When the live broadcast of Kuaichuan is in progress

Chapter 165 Du Niang Wants to "Be Human"

Chapter 165 Du Shiniang Who Wants to "Be Human" (36)

"Don't be rude..."

Without Shengge opening his mouth, the old monk scolded directly.


Shengge touched his nose as if nothing had happened.

Why does the old monk respect her inexplicably?Could this be the legendary aura of dominance?
I always feel that in this world, she has the halo of the legendary Mary Sue heroine.

Well, this must be an illusion.

Then Su's things must have nothing to do with her.

In a corner where the old monk couldn't see, the young monk stuck out his tongue at Shengge and made a face, obviously not taking the old monk's scolding to heart.

you do not say……

How can a person who eats meat and drinks aggressively at the dinner table have a predestined relationship with Buddha?

From his point of view, it was more like a predestined relationship with the hero of the green forest.

"I don't know what the benefactor plans to do next?"

The old monk clasped his hands together and said kindly.

Shengge frowned, this question really stuck with her.

doing what?
Naturally, it is to realize Du Shiniang's wish, so it's hard to just wait for death.

She wanted to, but she didn't have the strength.

"Be human."

Sheng Ge replied honestly.

"The female benefactor is a transparent person, why should she stick to the worldly vision?"

"Master, why do you speak so elegantly? It's obvious that Du Wei is thick-skinned and invulnerable. Other people's eyes can't hurt Du Wei at all."

The little monk complained in his heart, the master must be old.

In his opinion, Du Wei is not ordinary tough.



Both the old monk and Du Wei smiled awkwardly.

It's just that one has an apology in his heart, and the other has a heart that wants to kill someone.

Little monk, you are even worse than those who cross the river and tear down the bridge.

Eating this girl's clothes, wearing this girl's clothes, cheating and abducting is also my girl leading you, it hurts my heart when you talk like this.

"If the benefactor really cares about the eyes of these secular people, I can help you."

"All living beings are equal, and when the Buddha crosses others, he also crosses himself."

Sheng Ge blinked her eyes, maybe she really had a lucky moment.

Goldfinger didn't even need her to look for it, but came to the door on his own initiative.

What to do, flattered.

Reserved, reserved, don't laugh.


Shengge subconsciously covered her mouth, clearly saying that she was not smiling.

"Master, you see how interesting Du Wei is."

The crisp and smiling voice successfully made Shengge's face black.

This little monk was born to collect debts.

"The old monk is not strict in discipline, and I hope the benefactor will forgive me."

The old monk was speechless to his stubborn and poisonous disciple Xiong.

"It's just a child."

Sheng Ge pretended to be magnanimous and said, but his teeth were itching with hatred in his heart.

Hehehe, little fart child, I owe a beating.

Bear again, bear again and let you know why the flowers are so red.

After exchanging a few words with Sheng Ge, the old monk blushed and dragged his apprentice who had a vicious tongue and no winks to leave.

With such a disciple, shouldn't he cry?

The matter of the old monk was more like an episode to Shengge, and had no effect on her.

After careful consideration, Shengge is ready to resume his old career.

Well, this old karma of course refers to fortune-telling and fortune-telling, thinking about the face of the locksmith...

Shengge intends to cover up another layer of mystery for her words of rescue from the gods in Shaoxing Mansion.

For a brothel girl, without a teacher, she can learn astronomy from the top and astronomy from the bottom, and geography and yin and yang to see her fate. This is a grotesque and extreme thing.

But what if two grotesque things come together.

What is false can become true.

Shengge has always been forewarned that everything can be established, and if there is no forewarning, it will be abandoned. Since he made up his mind to be a magic stick, Shengge quickly prepared the necessary magic stick.

Sheng Ge didn't intend to do any disguise, after all, she didn't know any advanced disguise techniques.

As for the superficial man disguised as a woman, in Shengge's view, it is a deceit.

The eyes of the masses are sharp, and only the leading actor is blind.

Thus, a young and beautiful magic stick fairy was born gorgeously and freshly.


Walking too rough will make your waist flash: oracle...Look at the host's domineering words, the golden plaque, and the gold-encrusted gate, it's just...

Anchor: Mighty and domineering, resplendent...

Shengge spontaneously finished the sentence for Brother Tailang.

Lang Jiujiu: Broadcaster, who gave you the courage?Yu Gong?

Yugong Yishan is a story that Shengge just told the glass bastards in the live broadcast room recently.

At the beginning, the big bosses in the live broadcast room didn't take this story to heart.

For the bosses who fight World of Warcraft from time to time, moving mountains is not impossible.

Until Shengge told everyone that Yugong was an ordinary old man who was about to be 90 years old and would be buried at some point...

All the talents remained silent.

But then the barrage in the live broadcast room went viral without warning, saying that Grandpa Yugong is mighty and domineering, giving me the confidence to move mountains and seas...


If you walk too wavy, your waist will flash: Shouldn’t it be neither fish nor fowl?Which fortune teller do you see who is not trying hard to show his immortal demeanor, and his immortal air is fluttering, I am afraid that these dumb things will pollute their aura.

A jackal with a female cat: The anchor is worthy of being an anchor, with an eternal painting style, mudslides in the magic stick circle, and a rare honest person.

Unusual painting style?

Shengge curled her lips, didn't she just experience the feeling of a nouveau riche?

Do the glass bastards in the live broadcast room need such a violent reaction?
Hmph, this girl is rich.


Anchor: The world of the rich, how can you poor people understand...

Shengge started the daily task of beating glass scumbags cheaply.

Fight it, don't fight itchy mouth.

Beicheng Nansheng: We poor people... are you serious, anchor?
Dimly lit place: Yedi Yedi, call Yedi, the anchor said you are poor...

Anchor: ...

Shengge remained silent cowardly.

As the number one boss in the live broadcast room, Ye Di was still a little apprehensive.

Hmph, it's a fact that she's rich, and the group of people in the live broadcast room who are both glass scum and poor are just jealous.

It must be like this...

Fascinating confidence.


Sheng Ge thought complacently, if the money this girl earns is not spent, is she waiting to be automatically broken down?
As a result, a shop with a strange style and everywhere showing that the owner here is rich and vulgar, with only money left, opened.

In the most prosperous area in the capital where every inch of land is expensive...

All the businesses in this kind of location are rich and prosperous, and the people who receive them are all rich and powerful officials.

It's not that there are no fortune tellers, but the fortune tellers are all nested at the corner of the street, and they opened their doors scribbled with flags erected.

There are only a few magic sticks like Shengge who make such a big show of pretending that they are not short of money.

"Oracle" has just opened, causing quite a stir, but seeing that there is only one golden chair in the huge store and nothing else, everyone is speechless.

 In the afternoon, I saw myself on the category bestseller list...

  first time...

  I am very grateful to Mingyang Chunxia Xiaocuti for your reward, and sent me to the category bestseller list.

(End of this chapter)

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