When the live broadcast of Kuaichuan is in progress

Chapter 113 The Hu Butcher Who Wants to Change His Job Seeking Subscribe

Chapter 113 Hu Butcher Who Wants to Change His Job (23) Subscribe

(Recommendation ticket 2000+ plus more)



Fan Jin glanced at Sheng Ge, only to feel that there was a villain talking in his mind.

Look, it's becoming more and more like a magic stick, and the city will predict the future.

He felt that his father-in-law must have lost his mind to choose the imperial examination.

With the father-in-law's eloquence, it is also a shortcut to fool some dignitaries into being guests and then make a fortune.

With his father-in-law's force, he could easily bring back a champion in martial arts, and then make great achievements and become a general.

Fan Jin opened the courtyard door without slow steps, and Fan Hu with messy hair appeared in front of him.

Oh, it's really unpredictable.

"Husband, I know that you are enjoying the blessings with your father."

Fan Hu's first sentence successfully made Fan Jin not know what to say.

"Come in, are you standing at the door to let people see a joke?"

Shengge said in a deep voice.

Didn't Fan Jin send some food to Fan Hushi and Fan's mother two days ago?

It stands to reason that it should be able to last for a while.


Fan Hu was dumbfounded, she had indeed not seen her father for several months.

Why in a few months, she found that this father was getting younger and younger.

Standing with my husband, it's like two great Confucianists living in seclusion in a paradise.

The clothes are elegant and elegant.

Fan Hushi couldn't even believe that the person in front of him, who was gentle and graceful in every move, was her father with a vulgar and loud voice.

Does reading really change people so much?
Fan Hu secretly rubbed his hands behind his back, and didn't step in for a long time.

At that moment just now, she felt as if she was a different kind.

Fan Hushi remembered what his father said before to let her read some books, and for the first time he was a little moved.

Sheng Ge casually closed the books and piled them aside, signaling Fan Jin to make a cup of tea for Fan Hushi.

With Shengge's current financial strength, it is natural that he cannot afford such a good tea.

"How did you remember..."

Sheng Ge is self-aware, it is absolutely impossible for Fan Hu to honor her as a father.

When Fan Hushi saw his and her husband's hands when receiving the tea, he panicked and almost broke the cup.

The husband's hand is white and slender, only the place where the pen is held is thick with calluses.

And she...

The fingers are thick and big, and are covered with calluses of various sizes, and there is still smelly and washed sludge between the nails.

The husband is like the colorful clouds in the sky, but she is the mud on the ground.

Such a husband, if she becomes an official in high school in the future, can she still be worthy?
Fan Hu, who was distracted, didn't hear Sheng Ge's question, but was stuck in his own thoughts for a long time.


Sheng Ge glanced at Fan Jin, and his daughter-in-law took care of it herself.

Fan Jin coughed lightly, as if he couldn't see the old mud in the gap between Fan Hu's nails and palm lines, he held it in his hands naturally.

"What are you thinking? Father-in-law is asking you something."

Although the words are ordinary, but the tone is also soft, with the power to calm people's hearts.


Fan Hu's eyes were complicated, staring at the man who was becoming more and more handsome in front of him, his throat was sore and he didn't know what to say.

Only the continuous warmth of her palm kept her from panicking so much.

Shengge closed her eyes and rested her mind. As an old man, she didn't want to eat dog food, so she wanted to show her affection elsewhere.

"Father-in-law just asked why you came here."

Seeing his wife regaining consciousness, Fan Jin withdrew his hand and repeated Shengge's question.

"Father, I just want to see you."

When the words came to his lips, Fan Hushi suddenly changed his words.

She really couldn't tell if she had come to ask for money for new clothes.

Even if she doesn't want to admit it anymore, she knows that her father is much gentler to her now than before.

At the very least, he would give her some copper coins and pork every now and then, and he would no longer point at her nose and scold her for being ashamed as before.

But facing such a father, she can no longer be as thick-skinned as before.


Shengge raised his eyebrows, young man, you are dishonest...

Shengge knew that Fan Hushi was lying.

Based on her understanding of Fan Hu's family in the past two times, she wished to take away all of Butcher Hu's family property, and was always plotting against her as a father.

Being missed and calculated, it is really difficult for her to be in a good mood.

Xu Shengge's eyes were too sharp, and Fan Hushi gradually lowered his head.

"never mind……"

Sheng Ge felt that he was really naive, no matter what he was, he was someone who died once and was a monster, so he had nothing to worry about with Fan Hushi.

These little things are harmless.

"Fan Jin, I allow you to stay at home for a few days. It just so happens that the town is going to the market in these two days. You can take her to make a dress. After all, winter is coming, and this dress is really thin."

Give Fan Jin a vacation, and give yourself a vacation...

No matter how interesting Fan Jin's little son-in-law is, it's tiring to watch it every day.

Presumably the cheap son-in-law has had enough of her domineering old face.

Appropriate relaxation is conducive to continued oppression in the future.

"A few days are a bit short, half a month, you go home and live for half a month."

With a wave of his hand, Sheng Ge gave Fan Jin a consistent copper coin, and then took a short holiday.

Fan Jin hesitated to speak, but Fan Hu's eyes lit up when he looked at Yitong coins.

For a person who is afraid of poverty, no money can make her feel more secure.

The usual copper coin is one thousand Wen...

One must know that a catty of pork is only twenty or thirty Wen, how much meat can one thousand Wen buy...

Fan Hu, who was illiterate, was a little confused.

However, when did Dad make such a generous move?


"No more."

Sheng Ge had a panoramic view of Fan Hu's greedy eyes.

If she is willing to give, she will give it, and if she is not willing to give it to anyone, don't even think about asking for it.

In the final analysis, Fan Hushi is not as good at being a man as Fan Jin.

Just like what she said before, regardless of whether it's true or not, Fan Jin's speech and demeanor can at least make people look at it without getting bored.

"Father-in-law, that's enough."

"Father-in-law is very kind, and my son-in-law will repay it in the future."

Although Fan Jin felt that the money in his hands was a bit hot, but considering the gradually cooling weather and the health of his mother and wife, he finally accepted it.

He is incompetent, he has not been able to support his own mother and wife for decades.

"It's okay, just spend it."

Shengge was in a good mood, because Fan Jin's fans in the live broadcast donated rewards for not seeing Fan Jin in such distress...

The more rewards, the better.

Sheng Gexiao's eyes were narrowed into a slit, and the mustache on his chin was trembling with indescribable joy.

After sending Fan Jin and his wife away, Sheng Ge let out a long sigh of relief. This girl will be doing her best in the next half month, and finally she doesn't have to maintain her dignity as a father-in-law.

Sheng Ge didn't know if he had been kicked in the head by a donkey before, so he insisted on preaching in front of Fan Jin, trying to bring back Fan Jin's young son-in-law's crooked views.


Come on, pretentious, there is still a lot of time anyway.

For example, sleep until you wake up naturally, such as eating meat until you feel like vomiting...

 Well, support as always.

  Finally, there is still a chapter to pay off the debt of recommendation tickets...



(End of this chapter)

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