When the live broadcast of Kuaichuan is in progress

Chapter 425 Duan Yanqing who wants to reform

Chapter 425 Duan Yanqing who wants to reform ([-])

If you don't listen, you will die.

Any fool knows how to choose.

After killing so many people, doing so many crimes, and sacrificing casually, there is Shaolin Temple as a place to retire.

The past is the past, and the past is not to blame.

No matter how many people die, that is what they did before converting to Buddhism.

The me I am today is not the me I used to be, and the things I did in the past cannot be held accountable to the me now...


Outrageous sophistry...

But this world is still regarded as the most reasonable saying.

Philosophy is not good enough.


On the sunny slope of Shaoshi Mountain, there are three earthen houses and a jujube tree.

Under the jujube tree, Father Qiao was fanning a big fan and drinking water. The small teapot looked old.

And Qiao's mother is drying the dried vegetables. Although she is a little poor, she is still a thriving farmyard.

Self-sufficient, no worries about food and clothing.

Sheng Ge didn't disturb Qiao's father and Qiao's mother, but quietly looked aside, and then leisurely went to Shaolin Temple.

If Qiao Feng does not return, Xiao Yuanshan will not kill Qiao Feng's adoptive parents and mentor in a frenzy.

So, she doesn't have to stare all the time.

Sneaking into the Shaolin Temple, Shengge didn't expect to be lucky enough to be able to hide from the sweeping monk in the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion.

But she also knew that if the sweeping monk hadn't met someone who was related to the rise and fall of Shaolin Temple, he wouldn't have come forward, otherwise, how could he have allowed Xiao Yuanshan and Murong Bo to stay in this scripture pavilion for more than 20 years to study secretly.

Shengge felt that she might not be savvy enough to understand the deep meaning of the bigwigs in these worlds.

She doesn't do anything like murder and arson, and she has the demeanor of a sweeping monk, so naturally she won't talk to her.

She entered Shaolin Temple only for one thing, that is to steal Xu Zhu out.

Steal it out and throw it to Su Xinghe, only then can she feel confident and bold to do something earth-shattering.

However, this Xu Zhu is really nagging.

Could it be that monks are like golden cicadas who feel uncomfortable if they don't chatter?

Seeing the handsome and elegant Duan Yu, and seeing Xu Zhu again, Xu Zhu's appearance is extremely embarrassing.

Well, it's not ugly, it can only be said that there is no harm without contrast.

Thick eyebrows, big eyes, upturned nostrils, protruding ears, and thick lips.

This kind of Xu Zhu makes Sheng Ge, who has played enough, really don't know how to appreciate it.

Nothing more...

She, Duan Yanqing, is just a villain, and the appearance of the protagonist group has nothing to do with her.

She dragged Xu Zhu out, but because of Xu Zhu's luck.

She came to fulfill Duan Yanqing's wish, but she would not ruin the luck that these protagonists should have.

Well, she is not a locust crossing the border, so naturally she will not fail.

"Almsgiver, the poor monk is dull, I don't know why you robbed the poor monk and came out?"


"Almsgiver, the sea of ​​suffering is boundless, turn back to the shore, put down the butcher's knife and become a Buddha immediately."

"Goodness is goodness."


Seeing that Xu Zhu started to babble again on those few old teeth-losing words that sounded nauseating, Shengge couldn't help frowning.

Such a protagonist group is quite strange.

The Xiaoyao School has always advocated that one's heart follows one's wishes, ethereal and elegant, but Xu Zhu's long-winded, upright and somewhat rigid person has become the heir, which is really a bit of a sudden change in style.

I don't know if the patriarch of the Xiaoyao School would sigh if he knew that the style of painting of the last master of his school had become like this.

"If you talk too much, I'll use crutches to skewer you."

Shengge shook the crutch in his hand and bit the steamed bun viciously.


It's also fortunate that Li Qiushui kindly gave Xu Zhu a wife, otherwise Xu Zhu's temperament might not be able to enlighten him for the rest of his life.

People who can't get their head around it, are still long-winded, and have many rules, such people are destined to live alone.

The protagonist is the protagonist...

Have a dream and sleep, you can have a one-night relationship with a beauty, romantic.

Xu Zhu: (#Д)
This benefactor is a bit fierce.

"Sir, you won't do that."

"The benefactor is disgusting and kind, why would he deliberately say these vicious words, just to make people misunderstand..."

Come on, let's start again...

Shengge really thinks that Xu Zhu should be the one who has a relationship with Tang Seng as a mentor.

"Xu Zhu."

"If you keep nagging, don't blame me for eating meat and drinking in front of you."

"These days, I'm eating dry food and fruits for your sake, but if you don't know good from bad, it's really hard for me to respect you."

"Think about those laughing animals that may die because of you. You don't kill Boren, but Boren dies because of you. I don't know if you have violated the precept of killing?"

mock up……

Is this little fairy still unable to cure you?

Xu Zhu: "...".

Xu Zhu has some doubts, he can't tell whether the person in front of him is a wicked person or a kind person.

He had never seen such a contradictory and perverse person.

Nothing more...

Shut up, just shut up, anyway, the benefactor in front of him will not kill him, so he will follow the old benefactor honestly.

Maybe in a few days, the old benefactor sent him back to Shaolin Temple as soon as he was in a good mood.



The ears finally became quiet, Sheng Ge speeded up, traveled all day and night, and threw Xu Zhu to Su Xinghe.

The protagonist group deserves to be the protagonist group, playing chess with eyes closed by mistake can solve Zhenlong's chess game.

After seeing with his own eyes how Xu Zhu broke Zhenlong's chess game, Shengge began to wonder whether it was too casual to choose an heir like this.

If you ask Xu Zhu how he broke the Zhenlong chess game now, Xu Zhu should only say two words...


I played a game of chess in a daze, and in a daze I gained 70 years of cultivation...

It's like a pie in the sky.

Originally Su Xinghe was somewhat dissatisfied with Xu Zhu, but seeing that it was Sheng Ge who sent Xu Zhu over, and thinking of these hexagrams calculated recently, the dissatisfaction in his heart became less.

As soon as Wu Yazi died, Xu Zhu became the head of Xiaoyao Sect with the head of the sect.

"what are you thinking?"

Sheng Ge patted Xu Zhu's head, it's smooth, it's really comfortable to pat.

It's just that the ring scars are a bit of an eyesore.

"It's like dreaming..."

Xu Zhu caressed the wrench finger on his hand, blurted out.

Sheng Ge: Hehe...

Does Xu Zhu count as being cheap and being good-looking?

"Xu Zhu, Buddhism pays attention to crossing people and self, now I need you to help me cross a person."

"She suffered a sudden change in her early years, became mentally disturbed, and did many evil things."

"You need to lead her to be kind and let her be a kind person."

Sending the Buddha to the West, it is rare for someone like her to send her own son to Ye Erniang in person.

Alas, for a kind-hearted person like her, why doesn't she have the halo of the protagonist, and doesn't have a life of cheating.

"Crossing people to be good?"

Xu Zhu's eyes are bright, he is eager to try.

Xu Zhu, who grew up in Shaolin Temple, a sacred place of Buddhism, has the rules and habits of Buddhism deeply imprinted in his bones.

So such Xu Zhu, even if he has a skill that is not weaker than Qiao Feng, it is still difficult for him to be as heroic as Qiao Feng, to kill decisively and turn the tide.

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(End of this chapter)

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