowly, following behind her.

Why sacrifice?

The so-called sacrifice is actually to give the god a coordinate, so that the god can find the person he wants to find in the vast sea of ​​people.

The so-called engraving of the gods is a simplified version of the sacrifice, and the engraving itself can convey the position of the coordinates to the gods.

Right now.

She cut off the coordinates of Heteng Snake.

 He: A third-person pronoun specifically referring to a deity.

(End of this chapter)

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