When the live broadcast of Kuaichuan is in progress

Chapter 418 Duan Yanqing who wants to reform

Chapter 418 Duan Yanqing who wants to reform ([-])

Seeing this, Yun Zhonghe didn't stop him.

Firstly, he was also curious, and secondly, South Sea Crocodile God had always been at odds with him and spoiled his good deeds many times. If he angered the boss, wouldn't it be convenient for him.

In his opinion, the God Crocodile of the South China Sea is simply unworthy of being among the four villains.

Obviously everyone in the world dislikes him, but he will still interrupt him when he is about to do something good.

"Come in."

Shengge spoke lightly.

It can be said that among the four villains, Sheng Ge's favorite is the South China Sea Crocodile God with big scissors. He looks fierce, but he is also very straightforward and cute.

In particular, in the eight parts of Tianlong, Yue Laosan has killed three people in total, Jin Xi'er from the Valley of Ten Thousand Tribulations, soldier A from the Dali Palace, and Gu Ducheng from the four major guards of Dali...

In this way, Yue Laosan's name does not match the reality.

"Boss, what happened to Ye Erniang?"

Yue Laosan asked rudely.

Although he has always been dissatisfied with Ye Erniang's position as the second child, he doesn't want to see Ye Erniang go crazy.

"Are you worried about her?"

Shengge raised his eyebrows and asked teasingly.

She doesn't mind being a little more patient with Yue Laosan.

Who told this to be the apprentice of her cheap son.

Alas, the seniority has risen again in vain.

As a result, Sheng Ge looked at Yue Laosan with more loving eyes, which made Yue Laosan get goosebumps all over his body.

"How can my second son, Yue, be worried about her?"

"Hmph, who let her take the position of my Yue's second son?"

"My lord has a lot, so I don't care about her."

Yue Laosan is like a cat whose tail has been trampled on, full of arrogance.

Shengge was happy to watch, so his eyes looked more like an elder's.

"Boss, can you stop looking at me like that?"

Yue Laosan said with a hippie smile.

Not only Ye Erniang is abnormal, even the boss is abnormal.

Did someone poison it?
There are no messy poisons in Xixia Yipintang.

Could it be that someone couldn't stand it and wanted to get rid of the four of them?

"Cough cough..."

Shengge looked away, cleared his throat solemnly, and turned into that gloomy Duan Yanqing again.

"Perhaps Ye Erniang wants to do good and atone for her sins."

It was said that Ye Laosan stared, with his round head and round eyes, he looked like a mascot, and as for the big scissors, people couldn't help laughing.

For good?


A person like Ye Erniang who pinches and breaks people's necks still thinks of doing good.

Stop making trouble, if Ye Erniang can be a good person, then the abbot of Shaolin Temple can marry a wife and have children, murder and set fire.


He is very smart, boss, don't try to trick him.

"Boss, this is impossible..."

Yue Laosan answered firmly.

Shengge: "..."

My heart is so tired, no one will believe me when I tell the truth these days.

"If you don't believe what I say, why are you asking me?"

"Get out quickly, don't bother me."

Shengge pushed Yue Laosan pretending to be disgusted.

I saw Yue Lao San lying on the ground curled up in a circle, dragging the big scissors and rolling out.

This Yue Laosan is simply a living treasure.

Keeping such a person by your side will add a lot of fun to life in the future.

Get out, really get out...

Shengge really admired it.


Yun Zhonghe was waiting in the yard to watch the show, but found that the boss he imagined did not get angry, and Yue Laosan suffered a disaster.

When did the boss's patience become so good?

Yun Zhonghe narrowed his eyes and frowned, thinking about something.

"Yun Zhonghe, what crooked idea are you playing?"

Holding the big pair of scissors in his arms, Yue Laosan looked at Yun Zhonghe fiercely.

He always felt that Yun Zhonghe had the most crooked ideas, and he would be fooled if he didn't pay attention.

Yun Zhonghe glared at Laosan Yue. Although he was not as good as Laosan Yue, he was not afraid.

Who stipulated that Yue Laosan asked him, and he had to answer.

Seeing Yun Zhonghe ignoring his stinky fart, Yue Laosan was so angry that he couldn't help but swear.

How dare you look down on grandpa...

look at...


Shengge spread her consciousness and paid attention to the movement in the yard. She really didn't like Yun Zhonghe.

Maybe it's because she is a woman, so she hates those who rape women.

Besides, Yun Zhonghe has no shadows, he is simply a good womanizer and lustful.

For such a person, she might as well do good deeds every day.

Could it be that Yun Zhonghe's lifeblood was chopped off?
Shengge was thinking about the plot, thinking in his heart that I want a pair of big scissors, so a pair of big scissors appeared out of thin air...

Fortunately, her wishful weapon traveled through with her.

I need crutches...

Scissors turned into crutches...

As soon as the magic soldier appeared, Shengge felt that the spiritual energy of the world around him became more active.

This is a world of martial arts, and she cannot cultivate immortals, but can she try to use simple spells to attract spiritual energy to repair his leg injury.

As a little fairy who likes beauties, I really don't want to stick to crutches all the time.

"Ding dong..."

"Ding dong..."

"The system has been expanded and upgraded, congratulations to the anchor for having free storage space."

The spicy chicken system one by one pretends to be serious and learns to be a serious system.

space storage...

Didn't you say that there will be a space store?

Shengge felt that a store with everything that one could expect could only be a dream, and it was far away.


It's better than nothing, it's nice to have a space to put things, at least she has one more golden finger.

Shengge manipulated his consciousness to enter the space. Since it is a primary space storage, it is barely the size of a small room.


Why is the space of others described as the size of several football fields, and it has spiritual springs and spiritual fruits...

Shengge once again realized that the same person does not have the same fate.

"Yiyi, are you stupid, why didn't you upgrade in the last world?"

"If I had free space to store in the last world, wouldn't I be able to bring Yulu fine wine and flat peaches with me?"

"You, you are really stupid."

Shengge said that he hated iron for being weak.

With Yulu Qiongjiang and Pantao, it is not a big problem for her broken leg to be reborn.

The spicy chicken system is unreliable.


Can she say that the last world was so fun to watch, did she forget?
Seeing that there was no answer for a long time, Sheng Ge knew that the spicy chicken system must have slipped away again with a guilty conscience.

Alas, I can only look forward to being lucky enough to have another high-end and high-end world.

At that time, she will definitely use the spirit of purchasing agents, how much can she store?



"Yue Laosan, Yue Laosan..."

Shengge shouted.

Since there is space, it cannot be wasted.

Yue Laosan, who was chattering endlessly about Yun Zhonghe, was startled by this angry cry.

Boss, why are you calling him again?
Just let him get out, could it be that the boss likes to watch him roll like a ball?

Yue Laosan thought for a while, then he pushed open the door and rolled in.

Shengge: Σ(дlll)
 The author is almost exhausted.

  Very busy today.

  Needs to be hugged and held high.

(End of this chapter)

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