Chapter 124 The Hu Butcher Who Wants to Change His Job (34)

eerie silence...

Weirdly embarrassing...

Shengge realized later that he seemed to be speaking too directly, why don't he ask the question differently?


"father in law……"

Shengge and Fan Jin spoke and shut up at the same time.

It seems more embarrassing.

"Father-in-law, please."

As a humble son-in-law who respects the old, loves the young and has a strong desire to survive, Fan Jin naturally wants Sheng Ge to speak first.

Fan Jin's heart was pounding, father-in-law, can you let your son-in-law go?
"I mean why you have no children for many years."

Sheng Ge finally asked tactfully.

"This is the fate of heaven, you can't force it."

Fan Jin felt quite embarrassed. Although the relationship with his father-in-law had grown closer in the past year and a half, he was still a little uncomfortable talking about these issues.


Shengge thought she should spread the word about having children for her cheap son-in-law.

It's a pity that she is a liberal arts student, so it is indeed difficult to explain it systematically.

Besides, the cheap son-in-law may not be able to understand.

She should do as Romans do.

"Son-in-law, haven't you and that girl seen a doctor?"

"As long as there is no problem with the body, hard work is..."

Fan Jin blushed, plowing hard... Do you think plowing the ground?
The father-in-law is indeed a father-in-law, he doesn't care about trivial matters, even a real man in the world...

"Maybe I'm old..."

"father in law……"

Fan Jin tried to change the subject, but was unsuccessful.

"I'm only in my 50s, not too old."

This isn't Shengge comforting Fan Jin, don't you see that the bacon uncles in the entertainment industry are more than 50 years old and have children?
"It's the worst thing to hide your illness from a doctor. Why don't your father-in-law take you to see a doctor?"

Sheng Ge's original intention was to bring Fan Jin and Fan Hushi together, but thinking about the restrictions on women in this era, he still gave up this idea.

When Sheng Ge studied Hai Rui in school, she didn't memorize the content of that text, but a casual sentence from the Chinese teacher that she memorized for more than ten years.

Hai Rui's daughter was starved to death because she took a cake from the boy...

Coincidentally, the oppression of women's chastity in this era cannot be underestimated.


Fan Jin's eyes flickered.

The father-in-law suddenly cared about his affairs in the house, because he thought the book was not good-looking and the scientific examination was not difficult enough?
Lotus Fairy: Anchor, your cheap son-in-law is in good health.If there was still some frailty and weakness before, it has been made up for more than a year.

Announcer: Is that all right?Awesome Miss Lianhua...

Shengge himself knew about Chinese medicine's observations and inquiries, but he didn't expect Miss Lianhua to be able to draw such a conclusion with such certainty just by watching the live broadcast.

This live broadcast room is weird, and the glass bastards in the live broadcast room are even more perverted.

Lotus Fairy: The anchor is too serious.The reason why the cheap son-in-law is childless is because he has not had intercourse for several years.

Lianhua Fairy: I hope the anchor will be mentally prepared. The cheap daughter is not fit for conception because of her body and age.

Seeing Lianhua Fairy's two barrages one after another, Sheng Ge felt like his heart was on a roller coaster.

One second she was still thinking about how to make Fan Jin and Fan Hushi's relationship come to fruition, and the next second she was thrown into the abyss.

Fan Hu's can't get pregnant, so she's still messing around.

Is it possible to be stupid and make a wedding dress for her?
"Forget it, just like what you said, children are fate bestowed by heaven, and you can't force them."

Shengge's painting style changed instantly.

But when I think about it carefully, I feel that I seem a little selfish.

The most unfilial thing is to have three wives and four concubines, which is different from the era she lived in.

According to local conditions, if Fan Jin wants to have a concubine, there is nothing wrong with it.

Forget it, what she wants to keep is her father-in-law's position. As for whether Fan Jin wants to have children, she should not interfere too much.

Fan Jin became more and more confused, he seemed to be unable to keep up with the fast-changing father-in-law.

However, he was really relieved to be able to take the initiative to avoid this topic.

As for the matter of children, as he said, let it be.

A few years ago, he was severely suppressed by the imperial examinations, and even taking a breath was a luxury, how could he be in the mood to love men and women.

As time went on, he really became a little more indifferent in this respect.

Wait until he's in high school...

Now that I have finally seen the light of day in the imperial examination, how can I relax halfway and return without success.

Don't worry, I will discuss the issue of children with my wife after high school.


August in Guangdong is hot and rainy, and the high temperature makes people a little irritable out of thin air.

The triennial township examination came as scheduled, and Fan Jin and Sheng Ge had already become celebrities in the small county town.

The township test had to go to the provincial capital, so Shengge packed his bags early and took Fan Jin to experience the big city full of flowers.

Since coming to this mission world, Shengge almost forgot what it was like outside.

Before that, the farthest place she had been to was a small county town, to buy clothes and meat...

"Father-in-law, my son-in-law is here to congratulate you in advance for high school." Fan Jin was completely convinced by Sheng Ge, and his father-in-law was very accessible.

He has only been able to read and write for only two years, but he has passed three exams in succession, and entered the provincial exam smoothly.

Such a father-in-law cannot allow him to be as contemptuous as before.

From his point of view, his father-in-law is a man of Shen Shandou, Ye Lang also bought pork and made money, and by the way, he has good cooking skills...

A pair of hands that seem to be rough and unsightly can produce flowers with brilliant strokes, and can also make a plate full of delicacies.

"We went to high school together..."

The trajectory of history has not been completely confused because of her arrival.

Fan Jin is still the same man who was poor and abused in the first half of his life, and suddenly the tide rose and the boat rose to glory.

On the day when the list was released, Fan Jin was taking his family to swim in the lake in the rare cool weather, enjoying a moment of coolness.

Little did they know that amidst the beating of gongs and drums, three announcers riding on tall horses happily knocked on the door of the house.

As Sheng Ge, who is neither the oldest nor the youngest in the family, he is also boating on the lake, and he does not know that someone has reported to the small courtyard.

One report, two reports, three reports...

The three groups of people failed to bring the good news, but they didn't dare to leave at will, so they had to stand at the door and wait.

Everyone knows that the good days of the Fan family and the Hu family are coming.

It is definitely a good story that has been passed down for hundreds of years.

Sheng Ge, who was boating on the lake and eating delicious fruits, asked casually, "Fan Jin, are Qiu Wei's results coming soon? We don't know how long it will take for the applicants from this remote village to come."

Fan Jin took a sip of his tea lightly and laughed.

The father-in-law is really confident. He never thought that he would fail, and he is already waiting for the applicant.

Would God really favor him and his father-in-law so much?

Fan Jin didn't dare to think...

After more than 30 consecutive failures, his self-confidence was vulnerable.

(End of this chapter)

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