Chapter 122 The Hu Butcher Who Wants to Change His Job (32)

Yu Sheng Gu Liang: Another person who was successfully captured by the anchor's eloquence.

A glass of wine for the rest of my life: According to my opinion, if the anchor really enters the official career one day, will he be a stupid official who flatters the Holy One?

Lingling Seven Strings: Upstairs is the truth.

While Shengge expressed his feelings that only by studying and passing the imperial examination can he be right, he secretly glanced at the barrage in the live broadcast room.

Faint official?

Can she say that she doesn't want to be an official at all?
Getting up earlier than chickens, going to court before dawn, is more tiring than plowing cattle.

Although she can't be regarded as a person with two sleeves and an upright spirit, she really can't do something like being poor in the magistrate's county for three years.

"Master Zhou, this is Xiaosheng's foolish opinion, please laugh at me."

Sheng Ge cupped his hands and said humbly.

"Yes, yes, you go down first."

At this moment, Zhou Xuedao already had a clear impression of Shengge in his heart.

Is it really like attracting birds of a feather and dividing people into groups?

Both Fan Jin and this Fan Jin's father-in-law are rare and wonderful people...

He never thought that he would be lucky enough to meet these two in this secluded small county town.

Shengge bowed and left, and didn't try to stay and continue flirting to show off her eloquence.

When things are extreme, they will be reversed. If you talk too much, you will be annoyed.

It doesn't matter if she is disgusted, but Fan Jin's little son-in-law cannot be hurt.

She always kept in mind that Zhou Xuedao was Fan Jin's nobleman and the creator of his life, and she couldn't destroy it.

Alas, what to do, she suddenly wanted to be a hacker too.

Otherwise, please let her go to a fairy tale to be a cheat one by one.

For example, what is the old grandfather who is with me, what is the famous sword kung fu found after falling off the cliff...

That taste must be delicious.

It's just that Yiyi's aesthetics and sexuality, which are different from ordinary people, will definitely not make her so comfortable.

First Zhu Bajie, then Mrs. Xianglin, and now Butcher Hu...

This one is simply...

Who will be next?Shengge was so helpless that he didn't expect anything.

Shengge sat silently in the examination room, counting the cracks on the floor, quietly waiting for all the candidates to hand in their papers, and then left to find a cheap son-in-law to drink and eat meat.

If she remembered correctly, the result of the college examination would not be given on the spot.

After the exam, a "long case" will be issued on a selected date, and the No. 1 person will be the head of the case.Those selected by the college are called "scholars", and they are called "students".

In the history of the Confucian scholars, Fan Jin was pointed out by Zhou Xuedao as the head of the case.

The loud bell rang, and Shengge once again witnessed those people who tried their best in front of the invigilator to write one more sentence.

Sheng Ge didn't look much, and immediately rushed to the entrance of the examination room and waited for the gate to open.

No matter how the exam is over, if you have time to worry about gains and losses, it is better to eat a hot and hot hot pot, and then sleep under a big quilt for two days.

Opening the door, it was no surprise to see Fan Jin waiting not far away.

Shengge's heart warmed up. In the season of howling cold wind, it seems that the cheap son-in-law has been waiting for him, which seems to be a very touching thing for both of them.

Cheap son-in-law...

The respect of people is given to each other. While helping Fan Jin, she gave Fan Jin the most lacking respect.

Therefore, Fan Jin really regarded him as his father-in-law.

"Father-in-law, here."

Fan Jin stood on the high platform, very conspicuous.

"Father-in-law, the carriage has been hired."

Shengge shook his head, "Don't worry, since you're in the city, let's buy some things before going back."

Going to the city in the twelfth lunar month is a luxury for a villager like her.

Now that you have made up your mind to eat hot pot, then have a hot meal.

She marinated a lot of meat and hung it to dry on the promenade.

Pork, venison, rabbit, fish...all kinds.

However, she thinks it is better to cook some fresh meat rolls and make some soup with big spareribs when eating hot pot.

"Fan Jin, how about eating hot pot at night..."

"It's snowing outside the house, and a hot pot is boiling on the fire inside the house. It's so beautiful just thinking about it."

hot pot?

Fan Jin had a bitter face, can he say he doesn't want to eat?

I remember that before eating it for the first time, he was still looking forward to it. After all, he had seen records in books, but he had not eaten it himself.

"Shi Yun, only thin batches are used in the mountains, and the wine, sauce, and pepper are fertile. Put the stove on the table, use half a cup of water, wait for the soup to ring, and divide it into chopsticks. Let yourself put the soup and cook it. To eat it is to freely use the juice for dipping food at will."

This is described in "Shanjia Qinggong".

The hot pot homemade by my father-in-law is richer than what is described in the book, but it is absolutely spicy...

The bright red peppers gave him a headache just looking at them.

What to do, he can't eat spicy food.

Especially the unusual and rare spicy one made by my father-in-law.

As soon as I ate it, my whole body began to turn red...

"Don't worry, my father-in-law will make you a non-spicy one."

The last time she ate it, she didn't know that Fan Jin can't eat spicy food, and the mandarin duck pot is not difficult.

Look at how her cheap son-in-law looks like she is facing a big enemy, risking her life to accompany a gentleman.

Not spicy?
Is this also ok?
Fan Jin admitted that he was a little ignorant when facing his father-in-law.

His father-in-law's proficiency in food is inferior to him. In the hands of his father-in-law, it seems that there is nothing that cannot be eaten or cooked well...

So, he got fat...

Sometimes when he looked at the reflection in the water, he couldn't believe that this person with a white, tender face and glowing face was him.

He couldn't eat meat all year round before, but now...

Alas, pain and joy.


Cold weather is always the best way to get people to move fast.

The howling cold wind made Shengge not in the mood to go shopping slowly, but simply and rudely bought all the things and returned to the village in a carriage.

The carriage she was riding in was not the ladylike carriage in the old saying, with gaps on all sides for ventilation, wooden boards were built randomly, and Fan Jin's son-in-law had temporarily built a hand warmer for her.

Don't think about it, the quality of this carriage is not up to standard.

Hmph, when this girl becomes a lord, I will first buy a carriage as described in the old saying.

What is stable and comfortable, what is well-furnished and beautiful, there are small coffee tables and countless small drawers, filled with all kinds of snacks...

Don't stop her, she wants to rise up and become a grand master...

Back home, Shengge asked Fan Jin to pick up Fan Hu and Fan's mother in a carriage by the way, while she herself started making the mandarin duck hot pot that she promised to the cheap son-in-law.

A foodie without good cooking skills is not a competent foodie...

Under such a concept, Shengge started to learn cooking skills after going to college.

Other people's travel is to appreciate the beautiful scenery, while her travel is to study while eating.

Therefore, her journey is always a bit longer than others...

Although she can't say that she has all kinds of food at her fingertips, she can still cook some.

Whether it's local snacks or major cuisines...

It's just that she is lazy, and she cooks carefully depending on her mood.

The charcoal fire is raging, the soup in the pot is boiling, and the fragrance is overflowing.

The mandarin duck pot, one pot looks red and full of red pepper, while the other pot looks mellow and plain.

(End of this chapter)

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