When the live broadcast of Kuaichuan is in progress

Chapter 436 Duan Yanqing who wants to reform

Chapter 436 Duan Yanqing who wants to reform (23)



Is she being unreasonable?
She is just a maidservant, as clever and witty as Miss Wang, how can Miss Wang not think of things she can think of.

She still doesn't want to think about it.

If the food is not delicious, Duan Lao will be picky, and I am afraid that he will go on and on for a long time.

I heard that Mr. Duan saved Brother Qiao's parents, and saved Brother Qiao from the turmoil in the world. This is a great favor.

Mrs. Duan likes delicious food. It just so happens that she is good at cooking and can do what she likes.

Brother Qiao is a unparalleled hero in her mind. She likes his heroism, Ye likes his informality, and is even more attached to his chivalrous tenderness.

She doesn't know if Big Brother Joe will accept her, but she has to work hard, isn't it?


Qiao's father and Qiao's mother looked at Sheng Ge and Su Xinghe who were arguing and arguing, and then looked at A Zhu who was busy in the kitchen, smiling.

This period of time should be the busiest day they have ever lived.

Even though Qiao Feng was very busy when he went out to investigate his biological parents, the atmosphere in this small courtyard was always good.

The couple could tell that little girl A'Zhu had fallen in love with Qiao Feng.

Children and grandchildren have their own blessings, Qiao Feng's child has a rough temperament, he is not enlightened, it's really embarrassing for Ah Zhu.

However, it's not their parents' boasting. Although Qiao Feng is a bit puzzled, he is definitely a reliable and good boy.

Regarding the matter of A'Zhu and Qiao Feng, they were happy to see it happen.

A Zhu is gentle and virtuous, and has good cooking skills. Even Lao Duan praised him when he got along.

Such days are safe and fulfilling.

"Uncle Qiao, Aunt Qiao..."

"Mr. Duan, Mr. Su, dinner is ready."

Ah Zhu shouted loudly.

A'Zhu's words were like a signal, and the confrontation between Sheng Ge and Su Xinghe came to an abrupt end.

There is delicious food, so why bother with this bad old man.

Perhaps A'Zhu is really talented in culinary arts, and any delicacy that has been tasted once can be presented to perfection after a few attempts.

It is a kind of enjoyment to eat the meals made by Ah Zhu.

Every time he eats it, Shengge wants to steal A'Zhu away and make him his daughter-in-law even more.

If Wang Yuyan had half the skill of Ah Zhu, she should not object...

Well, she's just a selfish guy.

It's a pity that Wang Yuyan is a lotus-like figure who claims to be a fairy, and the only one who can enjoy the treatment of Wang Yuyan cooking a bowl of porridge is probably the famous Murong Fu.

If Wang Yuyan wanted to, she would memorize every word of the recipes in the world, but she would still keep her ten fingers in the water.

After all, she is a woman who cannot catch firework.

While Sheng Ge was serious about picking fish bones, the travel-worn Qiao Feng rushed back.

If he hadn't been familiar with Qiao Feng's aura, Sheng Ge might have thought it was a savage suddenly appearing from the deep mountains and old forests.

Her hair was disheveled like a bird's nest, loosely scattered.

What used to be a smooth chin now looks dirty and unshaven.

This doesn't look like a big hero, but he is obviously a wretched tramp.

Qiao Feng like this was too horrible to look at, and Sheng Ge really couldn't take another look.

Shengge looked away in disgust, and continued to concentrate on dealing with the fish on the plate.

Isn't it just to investigate individual cases, is it necessary to be so embarrassing?
It was even more pitiful than she, who was lame, dumb and disfigured.

especially the eyes...

After not seeing each other for many days, Qiao Feng's eyes became desolate and bewildered.

A'Zhu didn't dislike Qiao Feng like Sheng Ge did. After all, beauty is in the eye of a beholder. When Sheng Ge was so disgusted, A'Zhu had already taken the initiative to prepare a handkerchief and warm water for Qiao Feng.

Qiao Feng nodded coldly and distantly to express his gratitude.

A'Zhu's hand holding the wooden basin froze, what happened to Brother Qiao?
Obviously she has been with Brother Qiao before, and Brother Qiao doesn't dislike her, but why now...

Qiao Feng's abnormal mood affected everyone present...


Shengge is not a person.

Only a stinky and shameless person like Sheng Ge was dealing with the fish on the plate, and he didn't notice Qiao Feng's depression and bewilderment at all.

At first, Shengge had a big heart.

Secondly, Shengge believed in Qiao Feng.

Qiao Feng is not the kind of person who can be defeated.

Even if thousands of people criticize him, as long as he has a clear conscience, Qiao Feng can still stand proudly in the world.

Instead of worrying about Qiao Feng, it's better to worry about whether she can get enough of a fish...

Shengge had just put a piece of fish into her mouth when she felt someone kick her leg.


Shengge screamed miserably.

Which vicious old immortal dared to touch her injured leg.

Ha ha……

Mr. Smart Debating Su Xinghe?

It's clearly smelly and shameless Su Xinghe.


Shengge first checked his legs carefully, and then gave Su Xinghe an angry look.

Anyone who hinders her from transforming back to the original handsome and unparalleled Prince Yanqing is a class enemy.

To deal with class enemies, we must wipe them out mercilessly like the autumn wind sweeps away fallen leaves.

Su Xinghe: (#Д)
Su Xinghe was extremely curious, why would God leave a glimmer of life for a mentally handicapped Duan Yanqing, and even make a bright future, until the wind and water come into being?
Could it be that God wants to find such a box of mentally handicapped people to adjust their mood...

Sheng Ge didn't intend to try to persuade Qiao Feng, but after seeing A Zhu's begging eyes, he flabbergasted.

As a cripple, offending nothing can offend his parents.

Reluctantly, Shengge tapped the ground with his cane, drawing everyone's attention to her.

"Qiao Feng, have a drink?"

During the period when Sheng Ge stayed at Qiao's house, he almost wiped out Qiao's father's private collection for decades.

Qiao Feng wiped his hands, smiled hard, and then pretended to be relaxed and sat down at the dining table to eat with everyone, turning a deaf ear to what Sheng Ge said about having a drink.

Duan Yanqing tossed and tossed all the wine that his adoptive father hadn't been willing to drink for decades.

He was obviously recovering from his injuries, but his life was extremely nourishing.

"Qiao Feng, have you found your brother?"

Sheng Ge said jokingly.


Qiao Feng's face darkened.

Although he felt a little sad, he also knew how to tell the adoptive parents the truth of the matter, and the benefactor who saved the lives of the adoptive parents.

"Father and mother, there is something I want to tell you, my child."

Qiao Feng was a little embarrassed to say it, after all his biological father not only wanted to kill his adoptive parents, but also wanted to kill him as his mentor.

To put it bluntly, this is simply a wolf-hearted act of repaying kindness with hatred, which is disgusting.

With a deep voice, Qiao Feng lowered his head, and told the Qiaos and his wife the truth he had investigated in the wind and rain during the busy period of time.

The Joes couldn't hide their surprise.

Although they were Qiao Feng's adoptive parents, they had no idea that Qiao Feng had such a tortuous life experience.

In this arena, I am afraid that it will become more and more difficult to easily and cleanly judge what is right and what is wrong.


  I almost wrote the title as the author who wants to break the update...

  What if one day the author is really busy and interrupts the update, what should I do?

  Woohoo, please don't give up.

(End of this chapter)

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