When the live broadcast of Kuaichuan is in progress

Chapter 423 Duan Yanqing who wants to reform

Chapter 423 Duan Yanqing Who Wants to Convert ([-])

Especially since this boy is still her cheap son.


Zuo Zimu's eyes flickered.

As far as he knows, Duan Yanqing should be the only one who uses ventriloquist in Jianghu.

The old man with a veiled hat in front of him is also a ventriloquist with a broken leg, he really looks like Duan Yanqing.

But who doesn't know that Duan Yanqing is ruthless and commits all kinds of evil, otherwise he wouldn't have won the title full of evil.

"An antidote."

Qi Ri Duan Chang San is not like ordinary poison, its internal energy may not be able to completely remove it.


Zuo Zimu gritted his teeth, but in the end he still didn't ask the doubt in his heart.

"My apprentice is new to the rivers and lakes, and he is very idiot. I hope you will forgive me."

Seeing that Zuo Zimu didn't reveal her identity, Sheng Ge was very satisfied.

This is a smart guy.

After getting the antidote of Qiri Duanchang Powder, Sheng Ge directly poured it into Duan Yu, and as for Zhong Ling...

Shengge hurriedly threw it back to the Valley of Ten Thousand Tribulations, then grabbed Duan Yu and left without looking back.

Duan Yu looked back three times at every step, full of reluctance, as if he was paying homage to his love that was too late to bloom and bear fruit.

"Can't you see what is hanging at the gate of the Valley of Myriad Tribulations?"

"Those with the surname Duan will be killed without mercy if they enter this valley."

"Have you ever thought about why Valley Master Zhong hates Duan so much?"

Sheng Ge looked at the depressed Duan Yu with a half-smile, and said coldly.

To be honest, Duan Yu's personality is not even good enough to be the male protagonist of the novel, he can only be the male protagonist of the stallion.

Duan Yu raised his eyes, full of puzzlement.

"This seat will tell you a romantic affair in Jianghu."

"Duan Zhengchun, the king of Zhennan, was young and frivolous when he first entered the rivers and lakes. He fell in love with the pretty medicine Chagan Baobao at first sight. However, he already had a beautiful wife in his family. When he proposed to marry her, he swore that he would never accept a second concubine for the rest of his life."

"Men are passionate but also fickle, unable to promise their status, Qiao Yaocha Gan Baobao got angry and married Zhong Wanchou. At that time, Qiao Yaocha was pregnant."

"I forgot to tell you, Qiaoyaocha and Shuradao are sisters and sisters serving together as one husband."

Shengge smiled lightly and said calmly.

In this world, the three views are very low.

However, with Duan Yu's sentimental nature, he probably wouldn't dislike Zhong Ling because of it.


Duan Yu has always known that his father is romantic, romantic and uninhibited, otherwise his mother would not live in Yuxu Temple.

But he didn't expect that the first girl he met during his travels in the rivers and lakes might be his younger sister.

"Mrs. Zhong and Sister Zhong Ling are also poor people."

Duan Yu sighed.

Shengge: Σ(っ°Д°;)っ

The glass balls in the live broadcast room watching:|Д)))
Sheng Ge really wanted to know, how did Duan Yu see that Zhong Ling was pitiful?

Zhong Wanchou enshrined Gan Baobao on the altar, and was never harsh on Zhong Ling, so how could Zhong Ling be pitiful?

Could it be that Baby Gan was accepted as a concubine by Duan Zhengchun, and then Zhong Ling was raised by Duan Zhengchun, isn't it pitiful?

When Duan Yu sympathized with these little three and four, did he ever think about what kind of life his mother Dao Baifeng lived.



As the name suggests, Dao Baifeng is proud and dignified, how desperate is it to make the decision to find a man for a while.

Alas, Duan Yu's child's three views made her unable to complain.

"Duan Yu, I don't want to discuss right and wrong with you as a teacher."

