Chapter 254 Kong Yiji Who Wants To Get Rich (37)

That day, after Kong Yiji left, she went around the town specifically to find out who Kong Yiji was.

However, what she heard and what she saw seemed like two people.

If she hadn't found someone to draw Kong Yiji's portrait, she wouldn't have believed that there were really two people.

There must be a reason for the sudden earth-shaking changes of the humble, cowardly and brain-dead Kong Yiji.


Curiosity kills...

She didn't want to ruin her life just because of curiosity.

She only needs to know that Kong Yiji is powerful and mysterious, and that she is powerless to resist is enough.

But, can we divide her into a wolf...

The young woman would never admit that she was just jealous.


Shengge and Mrs. Xianglin ran wildly on the back of the wild wolf.

The long mountain road finally came to an end, Sheng Ge whistled, and her wandering horse finally came back.

Little friend, did you take advantage of this little fairy's absence to hook up with other horses?


Shengge very naturally hugged Amao and jumped up, but what should Mrs. Xianglin do.

Mrs. Xianglin would never ride with her, life or death.

So, Shengge came down resentfully again, and gave the horse to Mrs. Xianglin.

"I can't ride..."

What Mrs. Xianglin said was very innocent.

Neither the Wei family nor the He family could raise horses.

"You take the carriage."

When He Lao Liu and the young woman came, they hired a carriage. Although the carriage was not big, it was more than enough for one more Mrs. Xianglin.

Mrs. Xianglin showed hesitation. He Lao Liu was her former husband-in-law, and Qian'er was the one who robbed her husband-in-law. Would it be embarrassing to ride in a carriage or two together?

"They should be the ones who are embarrassed."

"Either walk back to Lu Town, or take a carriage."

He Jiaao had to go through some small towns on his way back to Lu Town, so it was obviously impossible to ride a wild wolf back.

Leaving aside the possible panic and commotion, Shengge cannot guarantee whether the wild wolves will attack humans when they return.

"Then let's take a carriage." Aunt Xianglin didn't hesitate much.

She felt that she was about to be brainwashed by Kong Yiji, can she eat her cheeks?Not as good as roasted meat.

Besides, it wasn't her who did the wrong thing, she had a clear conscience.

So Shengge and Mrs. Xianglin waited leisurely for He Laoliu and the young woman in the gazebo at the foot of the mountain, drinking cold rice and eating dried meat, blowing the cool breeze.

Waiting and waiting, Sheng Ge felt that he was going to be exhausted, and then he faintly saw He Laoliu and the young woman on the rugged mountain road.


Really dilly-dally.

Anchor: Do you think this anchor is the embodiment of truth, kindness and beauty?

I have Latiao to follow me: Seeing the anchor’s words, even Latiao can’t stop me from wanting to vomit.

If you walk too wavy, your waist will flash: What about your face...

Anchor: If this anchor is not kind, would he still wait here for He Laoliu?Wouldn't it be easier to rob the carriage without doing anything.

Lingling Qixian Shang: Host, are you sure you don't want to sit down and rest, eat and drink before setting off?

Anchor: ←_← Let me give you a look to experience it yourself.

Shengge curled her lips, didn't she just want to change her cowardly and cowardly image, why didn't she give her a chance.

The true, kind and beautiful little fairy, here I come...



Both He Laoliu and the young woman were sweating profusely, indescribably miserable, but He Laoliu's concern made Mrs. Xianglin feel sad.

The care she has always expected.

"He Lao Liu, Mrs. Xianglin is on the carriage."

Shengge's words were taken for granted.

The house is lent to you, why don't you let the carriage go?

Maybe the money for renting a carriage is still left over from the necklace that Mrs. Xianglin pawned.

How dare you not answer the big brother's words.

He Laoliu nodded sincerely and apprehensively. In his heart at this moment, Kong Yiji already looked like a monster.

After entrusting Mrs. Xianglin to He Laoliu, Shengge hurriedly rode on the horse and galloped away, as if there was a ghost chasing her behind.

"Kong Yiji, you put Amao down for me."

"Kong Yiji..."

When Shengge's back gradually disappeared and turned into a small black spot, Mrs. Xianglin's heart-piercing voice of gnashing her teeth rang out in the dust.

I knew that Kong Yiji, a little bitch, was uneasy and kind.

Ah Mao, it's my mother's fault that let you go into the mouth of a tiger.

There was a smug smile on the corner of Sheng Ge's mouth, didn't he just want to hug Amao, why did he have to fight wits and courage.

Amao secretly rolled her eyes, A Niang seemed to be more childish than she remembered.

But why was he so happy to see A Niang like this?

Shengge left happily, while Mrs. Xianglin was furious, urging He Laoliu angrily.

Who will tell her why Kong Yiji always misses her little Amao so much.

Could it be that Amao has some bad habits...

When she was working in Lu Town, she also heard in other people's chats that some rich men and young masters don't like beauties with red makeup and prefer young boys carved with pink and jade...

Don't tell her that Kong Yiji has this idea.

But, Amao is still a baby...

Mrs. Xianglin was confused.

Because she was hiding things in her heart, Mrs. Xianglin forgot the embarrassment of the three of them being in the same room.

Shengge took Amao straight back to the inn. Her dilapidated house collapsed. Before it was rebuilt, she could stay in the inn. By the way, she could also tell stories to solicit business for the old shopkeeper.

But why is the old shopkeeper so gossip...

It seems that gossip really knows no age group.

After returning to Lu Town, Mrs. Xianglin followed Shengge to the inn after inquiring.

She thought it was necessary for her to have a good talk with Kong Yiji.

Let's talk about Amao's problem, otherwise she will always be unable to let go of her heart.



After listening to Mrs. Xianglin's words, Shengge was quite speechless. Why do people always think of her as the dirty demon king?

Sister Xianglin, who spread such thoughts to you?

"I am destined to be with Amao."

"Don't worry, what you worry about will never happen."

Shengge sighed, and began to explain again.

"I have no children in this life, and Amao will be my only heir."

"If you don't believe me, I can swear it here."

Shengge spoke very solemnly.

Kong Yiji wanted to get rich quickly, but getting rich didn't affect Amao's inheritance of her inheritance.

In the world of live streaming, Shengge seldom restrains her hands and feet, but Amao means a lot to her, so she is willing to make more concessions.

Money is hard to buy, I am happy, this little fairy is so willful.


Mrs. Xianglin was very skeptical. A person who traveled all over the world and fought wars, still has an inheritance?

Is it possible to inherit the broken boots worn in war?

Also, is it too early to talk about inheritance at this time?

Although Kong Yiji was more than ten years older than her, his death was still very early.

"Sworn off."

Mrs. Xianglin said in an embarrassing way.

Kong Yiji was very kind to her, and she shouldn't have questioned her this time, but whoever made her feel worried.

"I believe you."

(End of this chapter)

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