When the live broadcast of Kuaichuan is in progress

Chapter 421 Duan Yanqing who wants to reform

Chapter 421 Duan Yanqing who wants to reform ([-])

Shengge would never admit that he despised his cheap son at this moment.

Speaking of which, she is quite similar to the cheap son, they are both Yan dogs, and they only like beauties

Shengge looked at the statue of the fairy sister, gritted his teeth, and threw the statue into the space.

She would like to see if Duan Yu can follow Wang Yuyan so steadfastly without the statue.

Think of it as helping them identify their feelings for free.

It's not easy being a father.

You don't need to thank her, just call her Red Scarf.

Walking too rough will make your waist flash: Anchor, are you sure you took the statue, will your cheap son still see this futon... Anchor, in fact, you want to extinguish the inheritance of cheap son.

Shengge: ...

Well, she was so engrossed in watching a good show that she forgot about this.

However, it doesn't matter, the big deal is for her to stay here, anyway, here is safe enough, while practicing Beiming magic skills, while waiting for a cheap son.

Of course, she will not recognize the cheap son yet.

Duan Zhengchun is handsome, handsome and powerful, but what about her?
She is old, ugly, crippled, and has not raised Duan Yu for a day. With such an identity in front of Duan Yu, is it possible that she still expects Duan Yu to recognize her?
Stop it……

Duan Yu is a handsome dog.


A touch of sadness swept over her.

She is also a pretty dog, but now she is a lame and disabled big ugly.

The little fairy is not happy.

Shengge groaned and tore the futon apart, then threw it into the space.

Shengge didn't start practicing Beiming Divine Art right away, but cleaned up the entire cave.

This is at the bottom of Jianhu Lake...

People are like iron and rice is steel, so don't you even have the right to eat meat if you become a big ugly?
I want to eat meat, I want to eat meat
Only when you are full will you have the strength to travel around the world with you.

Shengge hummed to himself, as an old man with bad legs, Shengge felt that she could still catch some animals and roast them.

For example, fish...

For example, the cute little bunny...

For example, a fat pheasant...

By the way, pick some fruits from the mountains, if you start to practice Beiming Divine Art, you will have much less time to go out for food.

Shengge walked out of Langhuan's blessed land with his walking stick transformed from a magic weapon.

After a while, Shengge carried a basket of peeled and cleaned pheasants, and the fish came back.

Don't ask her where the basket came from...

Although she is handicapped, she won't be so handicapped that she can't even make a basket.

Alas, with Shengge, a down-to-earth little fairy, Langhuan Blessed Land is destined to no longer be the place where Duan Yu remembered the fairy spirit and fairy sister.

Isn't the smell of meat diffuse?
Shengge piled up the wood and lit it to start grilling the fish. After layers of seasonings were sprinkled, the stomach became even hungrier.

People who practice martial arts eat a lot...

But no matter how much he could eat Shengge, he never expected to eat six fish and two pheasants...

Duan Yanqing is actually a big eater...

Sheng Ge felt that this must be Duan Yanqing's fault, and had nothing to do with her, a little fairy.

Shengge hiccupped, touched Yuanyuan's belly, lay on the stone bed, and fell asleep with her eyes closed.

If you eat and drink enough and don't sleep, it's unacceptable.

Beiming Divine Art, I will practice it when I wake up tomorrow morning...



Duan Yanqing may really be a prodigy in martial arts, he practiced Beiming magic skill, there was no ups and downs from the beginning to the end, he learned it logically.

In the north of the poor, there is a sea of ​​darkness, and Tianchi is also there.There is Yuyan, whose area is thousands of miles away, and no one knows how to cultivate it...

The rest of Sheng Ge started to recite Beiming magic skills, and Duan Yu, that flirtatious and foolish boy, hadn't come yet.


Counting the time, it will be Duan Yu's turn to meet the little girl Zhong Ling.

Could it be that he was cut off by another girl?
When Sheng Ge was about to count ants, there was finally a sound outside the jade wall. Sisi Wenwen was dressed in a green shirt with a little dust on his face, but he was still holding a fan in his hand until Duan Yu finally arrived.

If you don't come again, I won't wait for you.

Sheng Ge glanced at Duan Yu in anger, then put on the veiled hat, and turned the iron crutch into an ordinary wooden stick, as if he was an ordinary old man who lived in seclusion.

Duan Yu looked at the cave, a little dumbfounded, it was different from what he imagined.

Besides, the picture on the jade wall is also beautiful and fairy-like, but why does it look like a hunter's house after entering, and there is still half a fish on the stone table...

Duan Yu couldn't help the corners of his mouth twitching, isn't that a bit too down-to-earth?
Someone lives here?
"Which kid?"

With his back facing Duan Yu, Sheng Ge's voice was rough.

"Junior Duan Yu has met the old man."

"This junior enters here by mistake. If this disturbs the old man, this junior will leave immediately."

He still has to save Miss Zhong.


Sheng Ge's black face, I really don't want to recognize this cheap son.

But who made Duan Yu's existence Duan Yanqing's last hope and hope?

Sheng Ge was very skeptical, who did Duan Yu learn from to be so indecisive and soft-hearted towards beautiful girls.

In all likelihood it was Duan Zhengchun.

Dao Baifeng became a monk in Yuxu Temple, known as Yuxu Sanren, and rarely returned to the palace, and Duan Zhengchun was also a flirtatious prince, who would go out from time to time to secretly smell incense and have a dewy love affair.

Alas, that's the same sentence, there are so many scumbags in martial arts dramas.

Duan Zhengchun has so many women, did he never think that someone would be pregnant?

It's not that he's abnormal, those little three, four, and five are also very healthy, isn't it natural to have a child...

However, Duan Zhengchun hadn't thought about it for more than ten years...

Seeing Duan Yu turn around, Shengge sighed, she knew that without the fairy sister, little brother Duan Yu would not miss this place at all.

Isn't she a bit unlucky to have such a cheap son...

"I don't know what the old man ordered?"

Duan Yu bowed and asked politely.

Duan Yu's family education is still good, and Sheng Ge is very satisfied with this.

She didn't feel that being a father was a bit embarrassing at all, after all, she herself was an old antique who lived for an unknown number of lives.

In the last world alone, she stayed for hundreds of years.

"Since you entered here, it means that you and I are destined."

"The old man's legs and feet are inconvenient, I wonder if the young hero can come closer."

Sheng Ge waved to Duan Yu and said with a smile.

young hero...

The old man called him young hero?

But he doesn't like martial arts.

"You said your surname is Duan? What does the royal family of Dali in Yunnan have to do with you?"

Sheng Ge asked knowingly.

"My father is Duan Zhengchun, the Southern King of Dali Town."

Duan Yu was very proud of himself.

Shengge heard Duan Yu's pride and laughed inwardly.

Of course you have to be proud, your father is not only handsome, but also has an extraordinary family background, and even gave birth to a harem for you.

Zhong Ling is delicate and cute.

Mu Wanqing is cold and decisive.

Wang Yuyan does not eat fireworks in the world.

If Azhu Azi was barely counted, it would be even more lively.

A Zhu is gentle and virtuous.

Ah Zi is a strange spirit.

It's a pity that Qiao Feng is the one the sisters like.

No fate with Duan Yu.



(End of this chapter)

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