Chapter 1026 Meeting Like Fate ([-])

"I'll wait for you to get out of trouble."

According to the mortal calendar, since Monkey King was forced into the Five Elements Mountain.

After years of natural disasters in the Eastern Han Dynasty, the wars and separatist regimes in the last years, and then to the Three Kingdoms, the Two Jins, the Five Hu and Sixteen Kingdoms...

It's all troubled times!

Monkey King has been suppressed for more than two hundred years.

And the mortals who were born during this period have never experienced the real peace and prosperity, and have never known that He Qinghaiyan is self-sufficient in food and clothing.

What most people see is that the flames of war are rife, and children are exchanged for food.

Because of this, more and more hopes will be placed on the illusory afterlife.

And the ruler is also willing to let this kind of thought spread without limit.

What Buddhism pays most attention to is kindness, fate, and karma.

It preaches that life is really hard, and that life is born to suffer.Generally speaking, the so-called karmic reincarnation is suffering in this life, because it was not cultivated well in the previous life.Therefore, you should practice hard in this life so that you will have good rewards in the next life.

Living in the dark, but not daring to resist or struggle, just because they still look forward to the afterlife.

Shengge did not leave in a hurry, but stood aside to protect the dharma.

She is still unable to understand the mysteries of the Five Elements Mountain.

I always feel that the whole mountain has the Tathagata's will on it.

Inducing, taming, and bending this natural pride a little bit until he willingly converts to Buddhism and becomes a puppet in the palm of the Tathagata.

Therefore, Tathagata will never watch Monkey King's lost vitality recover little by little, let alone tolerate Monkey King becoming stronger again.

After all, the first priority of a chess piece is to be obedient, and the power that surpasses the world can only be icing on the cake.

Consuming the elixir one after another, a mysterious atmosphere permeated around Sun Wukong.

The elixir is fused with bone and blood, and it seems to be able to hear the Three Thousand Ways.

One life two, two beget three, three beget all things.

The elixir she made contains her way.

And the elixir refined by Laojun also contains the purest Tao.

The medicinal power of the elixir can be absorbed, but these respective ways cannot be directly copied and absorbed, but they can be observed, allowing the great sage to understand by analogy, and raise the stone steps under his feet until he breaks free from the shackles.

At this moment, a sudden change occurred.

Shengge was outside the Five Elements Mountain, and at that moment, he felt the overwhelming awe-inspiring aura.

Wuxing Mountain is angry!

Sun Wukong, who was in it, only felt severe pain all over his body, and the absorbed power of the elixir showed signs of breaking out of his body under the shock of the power of the Five Elements Mountain. He could even clearly feel that his soul was gradually becoming unstable, as if he was about to leave his body.

The Buddha's light is flourishing, and he is full of blood.

The strength of the whole body gathered in the chest, rising and falling.

In a trance, Sheng Ge also felt a sharp pain in his heart.


This is why.


Sheng Singer turned around and said decisively.

Put the palm on Monkey King's forehead, against the terrible adsorption force from the Five Elements Mountain, and stabilize Monkey King's primordial spirit.

Does the Five Elements Mountain want to say that Monkey King's soul is forced out and detained alone?

The Sanskrit sound roared, and the magical rune imprint fell from the top of the Five Elements Mountain and slashed fiercely at Shengge's arm.

Shengge poured strength into her arm, and under the strange fluctuations, she blocked the slash without interrupting her suppression method.

However, she also knew that this seemingly ordinary slash cut off the strength that spewed out of her.

These forces cannot return to her.

In other words, her realm has plummeted.

After all, after all, it was still too weak, too young.

However, Sun Wukong is in a critical period, and she cannot retreat.

If you retreat, all previous efforts may be wasted.

Shengge gritted her teeth and changed back to her original shape.

One hand was placed in front of Monkey King's forehead, and the other hand pierced his heart, blood from his heart floated into Monkey King's blood-stained chest automatically as if being drawn.

Very weird.

Obviously only a few drops of heart blood entered the body, but it was like a rushing river that extinguished the power of the restless elixir.

In this incident, Shengge vaguely felt that her and Monkey King's heartbeats were in sync.

She didn't know why she made such a move at such a critical moment.

Good luck to the soul.

She didn't expect that the weakest part of Sun Wukong's body was actually the heart that should have been tempered countless times.

Sun Wukong's body gradually calmed down, and his blood energy gradually rose, like a vast ocean, wrapped in the power of elixir, and independently resisted the coercion of the Five Elements Mountain.

The most dangerous moment has passed.

Shengge breathed a sigh of relief, let go of his hands, and sat limply on the ground.

I don't know how long the time has passed, I only heard a loud "boom".

Sheng Ge thought that the Five Elements Mountain was about to collapse, but saw Sun Wukong trembling violently, and there were crisp sounds from his body, like the sound of a chain breaking, or the sound of a prison collapsing.

The crisp sound continued, and the Sanskrit sound gradually stopped.

At this moment, Sun Wukong seemed to have broken free from the shackles, and he did not know how much stronger he was.

Monkey King slowly opened his eyes, and a ray of light shot out from his eyes, as if he wanted to destroy all illusions.

Sun Wukong's eyes are completely different from Taishang Laojun's.

Taishang Laojun's eyes are deep and mysterious, but indifferent.That kind of indifference is the indifference and non-demanding of everything in the world.

But Monkey King is different.

Sun Wukong's eyes are the sharpest and most unruly sword in the world, and also the hottest and never-extinguishing fire in the world.

Eternal fearlessness and eternal sincerity.

He has the original belief in everything in this world from beginning to end.


Shengge forgot that he had changed back to his original form, and asked impatiently.

Sun Wukong closed his eyes for a while, and then slowly opened them, looking at the little monkey in front of him, and stretched out his hand to pull the monkey hair fluttering in the wind on top of Shengge's head, "It's almost there."

Sheng Ge pulled Sun Wukong's hand away, and asked angrily, "Then why hasn't the Five Elements Mountain collapsed, and why can't you get out of trouble?"

She couldn't even maintain her human form.

The damage caused by that slash cannot be repaired by the elixir, and she needs to practice again by herself.

"Five Elements Mountain is transformed by Tathagata's palm."

"Either this great sage is completely stronger than Tathagata, or Tathagata's palm is broken, or only according to Tathagata's will, the Five Elements Mountain will collapse and I will be able to come out."

Sun Wukong explained.

"Thank you."

Shengge blurted out without thinking, "This is what I should do."

This is not a word of modesty, nor is it polite.

That's exactly what she thought in her heart.

The first time she saw Sun Wukong, she firmly wanted to save him.However, in a hasty, self-defeating situation, it actually hurt him.



Sun Wukong looked confused, frowned, and murmured.

Shengge raised an eyebrow, "Yes, my name is Shengge."

Shengge scratched her chin. Has she introduced herself to Monkey King?
Well, she has a bad memory.


Can't remember!
It does not matter!

"Subconsciously, this is your name."

The Great Sage's eyebrows and eyes were curved, and his expression was extremely gentle.

(End of this chapter)

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