When the live broadcast of Kuaichuan is in progress

Chapter 163 Du Niang Wants to "Be Human"

Chapter 163 Du Shiniang Who Wants to "Be Human" (51)


Insane, dirty, dressed like a beast...

Is this the word that should be used to describe your own son?
There is no need to doubt, his mother is doing her best to lean his relationship with Du Wei on incest.

Is there such a thing as cheating on your son?

"Mom, you really think too much."

"Just like Du Wei chopping a big tree with his palm, does my son dare to think about it?"

"I have such small arms and legs, how can I stand up to being beaten by Du Wei..."

Although what Sun Fu said was a bit of wit, it was indeed his deepest thoughts.

"Mother, you don't want to see your son being beaten to death by Du Wei, do you?"

Sun Fu looked at his mother in horror.


Mrs. Sun was speechless.

Indeed, Du Wei's violent nature makes people daunted.

Du Wei is still young, will he die alone in the future?

For a while, Mrs. Sun thought more...

With Du Wei's past, and now she is doing business in public, is there really that kind of man with a big heart who dares to marry?

What if those men who seem to want to marry Du Wei are just Tu Wei's young beauty and wealth?

Otherwise, sacrifice your own son.

Fu'er could not have what he is today without Du Wei's help.

Besides, the master praised Du Wei more than once. Apart from the fact that Du Wei was a little hard to say in the past, it seemed that there was really nothing unworthy of Fu'er.

With her watching, I can rest assured...

Mrs. Sun was very conflicted at the moment, she was worried that what Du Wei would meet was not a good person, and at the same time, she was also worried that what would happen if she brought Fu Er and Du Wei together, which would lead to a tragedy, and a happy event instead of a funeral...


Sheng Ge naturally didn't know Madam Sun's hesitation.

From Huizhou to Beijing, it is more than a thousand miles away.

Shengge didn't plan to rush day and night, but was going to be arty and enjoy the scenery along the way.

Whether by water or land, wherever the scenery is good, she will be there.

Slowly, it has been three months since Shengge arrived in the capital.

No one knew about Shengge's return to Beijing.

But on the second day after Shengge settled down, an old monk came to the door with his apprentice.

Yo, the little monk is fair and clean, with delicate features, looking at the little monk, Shengge can imagine the gentle scene of smiling with flowers and plain clothes in Shengge's mind.

"I once went to Xin'an Mansion in Huizhou to find a female benefactor."


The old monk clasped his hands together and said slowly.

Shengge curled his lips, look for it, look, she is not shady.

"Did you listen to what the Li family said?"

The old monk looked dignified and majestic with benevolent eyebrows, but he didn't look like a liar.

At least it's much more formal than the gleeful magic sticks in the live broadcast room.

Therefore, Sheng Ge did not intend to pretend to be false.


"The words of the Li family corresponded to the old monk's hexagram, so the old monk went to Xin'an Mansion in Huizhou in person, but he heard that the benefactor went on a business trip, so he couldn't meet."

"Is it to see if I am a lonely ghost?"

After the old monk finished speaking, Sheng Ge raised his eyebrows and said about you.

She could fully imagine the vicious language the Li family would use to program her.

If she could be treated as a monster and burned alive, Li Jiaren would probably throw a banquet in celebration.

"The benefactor is someone who is blessed by the Buddha, how can I talk nonsense."

Buddha bless it?
Shengge blinked, could she say that she was also the one who fought with the Buddha?
Even though I can't take a cowardly move...

Shengge would rather believe that what the old monk said about being blessed by the Buddha was due to the merits she and the great sage, the Tang monk, learned from the West.

"That being the case, why did you find me..."

Now it was Shengge's turn to be confused.

Sheng Ge originally thought that the old monk had listened to the words of the Li family and wanted to take her in to eliminate harm for the people.

But now, it seems that this possibility is not very high.

"The poor monk just wanted to ask the benefactor, is there a Buddha in the world?"

The old monk was very solemn and pious at this moment, and the beads on his fingertips were extraordinarily round and shiny after being rubbed for a long time.

Hearing this, Sheng Ge was taken aback for a moment, are you here to ask for advice?

But why did she feel that this was messing things up?

Does the old monk think that she might know about such a high-level question?
"Western Heaven..."

Shengge replied nervously.

"I used to be in Xitian, but now I don't know..."

Thinking of the ending of the Buddha in the world of Journey to the West is reincarnation, Sheng Ge added.

"Master, the Buddha is in my heart."

"The Buddha sees everything."

In the end, Shengge said this sentence in a daze, which she herself sneered at.

She was already ready to wait for the old monk to ask questions, but she never thought that the old monk would fall into deep thought.

Host: Did I say something wrong again...

Shengge asked for help in the live broadcast room.

She saw that the old monk was dedicated to Buddha, and she couldn't bear it if she went astray because of her specious words.

I'm a magic stick: the old man made a calculation, and the monk may have really entered into deep thinking.

Host: Don't scare me, the baby is still a child, so I can't stand being scared.

If you walk too wavy, your waist will flash: Hehe, what about your face...

Shengge winked at the young monk who followed the old monk.

Little monk, don't be stunned, the important task of awakening your master is entrusted to you.

The little monk didn't seem to understand the hints of the song, still frowning and turning the beads, his mouth opened and closed, and a sentence of Buddhist scriptures flowed out.

Sheng Ge said that she might be a fake monk.

"Go and see your master."

Shengge poked the little monk with his finger.

"Benefactor, this is a great opportunity for Master. Master has been studying Buddhism all his life, and he must have been inspired by him. When Master is enlightened, Buddhism will definitely go a step further."

First, there was a sentence of Amitabha, and then the little monk spoke in a shallow voice.


Shengge was crazy, why did she feel that she had met a pair of Pengci master and apprentice.

Leave her alone, she wants to be quiet.

She thinks she is crazy.

"It's not my fault if something goes wrong..."

Shengge shirks responsibility ahead of time.

"Benefactor, what do you mean by this?" The little monk blinked his clear eyes, quite puzzled.

The female benefactor in front of me is probably out of her mind.

Didn't Master say that this female benefactor is blessed by the Buddha?
Hehehe, are the two fools blessed by the Buddha?
Isn't Master just enlightened? Is it necessary to separate the relationship in such a hurry?
Donna, where's your brain?
The little monk's appearance is pure and innocent, and his eyes are clear and clean, but this definitely does not mean that he will not make up his mind.

On the contrary, the more innocent he behaved, the more crazily he complained in his heart.

"Nothing, nothing."

Shengge waved his hand.

Isn't it just a sudden thought, what's the big deal.

As long as you pass away in the process of not thinking, everything is easy to talk about.

Shengge looked at the sky, it was getting late, so I had to think about what to have for dinner...

As for this pair of master and apprentice, out of sight, out of mind.

The monks are all immortals, so she should not ask too much.

"Lin Yuan, let's go."

"Benefactor, don't you have anything to say to the poor monk?"

 Very unhappy, very depressed.

  I feel that dealing with the relationship between colleagues at work is really a brain-burning thing to the extreme.


  Well, the students did not do well in the exam.

  It seems that all the troubles are piled up in one place.

  I don't want to code, I'm not in the mood.


(End of this chapter)

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