Chapter 115 The Hu Butcher Who Wants to Change His Job (25)

Once a wife, always a wife.

Fan Jin knows that he is not an honest gentleman, nor does he have the lofty integrity of a saint, but he cannot live without a bottom line.

Thinking of this, Fan Jin sighed.

"No, you go and make lunch."

"Take mother after lunch, let's go to the market together, winter is coming, let's store some things for winter."

Fan Jin smiled lightly.


Fan Hushi nodded with a smile.

Great, finally we can go to the market.

Fan Jin cleaned the room, sat down and spread out the pen and paper, and began to continue the article just now.

A flash of inspiration, if I don't write it down, I'm afraid I will forget it in a short time.

The writing is like a god, and it is done in one go.

Fan Jin blew on the wet ink, looked up at the freshly published article, shining brightly.

Fan Hushi stopped in his tracks, his hands and feet were stiff.

The husband just now is really like the bright moon at night, although he is still gentle and low-key, but he is elegant in his own right.

Although she is illiterate, years of nurturing are not useless.

"My lord, lunch is ready."

"Husband, I wonder if you can teach me calligraphy in your spare time?"

Fan Hu finally made up his mind.

The change of Shengge and her husband made Fan Hu feel a sense of crisis when he was still confused about the future.


Fan Jin agreed without much hesitation.

He would be very happy if his wife could be like his father-in-law after studying and learning calligraphy.

When Shengge didn't know about it, Fan Hushi started her path to rise...

Half a month passed quickly, Fan Jin stretched his waist and looked at Fan Hu who was clumsily and seriously writing on the other side of the table, his eyebrows and eyes were curved.

The wife and father-in-law are indeed father and daughter, and their temperaments are very similar.

Once you make up your mind, you will put it into action.

"I'm going to my father-in-law's house after the sun goes down. If you don't understand anything, you can ask it every three days."

Fan Jin asked.

His ability is limited, even if his wife is hardworking, he does not have enough money to hire a lady husband for his wife.

The female gentleman is the education that the ladies of the Zhongming Dingshi Family have.

"Husband, then I will prepare your luggage for you."

Fan Hushi rubbed his sleepy arm and stood up.

Reading and writing is really tiring, why does she feel that it is harder than doing housework for a day.

However, she had to learn.

When Fan Jin was walking back to Shengge Courtyard with the clothes prepared by Fan Hushi on his back, the sky was already full of stars.

The autumn wind is blowing, and it is already a bit cool.

However, Fan Jin didn't expect that the gate of his father-in-law's house was closed, and when he looked through the gap, it was pitch black and there were no candles lit.

Fan Jin asked the neighbors, but instead of getting any useful information from us, he was ridiculed instead.

"I must be afraid that you, the son-in-law of the world's treasure, will come to fight the autumn wind."

"You are not ashamed to rely on your father-in-law to support you at such an advanced age."

"Father Hu doesn't know what evil he did, but he has a son-in-law like you, it's really pitiful, pitiful..."

Fan Jin clenched his hand hanging by his side slightly, but he never said a word of rebuttal.

Haven't these words been heard for many years?Shouldn't you be used to it by now?
Why does it sound a little angry and sad now.

The most frightening thing is not to be in the darkness forever, but to see the light vaguely but be beaten back to reality.

Hate yourself, hate others...

An old scholar in his 50s is really a wimp.

Fan Jin's spirit weakened little by little, and the burning light in his eyes gradually went out.

His life should be like this, everyone shouting and beating rats crossing the street...

He is incompetent, he is cowardly, he does nothing...

How could he get carried away because of his father-in-law's change?

Fan Jin's footsteps were stiff, dragging his instantly exhausted body, he staggered away from the neighbor's house.


"What a bad old man, he still wants to be an official like this."

"This Fan Jin doesn't know how to piss to take a picture of himself. Look at his sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks, it doesn't look like the fate of a rich man."

"Toad wants to eat."


"That's right, Dad Hu doesn't know if he is stupid, but he still defends this unlucky guy again and again, and he is not afraid of being involved in bad luck."

"I heard that Father Hu is also interested in taking the imperial examination. It would be funny if he passed the exam even when he died."

The mocking voices and undisguised laughter behind him were like a knife cutting through Fan Jin's fragile and tense nerves bit by bit.

Fan Jin has only one thought in his mind at the moment, and that is to stay away from these people.

In the vast night, Fan Jin walked endlessly.

When he came back to his senses, he found that he had walked to the wasteland outside Zhuangzi.

In late autumn, everything is silent, and even the chirping of insects and birds seems to have become stingy.

Fan Jin sat on the abandoned ridge, didn't sigh, didn't quarrel, didn't complain about himself, just sat quietly, silent and in a daze.



Lang Jiujiu: Anchor, there is a handsome little ghost in front of you...

Jackal and female cat: Shouldn't it be a coquettish little female ghost?

A glass of wine for Yu Sheng: He seems to be a scholar, and his back looks familiar.

Beicheng Nansheng: Damn it, is it, is it...

Lingling Qixianshang: This figure carries the boredom and helplessness of being alone in the world, as if abandoned by the world.

Lang Jiujiu: ...

As soon as Lingling Qixian said that the painting style was obviously different, it immediately caused a speechless.

Can you still speak well?
In order to protect the only clean stream in the live broadcast room that is not affected by the anchor, everyone has no poisonous tongue.

Sheng Ge, who had returned with a full load, watched the discussion in the live broadcast room with great interest and squinted his eyes.

Handsome boy?
A coquettish little ghost?
Shengge stroked his beard and smiled lewdly.

Could it be that now that she has become a scholar, female ghosts and goblins come to her door on her own initiative?
I heard that female ghosts and banshees have beautiful faces in the prosperous age, and finally they can feast their eyes.

Shengge subconsciously ignored the handsome little boy...

However, a handsome little boy ghost is fine too.

Appreciating the beauty of the prosperous age should not be limited to gender, she wants to be a flower appreciator who is inclusive of all rivers.

Shengge followed the directions of the glass scumbags in the live broadcast room, and saw the man sitting on the ridge with his head bowed and his hair loose...


male ghost...

Why did she vaguely see white hair...

Why do you meet a bad old man when you meet a ghost in the middle of the night?

Could it be that he is a down-and-out scholar who wants to die, could he be worse than Fan Jin?

Is wearing white clothes and loose hair in the middle of the night deliberately pretending to be a ghost?
You are so pretentious, does your family know?


Beicheng Nansheng: Whoa, whoa, really uncle...

Walking too wavy will flash waist: It seems to be true, distressed ing

Uncle is equal to Fan Jin.

Then not far away, this old man who looks sad and looks like he wants to commit suicide is Fan Jin...

But it's been half a month since we saw each other, why is Fan Jin so sad...

 The author is going to interview, wish me luck.

  I really wish that one day I can earn three to five thousand a month from the manuscript fee, so that I can work full-time with peace of mind...


(End of this chapter)

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