When the live broadcast of Kuaichuan is in progress

Chapter 405 The Wild Monkey Who Wants to Be King

Chapter 405 The Wild Monkey Who Wants to Be King (28)

"One year, one year, I won't go back on my word."

Shengge blinked her eyes with sincerity.

The beautiful young lady must have been beaten, she never thought it was such a joyful thing for the Great Sage to beat someone up.

"Miss Meng Po, don't worry, although I'm just an unknown monkey, I know how to keep my word."

"Since I promised you to stay in Naiheqiao for a year, I will do it."

Sheng Ge was smiling, pretending to keep his promises.

Madam Meng: "..."

Great Sage: ≡ ̄﹏ ̄≡
The best of the best.



If you walk too wavy, your waist will flash: Anchor, are you really not going to be struck by lightning like this?
Jackals and female cats: Miss Meng Po is so beautiful, how could you be willing to plan so far.

Dimly lit place: The anchor is so terrifying.

Lingling on Qixian: Host, I'm afraid Miss Meng Po is about to explode.

Anchor: Please look at my sincere eyes.

"Sister Meng, do you come back to inspect because you don't trust me?"

"You're right. The ghosts are quite reasonable. Knowing that I hate Choubi, I come here after cleaning up one by one."

"By the way, Miss Meng Po, I'm also very comfortable with the bull's head and horse noodles..."

Ever since the Great Sage came, Sheng Ge never gave the Great Sage a look.

Please let this girl stay in the underworld for a year with peace of mind. This little fairy doesn't want to leave now.

Meng Po: You're so angry, but I have to be elegant.

Heh, the bull head and horse noodles really deserve a beating, why do you only know how to bring her fried melon seeds?
Don't look at her being in the world for so many days, except for being beaten, she ate all kinds of sour fruits, so sour that her teeth were about to fall out.

"After thinking about it, I feel that I can't repay my kindness, so the agreement between you and me is cancelled."

"What you asked for, I have already done it for you."

Po Meng tried her best to maintain her nobility and aloofness, she didn't draw out her sword to teach her how to laugh, and she was a bright face of Shengge.

Alas, she doesn't ask this ugly monkey to repay the kindness of dripping water first, but she can't repay the kindness.

The ugly monkey eats delicious food and drinks spicy food here, stretches out his hands to eat and opens his mouth, but what about her?
I can't recall it, and it makes me even angrier when I recall it.

Shengge seriously refused...

She also doesn't want to get along with the Great Sage day and night.

However, you can only think about this in your heart, and you must not talk about it.

"Sister Meng, thank you for your kindness. Since you yearn for the human world and you have reached an agreement with me, you have fulfilled my entrustment so actively and swiftly. How can I have the nerve to break the contract?"

"Sister Meng Po, don't worry, I will definitely stay here for a year."

Not for a year, but for ten years.

"Are you repaying your kindness? It's clearly repaying your kindness with revenge."

"Pack up your things and leave immediately."

The noble and glamorous Granny Meng couldn't pretend anymore, she drew her sword directly against Sheng Ge's neck, and said angrily.

don't go?

Cut your neck if you don't go.

Sheng Ge disapproved, and looked at Po Meng seriously, "Miss Po Meng, you are trapping me in an unjust place."

Po Meng vomits blood, who is trapped in the unrighteous place.

Unbearable, Meng Po kicked Sheng Ge out of the underworld.

It's a pity for Shengge, but let her finish eating the delicious food on that table before leaving.

The beauty is fierce...

However, what kind of outrageous things did the Great Sage do to Miss Meng Po to make Miss Meng Po, who is so graceful in beating others, so violent.


Hell, this little fairy can't bear to part with you, but she was torn apart abruptly.



On the Naihe Bridge, the Great Sage and Po Meng stood opposite each other.

"Are you afraid that you recognized me from the beginning?"

This question gradually became clear in Po Meng's mind.

emmmmm, knowing that she is not that ugly monkey, she is still so aggressive.

On purpose.


Sun Wukong nodded.

Granny Meng was about to laugh angrily, these two monkeys are so fucking shameless...

One or two came to plot against her, do you really think that she, Meng Po, is a face-to-face?
"That ugly monkey treats Daddy like you, I am very relieved."

The word "daddy" was bitten heavily by Granny Meng.

"Did you discuss a plan?"


Sun Wukong insisted.

Does this still need to be discussed?

He guessed Shengge's plan from the moment he saw the evil look in Shengge's eyes.

As Shengge wished, by the way, help Meng Po to liven up the confinement, after all, Meng Po has been in this hell for a long time.

If you don't move for too long, it will become rigid.


These two words are very harsh.

He doesn't have such an ugly descendant as Shengge.


"Thank you, Granny Meng, for your help."

Sun Wukong cupped his hands, expressed his gratitude very solemnly, and then left the underworld.

On the Naihe Bridge, the bull's head and horse's face was trembling, dripping with cold sweat, and all the ghosts looked bewildered.

The one who kicked the ghost down the Wangchuan River was not the real Meng Po.

Any time a fake can be so emboldened.

They have to take it easy.


Outside the gate of the underworld, Sheng Ge's face was full of nostalgia.

"You don't want to go?"

"Before the great sage came, he saw Jin Chanzi pass out. If he had delayed for a long time, he might have been boiled and eaten by that mountain spirit."

Sun Wukong smiled, arms crossed.

If Shengge himself is motivated enough, why should he beat him up.

"Why boiled instead of braised or fried?"

Shengge asked subconsciously.

In Shengge's knowledge, braised or fried are better than boiled.

After she recalled the complete sentence of the Great Sage, she was dumbfounded.

Conscience of heaven and earth, she has no interest in eating Tang monk meat.

Although other ghosts are fond of Tang Seng meat, but as a good socialist young man who grew up eating Tang Seng meat, how could he be able to buy a pack of Tang Seng meat for ten cents?

When I was in kindergarten and elementary school, I carried two packs of Tang monk meat in my pocket every day.

"Shengge, is this what you said you miss Master a little?"

"In my opinion, you must have imagined thousands of ways to eat Tang Sengrou in your mind."

"Shengge, the Great Sage advises you to be kind."

Hearing this, Sheng Ge silently added in his heart, Great Sage, you can't be too sunny...

"Great Sage, Master is in trouble, you and I don't want to waste any time here trying to talk quickly."

"If Master makes any mistakes, my conscience will hurt."

Shengge's face changed instantly, his face was full of sadness, and he was very pious and pretending. If the Great Sage hadn't watched Shengge's words and deeds from beginning to end, he might not have seen anything tricky.

The acting seems to have improved again...

The Great Sage silently commented in his heart.

"The great sage thinks that you may lack a handy weapon."


Upon hearing this, Shengge's eyes lit up a little.

Hmm, she is indeed short of a magical weapon, her requirements are not high, just like Po Meng's sword.

Ever since she witnessed Po Meng's amazing sword dance in the underworld, Sheng Ge has been thinking about dancing sword in red.

 Come, come, guess what the Great Sage gave Sheng Ge...

(End of this chapter)

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