When the live broadcast of Kuaichuan is in progress

Chapter 138 Du Niang who wants to "be human" rewards 10000+ plus more

Chapter 138 Du Shiniang Who Wants to "Be Human" (10000) Rewards [-]+ Add More

With such an identity, it was destined that her task of becoming a human would not be easy.

The past will never pass because of the past.

The past will never pass because of escaping.

It will not pass because of you to cover up and fear.

That is a threshold, you can either lie down and wait to die, or you can cross it.

What is the fear of gossip?
Didn't her cheap son-in-law live a good life after decades of gossip and gossip?
"I am indeed a brothel girl, and I was sold into a brothel when I was young and ignorant of things and dangers in the world."

Shengge wiped away the tears from his face, stood where he was, raised his head and said calmly.

Facts are facts, so there's no harm in telling them.

The more openly you speak, the more low-key those people will be when they whisper.

I'm a magic stick: the old monk pinches his fingers, and it's another magical and tragic past.

Lang Jiujiu: Am I the only one who thinks of the story of the poor and talented daughter that the anchor performed in front of the fairy sister with great emotion?
Yuerong Liushang: As a diving party, I am afraid of being ashamed of speaking out
Jackals and female cats: Does the endless story mean that the anchor himself is a person with a story?

Walking too rough will make my waist slip: I am in love with a wild horse, but there is no grassland in my home, which makes me feel desperate, Miss Shengge.


Shengge was speechless to the group of people in the live broadcast room who could never know where they were going.

There is also a female classmate with a story...

Should she bring the certificates she has accumulated over the years to the next live broadcast to prove that she is a good student with all-round development of morality, intelligence, physique, art and labor.

Anchor: You should watch the eight o'clock file more, and read more fairy tales. You are also male students, female students, or shemale students with stories.

Anchor: The next thing I want to talk about is a real event.

If you walk too rough, you will flash your waist: ah, the wolf is coming... ah, the wolf is coming again... ah, the wolf killed the anchor...


Take a deep breath, you can't be as knowledgeable as the glass scumbags, and you can't be influenced.

Now she is going to play the role of White Lotus conscientiously, which is a glorious and great career.

"My father was a gambler. He sold his mother, and then he sold me."

This is half true.

Du Wei Du Shiniang was indeed sold into the fireworks field since she was a child, but she didn't know why.


With tears in her eyes, Sheng Ge calmly told the story of a woman who was stuck in the mud but still longed for the light.

The reason why the voice is indifferent and not hysterical is to express a kind of fatigue.

Du Shiniang is proficient in all kinds of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, why can't there be a good ending.

"I thought I had met someone I could entrust for my whole life, so I gave Li Jia the money and asked him to redeem him, but I didn't expect it to be nothing in the end."

"I was so sad and angry that day, I had to throw myself into the river to die."

Having said this, Shengge suddenly raised his voice.

Well, here comes the important point, audiences watching the show, listen carefully, it depends on you to spread the word.

Don't disappoint my ardent expectations for you.

"However, there is a god in the river, pity me for my sincerity, pity me for my chastity, pity me for many years, and give me a chance to return to the world."

In fact, Sheng Ge wanted to simply and rudely say that the God of the River sees that I am beautiful and beautiful, and he is reluctant to die...

However, she was afraid that the people in front of her would stone her to death.

Therefore, she should do as the Romans do, and talk in a more spirited manner.


The god in the river is naturally the river god...

Although it is said that the son does not talk about strange powers and gods, there are many places that offer sacrifices to the river god during festivals.

As a result, countless people stood quietly by the huge river.

In fact, many people believed Shengge's words subconsciously.

This is the day before Du Shiniang jumped into the river, although countless people were grateful.

Some people want to refute, but they dare not be the first to speak out.

They believe in the river god more than in the north in places that rely on water.

If the river god is offended, who will be responsible then?

But there are always some people who are newborn calves who are not afraid of tigers. Of course, they can't understand Shengge as a famous concubine making a splash, and even want to be innocent.

In these people's minds, if they are prostitutes for one day, they will be prostitutes for the rest of their lives. They can only be pointed at for the rest of their lives, and they have no right to live like human beings.

This is also the fundamental reason why Du Wei is very intelligent, but still pins his hopes on a man.

The ethos and thinking of the whole era are like this, what can she do.

She was struggling so hard that she couldn't save herself, so she could only rely on him to save her.

However, Du Wei, who wholeheartedly wanted to return to human life, forgot that others would never be as reliable as herself.

The whole society is like this, so what can you do to ensure that the person you choose is special?
It's not that there are one-in-a-million exceptions, but not everyone has such good luck.

Good luck, usually means that you can't meet it, it's just an accident with a very small probability.


"The God of the River is admired by all directions, how can you, a person with a pair of jade arms and a pillow of fireworks and willow lanes, who can defile you..."


The use of this word made Shengge unable to complain.

Why is it a young man who speaks? Isn't her beauty not lethal?

Or is it that her arrival has seriously lowered Du Wei and Du Shiniang's appearance as the glass bastards in the live broadcast room said...

Is she that bad?

Originally, Sheng Ge thought it would be a young girl or a middle-aged woman who made trouble, but he didn't wake up...


"How do you know I'm talking nonsense?"

Shengge asked calmly.

"How can you prove that you are not talking nonsense." The young man snorted lightly and asked back.

"Because I really met Jiangzhong Shenjun, Shenjun gave me a glimmer of life."

"Otherwise, how do you think I got here?"

"You can try to see if you can come up after sinking."

That's right, Sheng Ge is sophistrying in a serious manner.

"What if you don't meet Lord River God?"

The young man gritted his teeth and continued to ask.

"Then maybe it's because you are not sincere, you are not strong, you are not true, you have too many tricks, and the gods don't like it..."

The fundamental reason is that you are ugly, and the gods are not good at messing with base...

"Only a villain and a woman are difficult to raise..." The young man trembled angrily and threw out such a sentence.

"Young master, please be more polite. Could it be that your mother is a man?"

"Also, although I used to be the No.1 concubine in the place of Fireworks and Willow Lane, I have already redeemed my life, and the gods have said that the old me has disappeared in the Taotao River, saying that I am a newborn."

"If you don't believe me, you can ask the gods."

Sheng Ge is not afraid of wearing shoes with bare feet, and he speaks in a reasonable and unforgiving manner.

Well, if you have the ability, you prove that there is no river god.

Of course, if you are more capable, you can also ask the River God to prove that she lied.

 The author is taking a break today, and I will give you a reward and more.

  Please support, the author just wants to be on the category bestseller list.


(End of this chapter)

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