When the live broadcast of Kuaichuan is in progress

Chapter 147 Du Niang Wants to "Be Human"

Chapter 147 Du Shiniang Who Wants to "Be Human" ([-])

Two big men sneaked into the inn in the middle of the night with the intention of killing people, which aroused the attention of the innkeeper, and immediately sent the waiter of the inn to report to the official.

Although these two big men seemed a little unlucky, instead of killing anyone, they were beaten so badly, but they couldn't cover up the nature of the murder.

It's really true that people can't be judged by their appearance, and sea water can't be measured.

This wealthy young man looked weak and suave, but he never expected that he would be unambiguous in his actions.

Everyone subconsciously attributed this matter to Sun Fu, and did not notice Shengge's great achievements in it.

After all, an alluring beauty doesn't look like such a brutal and powerful person.

As a result, the gorgeous Shengge was ignored.

Because of this incident, Rich Sun became more popular, and even the bruises and redness on his face were spontaneously attributed by the onlookers to being brave and unfortunately injured.

Although the eyes of the masses are discerning, what is more discerning than the eyes is the brains of the audience.

The brainstorming audience broke through the sky.

Sun Fu said that he was in pain and happy.

Because of his better reputation, Sun Fu received many little girl's glances and hugs.

Sun Fu's prodigal heart suppressed by Sheng Ge was ready to move.

A prodigal son for many years, how can it be so easy to calm down.

"Sun Gongzi, is there something wrong with your eyes?"

Shengge tapped the bowl with his chopsticks very indecently.

Sun Fu really healed the scar and forgot the pain. Have you forgotten the prehistoric power of this girl when she beat someone up?

While eating, her eyes seemed to be cramping, blinking and blinking, did she really think she couldn't see Sun Fu's heartfelt love?


Sun Fu froze.

It's really impossible to live this day, he feels that he has invited an ancestor.

Life is so beautiful, but you just don't let me mess around.

Is it easy to win the favor of so many little girls?
The young servant didn't know the bitterness in his son's heart at all, but stared at Shengge with staring eyes.

Miss Du is really getting more and more domineering, what should I do, the more she looks the better.

"Hey, what should I do? Now I suddenly feel that it would be great if the Sun family ended the single pass in your generation."

Shengge's beautiful eyes are flowing, and her charm is full of charm.

It was rare for Sun Fu not to be obsessed with sex, but only felt a chill in his lower body, as if he had experienced a feeling of castration at that moment just now.

Miss Du Weidu, aren't you being too domineering?

It's fine if you don't let me sleep, why don't you let me flirt with others?

My heart hurts so much.

Sun Fu knew that with Shengge's temperament, he was definitely not telling him that having more children would bring more blessings, but that he would never be able to experience happiness in the future...

Solved him once and for all...

And, of course, his little brother.

Sister Du, is it really okay for you to be so cruel?

Mother, help me...

"Miss Du was joking."

"We have delayed a lot of time here, why don't we set off immediately."

Sun Fu said alertly.

Alas, Ms. Du must have been heartbroken, that's why she can't see the love of others.

It's all Li Jia's fault.

"Are you willing to let go of these beautiful girls?"

Shengge sighed as she watched the women around her looking at Sun Fushi's hesitation and hesitation.

Superficial, superficial.

Hasn't Sun Fu been beaten into a pig's head by her?Why are there still unexplainable women favored?
Could it be because of the ring pendant on Sun Fu's body?

These days, in addition to appearance, money is also justice.

"Form is emptiness, and emptiness is form."

Sun Fu pretended to be pure-hearted and ascetic, and said in a spirited manner.

Bah, he is obviously a prodigal son who lived among thousands of flowers, but he wants to pretend to be an ascetic monk who is not close to women.

Shengge curled his lips, young man, can you put away that heartbroken expression when you say this?That's more convincing.

"I didn't expect you to study Buddhism. I think you have a predestined relationship with Buddha."

Hearing this, Sun Fu's heart rose again.

He was wrong, he shouldn't have pretended...

Sun Fu was extremely afraid that the elder sister Du in front of him who said that the wind was the rain directly cut his hair and sent him to the temple.

From then on, no matter how beautiful a beauty is, it can be seen but cannot be touched.

No matter how mellow the wine is, you can smell it but can't drink it.

No matter how fat the meat is, it has nothing to do with him...

On days like that, when I think about it, I feel that life is hopeless.

"Miss Du, how can I study Buddhism? I'm a layman through and through, a great layman."

Sun Fu was so real that he almost patted his chest.

He is really a common man, and he wants to marry a 38-bedroom concubine, the kind who can reach the pinnacle of life if he eats well and drinks spicy food.

"Girl, my son is not lying." The boy nodded firmly.

If his young master is such a lustful hungry ghost, who yearns for the place of fireworks all the year round and incidentally flirts with girls from good families from time to time, he is predestined for the Buddha, and the Buddha will probably be so angry that he wants to kill someone and break the precept of killing.


The corner of Sun Fu's mouth twitched, whether it's a blessing or a misfortune to have such a servant who is close to him.

"What a pity."

"I was also planning to send you to the temple with the most incense in the capital. I also thought that if you really have the name of a holy monk who has achieved enlightenment, you will cover me by the way."

Sheng Ge seemed to be smiling but not smiling, and slowly drank the spirits in the cup.

I'm used to being a rough guy, and even I can't help but choose a bit stronger wine.

Although it is hot, it is also very enjoyable.

Sun Fu swallowed his saliva, such a sturdy and peerless famous concubine, I am afraid that only those big men in the capital can control it.

Such a strong wine does not change his face when he drinks it.

Sun Fu felt that the longer he spent with Du Wei, the more difficult it was for him to understand the word oiran.

"People like me just defile the temple."

Sun Fu spared no effort to discredit himself, for fear that he would become bald in the next second.

The boy nodded seriously, his son still has merits, at least he has self-knowledge.

If you walk too sloppy, you will lose your waist: anchor, you have become a hag in the eyes of everyone, and Sun Fu redeemed that cute and pitiful little sheep.

Lang Jiujiu: The anchor has really become more and more prestigious.

Jackal and female cat: Are you sure it's not Sun Fu who is too cowardly?

Dimly lit place: It feels like a flat peach of the Great Sage has laid the foundation for the anchor's prestige journey.

If you walk too wavy, you will flash your waist: the anchor will be hard when she is soft, and she will be soft when she is hard.Let's see, the world seems to be able to witness the flattery and lowliness of the anchor again.

Beicheng Nansheng: Watching the play quietly.

Shengge was noncommittal about the words of the glass bastards in the live broadcast room.

Bullying the weak and fearing the strong is a virtue, which one cannot envy.

But brother Tailang is right, the girls in this restaurant feel that Sun Fu's life is dark.

If it weren't for the excessive restraint on women, maybe there would be a girl full of benevolence who would stand up and attack Shengge with righteous words.

Alas, girls, why can't you look beyond the surface to see the essence.

Sun Fu is not a good match.

(End of this chapter)

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