"What I want to tell you as a teacher is that if you find a girl you like in the future, think about it more, what if it is another pearl left by your father and king among the people."

"You also know that nine out of ten your father is staying outside."

Shengge's words were like a sharp knife piercing Duan Yu's heart...

Lovers in the world finally become brothers and sisters...

Xu was stimulated by Shengge, Duan Yu was listless for several days.

Shengge's patience with Duan Yu was almost exhausted. Seeing that Duan Yu was still looking tired and sad, Shengge hit him with a stick.

If a child is disobedient, it is mostly due to beating.

Just a fight.

Under the practice of Sheng Ge, Duan Yu no longer had the energy to think about the possibility that the beauty he met in the future might be about his younger sister, so he practiced Lingbo Weibu more diligently.

not for other...

The purpose is to be able to escape when being beaten.

With a goal in mind, Duan Yu Lingbo's micro-step practice became more and more proficient...

Seeing that Duan Yu had achieved success with Lingbo's small steps, Sheng Ge threw the Beiming Divine Art to Duan Yu.

Not learn?

OK, give it a shot.

Sheng Ge is too lazy to talk nonsense with Duan Yu now.

Duan Yu, the pampered son, just needs to be beaten.

Under Shengge's violent teaching, Duan Yu's changes were immediate.

Returning the inheritance that belongs to Duan Yu to Duan Yu, Sheng Ge will be fine.

"Duan Yu, you pity Zhong Ling, have you ever thought about who is the source of all tragedies?"

Shengge picked the fire, and the splashed sparks crackled.

Shengge handed the grilled fish to Duan Yu, and Duan Yu took it carefully.

This period of time was the most miserable time that Duan Yu had lived in all these years.

Not only like a savage, but also often beaten.

Duan Yu has complicated feelings about his master who appeared out of nowhere.

After seeing the dangers of the world, he knew how naive and ridiculous his previous thoughts were.

After leaving the Zhennan Palace, he was just a scholar with no power to restrain himself.

No matter how reasonable what he said, no one would agree.

Duan Yu bit the grilled fish lightly, and began to think about Shengge.

Who is the source...

Undoubtedly, it is the father.

The father was merciful everywhere, and there was a spring breeze, but he did not take responsibility.

Shengge chuckled, the simple and rough training method is also effective, she will throw Duan Yu wherever it is dark, and he will grow up naturally.

At least the three views are not too crooked.

Thinking of Duan Yu's appearance when she fed Duan Yu the manggu, vermilion clams and scorpions, Sheng Ge couldn't help but smile.

During this period of time, she really tossed Duan Yu a lot.

"The teacher is leaving."

"From now on, take care of yourself."

"Before you meet a pretty girl and want to flirt, you should think about whether you can take responsibility and whether you can spend your life with her hand in hand."

"Otherwise, your children will face the same confusion as you in the future. What if they all like brothers and sisters?"

Shengge would never admit that she did it on purpose.

Heart-piercing words sound so pleasing to the ear, I think Duan Yu is already used to it.

Duan Yu's face is black, all he likes are brothers and sisters...

In fact, this is the greatest curse in the world.

But what Master said was very natural.

As for what Sheng Ge said about leaving, Duan Yu almost started to set off fireworks in his heart with excitement.


Finally going.

He was finally set free.


Farewell to Duan Yu, Sheng Ge became lonely again.

However, being alone has the benefits of being alone, being unrestrained and free is the most comfortable.

In particular, she didn't like Duan Yu very much very soon.

During the days when she was teaching Duan Yu to practice martial arts, many major events happened in the Central Plains martial arts, which was quite turbulent.

Murong in the south and Qiaofeng in the north, Murong returned to the Central Plains, and Wang Yuyan in the Mantuo Villa amazed everyone, everyone knew about it.

Of course, the most shocking thing is the revelation of Xingzi Lin Qiaofeng's life experience.

(End of this chapter)

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