When the live broadcast of Kuaichuan is in progress

Chapter 24 The Pig 8 Ring Who Wants to Marry

Chapter 24: Zhu Bajie Who Wants to Marry (23)

Shengge listened to Mrs. Bone's self-narration in Zhen Yuanzi's sleeve, the gossip in his eyes gradually faded, and turned into deep thought.

When she was young, when she watched three dozen bone spirits, she always sighed at Sun Wukong's calmness, wisdom, and selflessness. By the way, she complained that Tang Seng was blind, but she never thought about why the bone spirits existed, and why they took the risk of death. Over and over again, they just ask for a piece of Tang monk meat.

At that time, in her eyes, the Bone Demon was just a monster, and he tried to eat the Tang monk's flesh, so he deserved to die.

"Why, it hit your soft little heart again."

"The Bone Demon is pitiful, but being pitiful should never be a reason for evil."

"Can you ensure that the Bone Essence hasn't hurt anyone's life in the past hundred years of cultivation?"

"Why don't you go and see the cave of the White Bone Demon and see how many dead bones there are in it."

Sun Wukong still had his eyes closed, but the words that came out of his mouth were like an indestructible sword piercing into Shengge's heart.

Sheng Ge admitted that although the Great Sage's words hit the nail on the head, they were the most calm and true, as if they had seen through all the intrigues in this world.

She knew the great sage's kindness, and every day with the great sage was painful and happy, which was extremely complicated.

"Pity is never an excuse for evil."

Because their master and apprentice formed a world of their own in Zhen Yuanzi's sleeve, the bone spirit could not hear their conversations, but Zhen Yuanzi could.

Zhen Yuanzi conveyed this sentence to Bone Essence. When he allowed Bone Essence to practice here, he just lamented that it was not easy for her.

"Da Xian."

The Bone Demon was horrified.

As a wandering soul, she has indeed killed people, and there is even a chair made of human heads in the cave.

But that was all she did when she was attached to the bones and had no sanity.

"Bone Demon, if you still don't know how to repent, then I will take care of it myself."

Zhen Yuanzi has always been a fair person and has a steelyard in his heart.

"This elixir is for you. As long as you devote yourself to doing good and cultivating the Tao from now on, then you may be able to reach the sky in one step."

"If you become a fairy bone, you can come to Wuzhuang to look for this seat."

Shengge didn't find it strange at all what Zhen Yuanzi did.

Whether in the Journey to the West she had read or the Journey to the West that she is in now, Zhen Yuanzi is a refined and fair person with a spirit of immortality.

When Sun Wukong killed the ginseng fruit, after saving his life, Zhen Yuanzi was able to let go of his grievances and become brothers with different surnames with Monkey King, which is enough to show his integrity.

Maybe it's because he stands tall enough and has great vision, but no matter what, Zhen Yuanzi is a praiseworthy immortal.

Zhen Yuanzi waved his sleeves again, and the five master and apprentice fell from the sleeves.

Bai Gujing took the elixir and swallowed it without hesitation.

"Bone Essence, your master and apprentice attacked Tang Sanzang. Although he also seriously injured you, you had malicious intentions first, so you should apologize to him."

Mrs. Bone did not argue, but directly bent her knees, knelt heavily on the ground and kowtowed three times.

If she hadn't been desperate, she wouldn't have known that the other party was the reincarnation of Jin Chanzi and would still have acted regardless.

What Zhen Yuanzi did made Tang Seng feel a little uncomfortable, so he nodded and agreed to let the Bone Essence go.

After the Bone Demon left, Zhen Yuanzi began to settle the matter between them.

"Master, can you let him go?"

Qingfeng Mingyue pointed at Shengge and whispered.

"Master, although he deceived us, he also saved us."

"Should be a good guy."

Shengge was so moved beyond words when she heard Qingfengmingyue excuse her.

Alas, it seems that good people are rewarded.

"Tell me why you brought me here."

How could he fail to see such a poor and rough aggressive method.

"I just feel that this calamity is too smooth, so I want to ask for trouble."

Tang Monk is wearing a brocade cassock and a nine-dragon Zen staff. He is majestic and compelling, but the person who speaks is serious.

Shengge: "..."

Please look at my speechless face.

She wouldn't be surprised if the person who spoke with such peace of mind without changing his expression was the Great Sage, but Tang Seng's Buddha's light is always a bit awkward.

"Golden Cicada."

"Back then, during the Obon Festival, when you offered me tea, you were still a gentle and elegant little monk. Why now?"

Shengge nodded fiercely in secret, and she also found it strange.

"You have reincarnated in ten lives. I thought that the Tathagata would make you forget the past. I never thought that you would have memories."

Zhen Yuanzi's voice was easygoing, like two people chatting casually.

"You also said that in the reincarnation of ten lives, isn't it normal for each life to gain two catties?"

"As for memory, I drank the Mengpo soup that fell into the mortal world by accident, otherwise I would not know that my misery for several lifetimes was carefully designed."

"I have practiced since I was a child to devote myself to the Buddha and never have any distracting thoughts. Even if I don't have so many calculations, wouldn't I know how to spread the scriptures and spread the Tao?"

"Zhen Yuanzi, do you know what I have experienced in the past nine lives?"

Tang Seng was no longer as idle as before, with a solemn expression, as if he was suppressing great sorrow.

Shengge tried to reduce his sense of existence, and quietly listened to Tang Seng's rarely serious speech.

For the first time, she felt that everyone here was hiding scars that others couldn't touch under the frivolity of laughing, cursing, and being frivolous.

This is also the first time she feels that perhaps this is not a broken Journey to the West, but a more realistic and detailed Journey to the West.

In her cognition, every character in Journey to the West was given life by Wu Chengen, but she forgot that in the book, this is the real world they live in.

The story has a beginning, a climax and an end, but it cannot explain the small moments of each person one by one.

In the magnificent and enduring classic, what kind of resistance these people are doing in the established destiny.

Dimly lit place: Why do I suddenly feel that this always burly Monk Doubi seems to have a dark past.

Beicheng Nansheng: Thinking about it, I'm terrified. Have you ever wondered why monsters know that this monk's flesh can live forever?Is it, is it...

Lang Jiujiu: Does it mean that this monk was eaten before?

Scholar: Maybe it’s more accurate to say it’s food sharing, otherwise any goblin wouldn’t know about it, and the people who share food are still alive and well.

Jackal cat. : Is there such a strong taste for cannibalism?
Yumian Xiaoqinglou: Don't you see that this monk has a big background?watch carefully.

Walking is too rough to the waist: With a big backstage, ordinary people must not dare to share food, so...

Beicheng Nansheng: Still thinking carefully and terrified.

I have spicy sticks to follow me: Mom asked me why I had goosebumps all over my body.

Devil Prison: Is it possible to live forever with human flesh?One catty please.

The words of the devil's prison's painting style disrupted everyone's speculation, and the live broadcast room with a little atmosphere was once again covered by chatter.

(End of this chapter)

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