
So, Sheng Ge waited and waited, Monkey King and Jin Chanzi dragged and dragged.

One side waits until the sea is dry and the rocks are rotten, while the other side still procrastinates the sun and the moon.

Sometimes Shengge wondered if Jin Chanzi was buried in the belly of a monster, otherwise why would he be so dawdling.

It stands to reason that the Jin Chanzi she raised was not such a weak chicken.

Under Shengge's endless calls, Monkey King, Jin Chanzi, Hongjiang Dragon King and his party were finally sent away by snakes, monsters and ferocious beasts all over the mountains and mountains, like sending them off to their ancestors.

"Avalokitesvara Temple?"

There are layers of palaces and pavilions, and corridors and corridors.There are two roads of pines and bamboos, and one forest of junipers.The bell and drum towers are high, and the pagoda is steep.

It is very majestic and magnificent, which proves that the incense is extremely prosperous.

There are monks wearing left-handed hats and copper rings with double ears coming in and out.

Jin Chanzi stepped forward, "The poor monk is from the Tang Dynasty in the east, and he went to the west to worship the Buddha and seek scriptures. It was getting late, so I wonder if he can stay overnight."

This elegant appearance is completely different from the sturdy monk who made all the beasts turn pale at Shepan Mountain.

But the monks of Guanyin Temple didn't pay attention to Jin Chanzi's words. Instead, they stared obsessively at all kinds of ingenious pearl pendants, all kinds of rare Buddha treasures.The upper and lower dragon beards are covered with colorful qi, and the brocade cassocks with brocade borders on all sides are wrapped around.

They have seen more than hundreds of cassocks in their lifetime, never lacking in gold thread embroidery and silk texture.

Even if there are tens of thousands of cassocks, they are nothing compared to this one.

No way, Monkey King stepped forward, grinning.

The monks came back to their senses, frowned and looked at Monkey King who kept his original shape, with disgust in their eyes, and some even whispered ugly words.

Sun Wukong: What eyes!
I just don't want to change human form, it's not impossible!

Jin Chanzi smiled secretly, and was welcomed in without saying a word.

This time, even temples were built sparingly.

In the dead of night, the cassock was glowing red, and the wooden door of the meditation room creaked, as if a crack had been blown open by the night wind, and smoke entered the room along the crack.

Jin Chanzi sighed secretly, to be honest, if the monks in Guanyin Temple had no evil thoughts, he might stay overnight and leave.

After all, he is also a monk who has practiced Buddhism for thousands of years.

He didn't want to beat all the dedicated practitioners in the world to death because of the filth of Lingshan.

However, it turns out that this time, he was still wrong.

There are tens of millions of monks in the world, but how many are there real eminent monks?

The misty smoke lingered in the meditation room for a while, and with a click, the door stopper was raised, the door opened wide, the cassock was stolen, and the red light disappeared.

Immediately afterwards, Jin Chanzi smelled fireworks.

Not only to steal cassocks, but also to set fire to them.

As expected of Avalokitesvara's Liuyun Lower Court, Pirates of Treasure was not satisfied, and wanted to kill people once and for all.

Jin Chanzi is a little confused, the Tathagata often talks about it in Lingshan, so the merits and virtues, the adornment of the six senses, all make them pure.

Whether it is the utilitarian transmission of Lingshan to the east, or these seemingly virtuous monks, not to mention the purity of the six senses, they have never even achieved seclusion from the world.

The fire is getting bigger and bigger, crackling.

Jin Chanzi waved his hand, and the invisible golden light enveloped the entire Guanyin Temple, then he closed his eyes and let the fire rage.

If you have evil thoughts, you must be prepared to reap the consequences.

At this time, Sun Wukong was already confronting the black bear spirit outside the Guanyin Temple.

The black bear spirit was attracted by the sudden fire in Guanyin Temple.

