When the live broadcast of Kuaichuan is in progress

Chapter 102 The butcher Hu who wants to change his career is on the shelves

Chapter 102 Hu Butcher Who Wants to Change His Job ([-]) Released Second Change
"Father Hu, it took Fan Jin more than 30 years to become a scholar, how many years did it take to become a master of juren."

Which pot is not opened and which pot is lifted...

"I don't know if the examiner saw that Fan Jin was getting old, so he couldn't bear to let him pass."

Sheng Ge frowned, how can this young man poke at people's hearts with his words.


Speaking of which, being a scholar is just the most basic status among scholars. If you don't bring wealth or power, you won't be respected much.

Raising a person is like a hurdle. If you cross that hurdle, you will rise and your status will be different.

Sheng Ge felt that instead of listening to this young man's criticism here, he might as well go and see Fan Jin, and he needed to ask some questions by the way.

She felt that the relationship between her father-in-law and Fan Jin was inexplicably complicated...

They are similar in age and can be brothers...

Now she asks the other party for knowledge, and can be regarded as a teacher and a student...

In the future, maybe they will be classmates again, colleagues...

Hehehe, the more I think about it, the more complicated it gets.

"Little brother, uncle, I have something else to do, let's go first."

"If you have time, let's talk about life."

Shengge adjusted the book basket on her back, and said lovingly.

Shengge imagined Ning Caichen dressed up as a scholar in A Chinese Ghost Story, and then looked at him in the reflection in the pool, and it was another knowing blow...

No matter how you dress up, you are a bad old man.

However, there are advantages to being old, at least you can call yourself a master with peace of mind.

It is very important to deceive yourself and others, otherwise how would you live such a miserable life.

"Master, slow down so you don't fall..."

The one who responded to Xiaonian's words was Shengge who stepped on the right foot with his left foot and fell like a dog.

The things in the book basket hit the back of her head with a crackling sound.

In this world, God is indeed not friendly to her.

Didn't she just wander off for a while, reminding her in such a drastic way?
As long as God wants to punish you, then everyone is the incarnation of crow's mouth.

Fortunately, she has a strong body, otherwise the other old men would have gone to see Hades earlier after being thrown like this several times.

Shengge staggered to his feet, patted the ashes off his body, and turned to look at the young man who spoke.

The young man covered his mouth, but his slightly trembling body and narrowed eyes all showed that he was smiling happily.

Young, gloating.

My lord has a lot, so I don't care about it with you.

Shengge rubbed the back of his head, which was sore from being smashed, then bent down to pick up the things back in the book basket, and limped home to see his freshly baked talented and cheap son-in-law.

Did she rush with Fan Jinzuo...

I don't know if Butcher Hu married his daughter to Fan Jin or not.

Alas, she seems to be more and more superstitious due to the sequelae of being a half-immortal in her previous life.

On the way home, Shengge bought two catties of meat and five taels of wine for Fan Jin with the reward for writing the letter.

Butcher Hu was so fierce, Fan Jin went to see Fan Jin with large intestines and wine after he was admitted as a scholar.

She can't be left behind...

Shengge first went home and changed into clean clothes, and when he was about to bring meat and wine to celebrate, he thought that two catties seemed a bit much.

Otherwise, she'd better secretly cut off a little bit and eat it by herself at night...

She also likes to eat meat, but meat is a little bit expensive.

Well, not much, she will cut a little.

Walking too rough will make your waist flash: the anchor is getting more and more picky, and the characteristics of the anchor are detailed, one is cowardly, two is a financial fan, three is picky, and four is explosive.

If you walk too wavy, your waist will flash: anchor, can you really get married like this?
Shengge glanced at the barrage, did brother Tailang worry a little too much?

She is happy with the situation, and can quickly adapt to various environments, and she doesn't understand after seeing Brother Tailang.

After Shengge cut off a small piece of pork at the corner, she calmly carried the remaining pork and wine and walked towards Fan Jin's house.

Shengge felt sad when she thought that she would have to go to the talent examination alone in the cold winter next year when the snow was falling heavily.

The little son-in-law abandoned her, an old and frail old man, and went to prosperity alone.

Walking and walking, Shengge felt that he seemed to have too much drama.

Well, it's better for her to stop groaning so pretentiously.

The young girl's work is for fun, and her bad old man's work is for frightening.

She doesn't seem to have the good fortune to be a young girl.

Once again coming to the precarious and dilapidated small courtyard, Shengge sighed.

It seemed to be even more broken. What if a violent storm suddenly collapsed one day and crushed her cute little son-in-law to death.

"Father, you are here. Did you know that Fan Jin won this time..."

The sharp-eyed cheap daughter began to praise Fan Jin with joy through the dilapidated door.

It's like being a scholar in your 50s, which is an amazing thing.

Fan Jin, a worthless husband, suddenly became like gold.

"Oh, you should open the door first."

Shengge rolled his eyes, this is nothing more than winning a scholar and succeeding like this, what should we do in the future.

"If you don't want to open the door, then I'll kick it open."

With such a dilapidated door, she could kick three times with one kick.

"Dad, don't worry, I'm so happy."

Fan Hushi opened the door blithely, with joy in the corners of his eyes and brows.

Shengge blinked, did the article describe how Fan Jinzhong fell in love with the scholar Fan's family?

Could it be that he was scolded by Butcher Hu with a gun and a stick, and even attributed the fact that Fan Jin was selected as a husband to being supported by Butcher Hu.

There seems to be no other description...

Why does it feel like everything is different once she is replaced.


Fan Hu's eyes lit up when he saw the fat and thin flesh in the Sheng singer.

I can eat meat again...

Sheng Ge is quite speechless, is it necessary to stare at her so directly?
If she hadn't seen through the thoughts of Fan Jin and his wife before, she might have thought that someone was coveting her little hands.

"Fry the meat and warm the wine."

Shengge walked into the living room, and Fan Jin's mother was sitting cross-legged on the kang, her wrinkled face smiling like a flower.

But the smile from the heart disappeared instantly after seeing Shengge's smile.

Well, this is the deterrence that belongs to Butcher Hu, and no one is not afraid.


"My father-in-law..."

Shengge and Fan Jin's mother spoke at the same time.

Looking at each other, Sheng Ge closed his mouth and motioned for Fan Jin's old mother to speak first.

Ladies first, she's a man now.

It's just that Butcher Hu's previous achievements were too brilliant. She shut up, which made Fan Jin's mother feel even more uneasy. Her cloudy eyes were wandering from side to side, and she couldn't say anything when she opened and closed her mouth.

Shengge was very anxious after watching it.

Fan Jin's old mother sighed in her heart, where did Fan Hu's go, why didn't she come to rescue her.

(End of this chapter)

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