When the live broadcast of Kuaichuan is in progress

Chapter 28 The Pig Who Wants to Marry 8 Ring Part 2

Chapter 28 Zhu Bajie Who Wants to Marry (27) Part [-]


"Ha ha."

It was still a noble and glamorous smile.

"Wukong, come here."

Tang Seng waved at the Great Sage. He felt that it was better for Wukong to deal with Bajie's thick skin.

There is a small milk bag hanging on the Dasheng's chest, and he doesn't look so sharp.

"Wukong, he bullied me..."

Sheng Ge thought Tang Seng would say something, but he sued without shame.


This sentence is really petite.

Without any discussion, a stick hit Sheng Ge's fleshy body, pressed down and bounced again.

Niu Niu seemed to think it was fun, and then she poked Shengge's fat meat with her hand, and it bounced back and forth, having a great time.

"Tell me, how to solve it."

Tang Seng, who was sitting on a rock under Xiaobai's comfort, lightly threw the question to Monkey King.

With so many apprentices, it is natural to solve problems.

"Didn't Master discuss it with Bajie just now?"

"Teacher thinks it's feasible."

Sun Wukong stuffed Niuniu into Shengge's arms and said solemnly.

This is the only way right now...

"As for Gao Cuilan's eyes, it's not incomprehensible. Taishang Laojun is just a matter of Guanyin's effort, but Bajie doesn't have this face, and Gao Cuilan is not suitable to show up now."

"If we can learn scriptures faster, Gao Cuilan is actually enough to take care of Niuniu."

"That little girl is much smarter than Bajie."

The Great Sage leaned lazily on a rock, and said in a leisurely manner.

Taking Gao Cuilan away from Gao Laozhuang was not expected at all. Gao Cuilan can guard Niu Niu to survive in the broken face, so as long as she settles down and changes places, she will definitely be able to live comfortably and live better.

It's not cruel, it's rational.

Sheng Ge listened quietly, such a wise and indifferent great sage was in stark contrast to the domineering and arrogant Lao Tzu who was number one in the world in the past.

What does the great saint look like?Shengge was curious.

"Idiot, why are you in a daze?"

"Gao Cuilan, you can talk about it yourself, no one will do it for you."

Sun Wukong slapped Shengge's head, and a monkey's paw appeared on his puffy forehead.


Shengge actually didn't want to go, but he had to overthrow what he just said.

She felt that if she was really a man, then she must be a scumbag.

However, Gao Cuilan was more sober and docile than Shengge imagined. After stating the pros and cons, Gao Cuilan agreed.

On the contrary, Niu Niu, the little demon king of the world, cried and insisted on being hugged by the Great Sage.

Baby, your father is me, did you recognize the wrong person?
Shengge left Gao Cuilan in the village at the foot of Wuzhuangguan Mountain. Although it is not prosperous, it is better than safety.

Shengge left enough food and clothing for Gao Cuilan and begged the Great Sage to draw a big circle to protect the safety of their mother and daughter.

A blind young woman, a child who can't speak well at a young age, Shengge dare not take risks, and dare not use their safety to test the good and evil of human nature.

"Cuilan, I'm leaving."

"I'll come back to see you sometime, take care."

Gao Cuilan remained silent, nothing but indifference.

Ever since Gao Cuilan was brought out of the ruined temple, she never spoke again.

Shengge sighed, and married Gao Cuilan just like that, is Bajie sure it's not in the Arabian Nights?

With Gao Cuilan and Niu Niu as their concern, Shengge finally began to actively overcome the difficulties, which greatly shortened the time for studying Buddhist scriptures in the West.

Because Shengge replaced Tang Seng's position, and Tang Seng played as a thug, the world of Journey to the West has collapsed into another world.

Overbearing Monk Conquering the Demon...

Or eat my Tang Seng's Zen stick...

With Tang Seng, who is vigorous and muscular, there are fewer chances for the great sage to make a move.

When the Great Sage is idle, Shengge suffers, this is an iron rule.

Shengge has been completely reduced to a tool for the great sage to practice his hands. He is beaten twice when his hands are born, twice when his hands are itchy, twice when he is happy, and twice when he is unhappy...

It is definitely a must-have product for venting at home and traveling.


Without the three bone spirits, there would naturally be no such thing as Tang Seng angrily reprimanding Sun Wukong to expel him from the school.

After the ugly Shengge was captured by the yellow-robed monster, the meek, kind, beautiful and lovely Princess Baihua didn't greet her with care, nor cried to her asking him to bring any family letter.

He just glanced at Sheng Ge from a distance, then turned and left with disdain.

Shengge cried loudly, is she so ugly that she weeps ghosts and gods so shockingly?

Regarding the love-hate relationship between Princess Baihua and the Yellow-robed Monster in Journey to the West, Sheng Ge doesn't know how to evaluate it. Should he lament whether it is true love or good fortune.

One is the Kuimu wolf in the sky, and the other is the maid of the Pixiang Palace. They descended to the earth out of an affair, but after descending to the earth, one became a demon and the other a princess, and they were even more misfits.

But this is not a problem for our king in yellow robes, who kidnapped Princess Baihua in a gust of wind, married for many years, and gave birth to two children.

Shengge couldn't figure it out, could it be that good-looking people can cause homesickness?
She is ugly, Princess Baihua doesn't need help, doesn't she want to leave the Yellow Robe King?

Well, the woman's world is complicated for her, she is a pig and can't understand it.

Tang Seng made a double move, and with a Zen stick, he played the original shape of Kui Mulang, uglier than Zhu Bajie.

Blue face, long fangs, parrot-like nose, red hair and purple beard, it is more festive than a Christmas tree.

Lang Jiujiu: Anchor, you have escaped from the status of the number one ugly man. Congratulations. I hereby send a congratulatory message.

Jackal with female cat: +1, I have never seen anyone with such unique taste.

If you walk too wavy, your waist will flash: Although the anchor is ugly, he has a normal aesthetic.Finally, I found that the anchor once again has a saving grace outside of cooking.

I have hot sticks to follow me: The anchor must be smiling reservedly now, looking at the anchor's squinted eyes.

Beicheng Nansheng: Am I the only one who saw the woman behind that rock staring at our male god?
Walking too rough will make your waist flash: Beicheng's focus is always so peculiar.Tsk tsk tsk, the eyes are bright and the saliva is about to flow down.

Shengge couldn't see the scene described in the barrage.

She is still tied in the cave, and she doesn't know how wide the coverage of the cameras in the live broadcast room is.

male god?


Xiaobai and Princess Baihua?
Shengge felt that she seemed to have noticed some great secret.

It turns out that ugliness is really the original sin, and beauty really attracts bees and butterflies.

The yellow-robed monster showed its original shape, and compared with the noble son Xiaobai who was dressed in brocade clothes from Zhilan Yushu in Guangfeng Jiyue, it was so embarrassing.

Xiaobai is completely in line with her original imagination of Tang Seng. If Xiaobai replaces Tang Seng to cross the catastrophe, the plot will never collapse.

Hehehe, so you are such a princess of flowers.

I'm ugly, and it's my fault for the collapsed plot.

(End of this chapter)

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