When the live broadcast of Kuaichuan is in progress

Chapter 198 The Argument That Never Takes You

198 Chapter 26 The Argument That Never Takes You ([-])

Under the gaze of three pairs of bright eyes like searchlights, Sheng Ge walked out of Hongfu Temple with a fake smile, and got into the carriage sent by the emperor.

The moment the carriage door curtain was lowered, Shengge breathed a sigh of relief.

Since the reunion, Shengge's whole body has been tense.

There was no reason, and she couldn't figure it out herself.

The reunion of old friends is actually not as joyful as imagined.

She knew very well that she was a person who had to leave sooner or later.

Master and apprentice, brothers, can they really accept her coming and going indefinitely without any grievances?
If they don't meet again, she can still deceive herself and comfort herself that it was just a live broadcast of the past.

The moment her live broadcast mission ended, everything disappeared.

Tang Seng, Xiaobai, Great Sage...

Shengge sighed, tugging at his monk's robe with great difficulty.

Shengge didn't notice that there was a small bug under the small tea table in the carriage, and he saw the scene of Shengge's entanglement with himself, including the initial inhalation and exhalation with relief.

Hongfu Temple was a little far away from the Imperial Palace Tai Chi Palace, Sheng Ge fell asleep after struggling.

She would never admit that she tossed and turned without sleep.

The breeze blew the door curtain of the carriage, and the bugs flew out through the gap.

Sun Wukong's mind is actually quite complicated. At the beginning, he was able to fight against Zhu Bajie's fat and strong body, but now he always feels that he is bullying the weak when he faces the delicate-looking Bianji.

He knew that there was nothing wrong with the debate.

Reunion and separation are all fate, besides, didn't he know from the beginning that he was not the real marshal of the canopy.

There is no leaving without saying goodbye, everything is well known.

The last time we parted, he was standing outside the palace.

No entry, no retention.

It has to be admitted that when Bajie just left, he was indeed a little uncomfortable, as if he felt a little boring and jerky even after practicing.

So he once again set off a big storm in the Three Realms, unilaterally flaunting his prestige in the name of sparring.

Can he say that he once saw stars in Bajie's eyes...

Every time he is majestic, you can see Bajie's eyes full of concentration.

Bajie said it was star eyes.

Although Bajie's expression at that time made him feel very dramatic, but after a long time, he got used to it.

I'm used to practicing with Bajie, I'm used to Bajie's starry eyes when he kills all directions...

After discussing and prodding, he also clearly knew that he seemed to be unable to regain the previous pleasure, so he returned to Huaguo Mountain and seldom went out.

The reunion was an accident.

This is the principle he has always adhered to.

Even if we know that we are doomed to part when we meet again.

But you can't choose to escape just because of parting.

He was never a mediocre person.

Do what you should do, do what you want to do, and do what can make him look good, that's enough.

By the river on the outskirts of Chang'an City, Monkey King changed back to his original appearance.

From the beginning to the end, he didn't think that he, as a stone monkey, was inferior to others.

Princess Gaoyang?
Sun Wukong sneered, that's all, since he was the one who was beaten out by himself, he should help a bunch.

He really can't do things that are deliberately sabotaged in order to keep them.

Convert to Buddhism and silently guard Princess Gaoyang?
is it hard?

Not difficult.

There are many ways to make Princess Gaoyang retreat in spite of difficulties.


Shengge, who was sleeping in a mess on the carriage, didn't know that his golden thighs were already thinking about her.

Being a younger brother, the benefits are still very good.

If Sheng Ge knew, he would be very thankful that he was the Great Sage's little fan girl from the very beginning.

Although the days of being beaten up as a younger brother were in dire straits, the benefits were also great.

"Elder Debate..."

A shrill and soft voice sounded outside the carriage.

Shengge woke up with a start, wiped the saliva from the corner of his mouth, and pretended to straighten the monk's robe.

Shengge, who was originally uneasy, calmed down when he saw the majestic Taiji Palace.

It's all here, what a coward, it's a day trip to the Tai Chi Palace.

Besides, her boss is the Great Sage, No.1 in the Three Realms.

She didn't forget what the glass bastards in the live broadcast room said at the beginning, the great sage has the way of heaven.

She is Tiandao's younger brother, hmph, if you dare to bully this girl, you will be struck by lightning to death.

Shengge followed the waiter through the winding and quiet path and walked through the Chaoshou corridor. Shengge finally met the Holy Majesty of the Tang Dynasty...

And Princess Gaoyang, who is graceful, luxurious and dignified...

Nie Yuan...

Shengge quickly withdrew his eyes and stopped looking at Princess Gao Yang.

"The poor monk Bianji has seen the Holy One."

Sheng Ge folded his ten fingers together to pay respects to the emperor.

Leaving aside the Tang Dynasty's amnesty for monks, it is not necessary to do three prostrations and nine kowtows. Just talking about the privileges given to Tang Seng by the emperor, Shengge, as Tang Seng's apprentice, gave her the qualification not to kneel before the emperor.

"Little master, today I called you into the palace just to ask you to speak scriptures for me alone."

As an emperor, he naturally wouldn't simply and rudely say that it depends on Shengge's qualifications to be recognized as an apprentice by Tang Seng.

"Since you were chosen by Master Xuanzang, you must be unique. I don't know if I have this honor."

From the beginning to the end, this great Tang sage, the great man who created the rule of Zhenguan, had a warm smile on his face, majestic yet kind.

At first glance, the senses are good, at least not as high and aggressive as Princess Gao Yang.

But Shengge did not take it lightly because of the emperor's courtesy.

Don't forget that the emperor in front of him, who looked elegant, gentle, generous and calm, committed the terrible thing of killing brothers and sisters with his own hands.

Winner and loser, he succeeded, but the history books still recorded a little bit of blood.

Even if in the end he was conscientious, benevolent and caring for the people and created the prosperity of the Zhenguan Reign, there are still countless posterity who criticize him.

Shengge responded humbly to the emperor's questions, fearing that there might be a slight mistake.

Lectures are not difficult for a person like her who is good at flickering and flattering, not to mention that she is still a person with some real skills and golden fingers.

There are glass shards in the live broadcast room, and there are big bosses from all sides...

This is her biggest golden finger...

Princess Gaoyang frowned, quietly listening to the sound of chanting, Tsinghua Wushuang, her words were correct and round.

Well, it was exactly as she imagined.

In front of the emperor, Princess Gao Yang made no secret of her admiration for Bian Ji, but she hid the obsession and covetousness in her eyes very well.

Her thoughts must not be discovered by her father.

The emperor valued Master Xuanzang, and at the same time, the Fang family was the ministers of the emperor's humerus. She married Fang Yiai, so it was not the father's political consideration.

If her father finds out about her coveting of the defense machine, I'm afraid it will be...

She didn't want to imagine such a result.

Sheng Ge talked eloquently, and the whole room was filled with Sheng Ge's clean and gentle voice.

Bian Ji's appearance and voice are impeccable. Even if he just stands quietly like this, he can make people imagine the flourishing youth smiling under the bodhi tree.

 Little cuties please support...

(End of this chapter)

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