Chapter 1015 A Fateful Encounter ([-])

If you don't want to live, then don't live.

It's a big deal, she went to plead guilty to the Queen Mother herself.

You know, in the mortal world, fairies lose their fairy clothes, and they are not as good as mortals.

After a long time, the fairy bones will disappear.

This is simply mortal hatred!

The fairy in red is even more angry!
Cowherd was so frightened that he collapsed on the ground, trembling like chaff.

The old scalper never said that the fairy in the sky would be so hot-tempered.

He, he was afraid.

Sheng Ge happily watched the play, what if she jumped off and was treated as a hooligan monkey?
She still has to learn from a teacher to practice and become the most powerful monkey in the world.

As for the Cowherd, he deserved it.

It is still a violation of heaven to commit evil, and one cannot live by committing evil.


She is also the most cultured monkey in the world.

Listen to her words and sentences, isn't she better than a cowherd?

Even her little monkey from the barren mountain can't compare to her, and she still wants to use dirty means to marry a fairy?
Give him face!

The cowherd was trembling and shaking his head.

"I really don't know anything."

Life and death, what else to do, of course, continue to play dumb.

The disdain in the red fairy's heart was even stronger, her eyes flickered, looking thoughtfully at the blood on the cowherd's body.

"You killed the star official who came down to earth."

"Is it right?"

The fairy in red affirmed.

"Then you're going to die too."

The fairy in red clasped her hands on her chest, looking down at the cowherd.

This kind of guy who steals, cheats, covets life and fears death will not cry when he sees the coffin, so he has to scare him.

While speaking, the fairy in red raised her hand.

The Cowherd cried out and subconsciously begged for mercy, "No, that's not the case."

"Weaver Girl, save me."

"It's the old scalper who died of old age."

Afraid of being killed by the fairy in red, the Cowherd told the plan of him and the old scalper like beans in a bamboo tube.

Weaver Girl: !?(_;?
After listening to Cowherd's words, Zhinu's usual soft and gentle expression suddenly turned frosty, and her whole person was like ice in the cold sky, exuding an aura that strangers should not get close to.

She is gentle, easy to bully?
Just because she is kind to others, she will be considered weak and deceitful.

She is indeed a little tired of weaving brocade and clouds in the sky day after day, but she has never moved her heart, let alone marrying such a useless cowherd boy as his wife.

Listen to what the cowherd said, is that a wife?
It was clear that he wanted to find a maid who was not only free but also made money.


Zhinu gritted her silver teeth tightly, and her body trembled slightly, but thousands of years of self-cultivation made it difficult for her to act out of line.


The red-clothed fairy frowned, "Does this Taurus star official not want to return to the Heavenly Court?"

"Still think that this thing can be done without anyone noticing?"

The red-clothed fairy secretly thought, how likely is it to kill this Taurus official?

Originally, he made a mistake and was demoted to the earth, so it's fine if he doesn't want to repent, but he even plots against Weaver Girl for the sake of the gluttonous and lazy Cowherd.

Also said that the cowherd is honest, kind and hardworking, a good match?
That's it?

That's it?

The red-clothed fairy looked at the cowherd who was sitting slumped on the ground dripping with tears, and kicked the cowherd in disgust.

The crisp sound, I don't know where it was broken.

"Where's the cowhide?"

Going back to the heavenly court to sue, there must be evidence.

"It's hidden in a basket in the corner of the cowshed." The cowherd didn't dare to lie.

"I've told you everything I know, let me go."

"The old scalper instigated me to do it. What man in the world doesn't want to marry a fairy as his wife."

"I also didn't resist the temptation, and that's why I made a big mistake."

Cowherd cried heart-piercingly.

I don't know if it's fear or pain.

Cowherd himself believed the lies he told, and felt more and more innocent.

"Immortals should protect mortals. How can you be worthy of the offerings of mortals?"

"Let me go."

Seeing that Cowherd didn't repent at all, Zhinu hated her so much, she took a step forward and slapped him across the face.

Cowherd: Σ (дlll)

It was Zhinu who did it?

The old scalper's mouth is gentle and virtuous?
"It's not just me peeking."

Niulang pointed to where Sheng Ge was, and shouted loudly, "There are still people in that tree."

"This fruit fell from that tree."

There was deep resentment and resentment in Cowherd's voice. If it weren't for this broken fruit, he would have hidden Weaver Girl's green fairy clothes by now.

As soon as the rest of the people leave, he will be on the bed with his wife and children.

The fairy in red turned her fingers back, and red brilliance came from her fingertips, pointing directly at the big tree where Sheng Ge was.

When did this Bilian Lake have so many voyeurs?

Sheng Ge fell from the tree with a bagful of fruit, her eyes were bright and pure.

She's just a monkey!

The fairies froze.

Sheng Ge very familiarly distributed the fruit in the cloth pocket to the fairies, it was very sweet.

Seeing that it was a monkey, the expressions of the fairies gradually softened.

"I didn't want to peek, I just wanted to remind you."

Shengge spoke sweetly, trying hard to get close.

She also wanted to ask the fairies about the way to the Xieyue Sanxing Cave on Fangcun Mountain in Lingtai.

They are all immortals and Buddhas, so they should be more or less friendly.

"Or is it a little female monkey who has opened up her intelligence and can speak human words?"

Sheng Ge: This name is inexplicably harsh.

The cowherd's face was completely black, and his peak life was ruined by a monkey.

"This is the hide of an old scalper."

Shengge once again borrowed flowers to offer Buddha.

The fairy in red took the cowhide, split it in two, put one half away, and put the other half on the cowherd.

The hand gesture was reversed, and the yellow cowhide and the cowherd were tightly attached together.

His flesh and blood squirmed, and for a moment, he didn't know whether to call him an old scalper or a cowboy.

"Like getting something for nothing?"

"Like eating and waiting to die?"

"Like being smart?"

"Then be an old scalper, and when you completely change your mind, when will you shed this skin."

When the fairy in red casually showed her hand, Sheng Ge's eyes suddenly sparkled.

so amazing!
Is this the mystery of practice?
She doesn't care, she has to learn!

After this matter is over, she will leave this barren mountain to learn art from a teacher.

The cowherd was powerless and furious at the moment, and the newly transformed hooves kept pawing the ground.

After such a long delay, the sky is getting darker and darker, and the sunset glow will be hidden in the clouds.

"The kindness of helping each other, we remember it in our hearts, what can we do for you?"

Especially Zhinu, her tone was extraordinarily solemn.

She is the old scalper and the cowherd's scheming target. If it weren't for the monkey's disturbance, she might have to watch her sisters die now, but she can only stay in the mortal world and be taken home by the cowherd forcefully.

Washing and cooking, washing hands to make soup, and weaving to make clothes.


"I happen to have one thing."

Shengge couldn't be more polite.

This may be the closest she is to the fairy, and she must not miss this opportunity.

"I want to practice!"

(End of this chapter)

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