The black bear spirit's lair is in the Heifeng Cave of Heifeng Mountain, 270 miles south of the Guanyin Temple, and has an old friend with the [-]-year-old old director of the Guanyin Temple, Jinchi Shangren.

Originally, he had the idea of ​​fighting the fire, but after feeling the brilliance of the cassock, he forgot about fighting the fire and his old friends.

Monkey King holds the Ruyi Golden Cudgel and stands in the air.

This black bear spirit actually has Buddha nature, it seems that he has not been less influenced by the Guanyin Temple.

The black bear spirit is born with strange beasts and is full of spirituality.

"So you are the Bi Mawen who troubled the Heavenly Palace?" The black bear spirit was not timid, and shouted directly.

Sun Wukong is not angry either. If it was in the past, he would be most annoyed when others mentioned that he was Bi Mawen.

Now, I also feel that it is not very important.

However, why does this black bear spirit know so clearly about the affairs of the heavens in this barren mountain?

Do you rely on the Guanyin Temple?
Sun Wukong curled his lips, not because he looked down on the monks, big and small, in the Guanyin Temple.

To be able to do stupid things like killing people and stealing goods means that you have no vision.

To him, the Monkey King, point and point at the ugly head.

This black bear spirit is tricky.

"Why do you want to take the cassock?"

Seeing Monkey King so calm, Black Bear Spirit was a little surprised.

He even provocatively called Monkey King Bi Mawen, who didn't know that this was the shame of Monkey King.

But even so, Monkey King can still ask questions calmly.

"This cassock looks extraordinary at first glance, and nine times out of ten it is a rare treasure of Buddhism."

"With the strange treasure in hand, it is an opportunity for epiphany."

"Time flies, and since you have embarked on the path of cultivating immortals, it is only right to pursue the Tao of longevity."

"Otherwise, why would I need to build a cave next to the Guanyin Temple to discuss scriptures and Taoism with eminent monks."

"I want to pursue real longevity."

The black bear spirit no longer provoked deliberately.

"So you steal it?"

This Guanyin Temple is so grand and magnificent, and the monks' cassocks are also rich in gold and jade, which is enough to show that the incense is at its peak.

Therefore, Guanyin must pay more attention to this point.

Those who can tolerate black bear spirits practicing near the Buddhist monastery must be on the sidelines, and if their talents pass the test, they will wait for the opportunity to recruit them.

The black bear smiled, and became more ferocious, "The great sage was just joking, how can you call it stealing when it comes to cultivation."

"It's called stealing."

"It can also be called conspiracy."

Monkey King snorted coldly, "Speak eloquently."

"You can't take this cassock away, and you can't save your old friend either."

Is a monk who can do such heinous things as murder, arson, and treasures worthy of being respected by the world as an eminent monk?
Since Avalokitesvara let it go, why not he and the Buddhist scriptures seized the temple instead.

When dealing with wicked people, they will naturally have to be tortured by wicked people.

Monkey King swung the Ruyi Golden Cudgel with overwhelming momentum, and in an instant, it seemed that there was a thunderbolt to press down on the black bear.

If Jin Chanzi were here, he would definitely find that Monkey King's strength was much stronger than he thought.

Even, Sun Wukong's aura is faintly intertwined with Shengge across thousands of mountains.

The black bear reacted hastily, his face turned green.

He thought that even though Sun Wukong had the reputation of wreaking havoc in the Heavenly Palace, he was still held under the Five Elements Mountain by the Tathagata's palm for 500 years.

Is this a false name?

What is he?
The black bear couldn't stand it anymore, begging for mercy repeatedly.

What he pursued was the avenue of longevity, not the dark way of seeking death.

"Great Sage, the ancients said, a gentleman never misses old evil."

"It's the little demon who is arrogant, provoking the Great Sage."

The black bear spirit was also able to get out, and knelt down on the ground as soon as he retracted his weapon.

Sun Wukong's golden cudgel rests on the top of the black bear's head, and with a little force, the black bear will die here.

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