When the live broadcast of Kuaichuan is in progress

Chapter 173 The Argument That Never Takes You

Chapter 173 The Argument That You Can Live Up to Everything (Part [-])


Li Jia, who was performing with tears in his eyes, was full of ecstasy.

He knew that a woman is hard to become a master, and she is the most merciful.

Heh, no matter what, he was Du Wei's most desirable guest at the beginning.

"Jump once where I threw myself into the river."

One life for another, as for whether you can survive, it depends on luck.

Shengge smiled wantonly.

The feeling of being suffocated by sea water is really uncomfortable. Although she has been in this world for nearly ten years, she still can't forget that feeling.

If it weren't for her physical strength being different from ordinary people, she might have died before she had time to pretend.



Li Jia and Sun Fu froze in place at the same time.

Li Jia gritted his teeth with hatred, this woman is really vicious.

And Sun Fu took it for granted, this is just like Du Wei's style.

Hmph, let Li Jia be talking nonsense, and even think about giving him eye drops in front of Du Wei, it's really despicable.

Hasn't Li Jia seen Du Wei's simplicity and rudeness?
In case Du Wei believed Li Jia's words all of a sudden, he would be the one crying.

() 嘤嘤嘤~
Don't even think about it, the friendship between him and Du Wei was established from the shadow of swords and swords.

Well, although he is always the one who gets beaten up...

"Wei Niang, are you still unable to forgive me?" Li Jia looked sad, as if Sheng Ge was a bastard who abandoned his wife and children.

"Didn't I say that if you jump into the river once, I will forget the past."

"Also, now that I am Yipin Gaoming's wife, I can punish you for one of the following crimes if you say "Mother."

"Li Jia, come on, stop howling, if you continue howling, I won't be able to help making you dumb."

Sheng Ge thought that she would play tricks on Li Jia, but she found that she was not interested, just bored.

She knew that she was completely tired of this world.

From the confusion at the beginning to the busyness later, she never seemed to relax for a moment.

With her mediocre temperament, it is really a rare thing to be able to live for nearly ten years under the eyes of others who are full of contempt.

"Li Jia, one leg is exchanged for one life, so let's do it for ourselves."

Shengge stepped on Li Jia's kneecap seemingly lightly, and the strength was well controlled.

It hurts, but it's just making that leg a display, and it will definitely not hurt your life.

So be it.

It is really tiring to think about the hatred that cannot be passed.

Sheng Ge didn't look at Li Jia again, and motioned for the maid to help her leave.

Sun Fu was still at a loss, he didn't miss the boredom and emptiness on Du Wei's face just now, that expression can be simply summed up as the four words of life without love.

After knowing this, he shouldn't have brought Du Wei to see Li Jia...

Sun Fu couldn't help but start to panic...


Shengge, who has fulfilled Du Shiniang's wish, feels that life is even more boring.

At the time when I was exhausted like a dog, I hated the lack of relaxation, but now I feel bored because I have nothing to eat and wait to die.

Speaking of it, she was just tired, and couldn't find novelty, and couldn't find any value in not leaving.

Du Shiniang is dead, as long as she fulfills her wish, she is free to leave whenever she wants.

However, when she left, the person really died.

Alas, how does it feel to arrange your own affairs in an orderly and orderly manner?

Shengge said it was not bad.

Shengge first left [-]% of the property to Lin Yuan, and the remaining [-]% to Sun Fu.

Her huge business has been managed and planned by Lin Yuan in recent years, so she should get [-]% of it.

The rest of the achievement should be paving the way for Sun Fu.

When Sun Fu received the land deed and house deed, he was stunned for a while, and then panicked.

Du Wei, is this really a decision?
The official upstart in everyone's eyes rode wildly in disheveled clothes, and stopped at the gate of the "Oracle".

The door of the "Oracle" was closed tightly, and the stone tablet copied by countless people stood quietly at the door.

The Ten Niangs of Fireworks and Willow Lane were dead, but now Du Wei who is blessed by the gods is alive...

In fact, the first person who believed this sentence was Sun Fu.

The later her was actually not Du Wei anymore.

Sun Fu pushed the door open with heavy steps and went in. It was empty and there was no one there.

Footsteps gradually sounded from behind...

Sun Fu was not lucky, he didn't turn around, he could tell that this footstep did not belong to Du Wei.

As expected, it was Lin Yuan...

At this time, Shengge had already walked into the tomb of his supervisor, and then said to Yiyi that he could go back.

Although this body was not hers, she really didn't want to see the corpse exposed in the wilderness, nor did she want to see it being dismembered by wild wolves.

Her hatred with the wild wolf clan is a world feud...

Hehehe, I don't know if I will be beaten if I say this.


The people in the capital suddenly discovered that the "Oracle" was closed, and Du Xiangu, who was sure to confirm every divination, disappeared.

It didn't take long before someone discovered Du Wei's tomb deep in the mountains.

At this time, someone suddenly realized that Du Wei was dead.

The news of Du Wei's death, the most joyful person is Li Jia.

Li Jia looked at his broken leg, laughed, but stopped abruptly, his breath disappeared, only a ferocious smile remained on his face.

It's really over...

Lin Yuan's business empire is getting bigger and bigger, and Sun Fu has also reached the stage of being an extremely powerful minister.

Aloof and powerful.

However, everyone found that the youngest Ge old lady was too self-conscious.

He has never set foot in a romantic place, but compared to his eloquent eloquence before, he now looks a lot rougher.


When Shengge returned home, she laid it all down on the bed.

Tired, this task world is really overwhelming for her to breathe.

Sure enough, it's not easy to be a beauty, so she'd better be her rough guy.

Rough guys may have a better ability to withstand pressure.

A hot bath, a dream full of figures...

During the first sleep after returning home, Shengge slept very unsteadily. Countless human faces flashed across her dream, some were smiling, some were threatening to kill her, and there were many strange-looking fairies...

Shengge was woken up from exhaustion...

The whole night, she was slaying demons and demons, working non-stop.


Shengge couldn't help swearing, this girl is back, why can't she stop dreaming and sleeping.

Shengge scratched her hair irritably until she turned herself into a madwoman...

Familiar cell phone ringtone, you don't need to look to know it's my mother...

Regular weekend meals...

Shengge suspected that her mother mainly wanted to see if she was still alive, if she was starved to death by the live broadcast of Mala Tang, and if she was exhausted from solving problems every day.

I have to admit that the homework of elementary school students is getting more and more abnormal.

Shengge was extremely skeptical. If she was in primary school now, whether she could get promoted to primary school would be a big problem.

Well, no wonder elementary school students always know too much these days.

(End of this chapter)

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