When the live broadcast of Kuaichuan is in progress

Chapter 438 Duan Yanqing who wants to reform

Chapter 438 Duan Yanqing who wants to reform (25)

The camellias in full bloom are just like when she met Duan Lang back then.

"Mrs. Wang, look at the bones under the camellia, do you really have a clear conscience?"

Ask yourself what it is to be a villain.

Duan Yanqing, the head of the four famous villains in the world, took the name of a villain for revenge, and then became more and more notorious for living.

But without the name of a wicked person, is he really a pure and good person?

Can a simple distinction between good and evil really define a person?

Mrs. Wang has killed many innocent people, but no one has ever paid attention to it.

good and evil...

"Mrs. Wang, good and evil will be rewarded in the end, and the way of heaven is reincarnation."

Duan Yu watched the camellia garden collapse with his own eyes, and saw those bones exposed.

"Duan Yu, why does Duan Zhengchun have such a stupid child like you."

"Believe in good and evil, stop dreaming."

"In the whole Jianghu, all you believe in is strength."

Mrs. Wang smiled sarcastically, but apart from her madness, she was also exceptionally sober.

"At Xingzi Forest that day, if Qiao Feng hadn't been so skilled in martial arts, do you think that group of people would have allowed Ta to retreat?"

"Don't you know that you would rather kill by mistake than let it go?"

"Duan Yu, if you destroy my Mantuo Villa today, you will definitely have to pay for it in the future."

Mrs. Wang's stern voice made people's scalp numb and shudder.

Duan Yu sneered, brother Qiao retreated only because of his high strength in martial arts?

The view of women.

"Master Duan..."

Wang Yuyan couldn't bear to help her mother up.

No matter how much the mother made mistakes, it was still her mother.

For so many years, my mother has been obsessed with madness. If she hadn't been cultivating this camellia, she might not have been able to persist.

"Miss Wang, please do it yourself."

Duan Yu looked at this woman who was unforgettable at first sight, she still looked as clean as water, gentle and elegant, even if she frowned, she was picturesque.

It's a pity, he knew, that wasn't the real her.

"Mr. Duan, my mother has no other choice but to hope that Mr. Duan will be kind..."

Wang Yuyan was not in a hurry, her voice was like a spring in the mountains, trying to appease Duan Yu.

Wang Yuyan has accepted her half-sibling relationship with Duan Yu.

Brothers and sisters are also a help from my cousin.

Cousin also has obsessions, she really can't bear to watch her cousin step by step to the point where her mother is.

She wants to be with her cousin.

If she can't be persuaded, she can only follow her cousin like this.

"Miss Wang, that's not how kindness works."

Duan Yu couldn't tell what was going on in his heart.

Liberation is still easy.

All he knew was that the girl he had once astonished had disappeared after all.

"Miss Wang, for the sake of your old age, I would like to give you one last piece of advice, don't be blindfolded, otherwise you will regret it later."

He once met the famous Nan Murong.

Murong Fu, that is indeed a noble son, with a handsome appearance and a demeanor that makes people look sideways.

It's just that the man is too ambitious, and he has more things in his eyes to revive Dayan.

As for Miss Wang...

He did not see the deep affection for Miss Wang in Murong Fu's eyes.

He knew that Murong Fu was not a good man, so he brazenly followed Miss Wang, hoping that Miss Wang would change her mind and come to her senses.

It's a pity that he didn't wait...

First of all, he knew that Miss Wang and him were brothers and sisters connected by blood, so he had no choice but to restrain his feelings in his heart.

Immediately afterwards, it became clear that Miss Wang was not what he thought...

A relationship that had not had time to bloom came to an abrupt end.

But no matter what, this is the girl he once cared about after all.

Even if he met a stranger in the future, he didn't want Miss Wang to get stuck in the mud and never get out.

Not everyone can be as complicated as Duan Yanqing, who can take revenge freely, but also cut off all the back roads, and want to be reborn.

No matter what he did, Duan Yanqing was determined to forge ahead.

"Master Duan..."

Wang Yuyan frowned slightly, why did she feel a sense of loss.

no, I can not.

All she misses is her cousin, who was in the past, is now, and will be in the future.

She will definitely be a good helper to her cousin.

Wang Yuyan silently watched Duan Yu leave, she knew well, and Duan Yu, they would only be strangers after all.

Duan Yu is stubborn and pedantic, he can't forgive his mother's behavior now, and he can't agree with his cousin's unscrupulous methods in the future.

Different road non-phase plan.

Duan Yu and his cousin will not be together after all.

But it’s okay, there’s A’Zhu.

I think there will be something to gain from coming to Arjuna.

The hero is sad at the beauty pass, A'Zhu is gentle and demure, and likes his family, Qiao Feng is now full of rumors, and A'Zhu will never leave his company, Qiao Feng will definitely be moved.

With Qiao Feng, there was an explanation from my cousin.

After all, A'Zhu is the maidservant raised by Gusu Murong's family since she was a child, and her loyalty to her cousin is beyond doubt.

Even if Qiao Feng won't submit to his cousin, at least he has to honor Gusu Murong's kindness towards A'Zhu.



Duan Yu, who was wandering in this land of small bridges and flowing water, finally received Shengge's letter after several twists and turns.

In order to be lazy and save trouble, Shengge wrote a very brief letter.

Qiao Feng is in trouble, come back quickly...

When Duan Yu received the letter, he couldn't help the corners of his mouth twitching.

Anyway, it is writing a letter, why can't it be written in more detail?

No brains, no reason to make people nervous.

After Duan Yu received the letter, he began to rush back non-stop. The closer he got to Shaolin Temple, the rumors in the dust were shocking.

Shaolin Temple seems to have become the center of the storm in the whole rivers and lakes, if you are not careful, you will be smashed to pieces.

Is this the difficulty that Master said?



The sun was hot, there was no wind, and it was dull and depressing.

It was in this kind of weather that Murong Bo and Xiao Yuanshan created the prelude to the storm that was brewing.

In the small courtyard of Qiao's house, Sheng Ge threw away his crutches, washed off the strange medicine on his face, and smiled softly.

It is difficult to completely recover from the old injuries of more than ten or twenty years.

Even if Mr. Congbian Su Xinghe took action himself.

There are still shallow scars on Shengge's face, but they are not ugly, and if you don't look carefully, they are not conspicuous.

Except that he is still a mute with a broken voice, no matter how you look at him, he is a middle-aged handsome uncle.

After being dormant for so long, she can finally start a new life belonging to Duan Yanqing after this biggest storm.

"You are very happy?"

Su Xinghe meant something.

Sheng Ge squinted his eyes, pretending not to understand Su Xinghe's words, and nodded lightly.

"This seat has restored the appearance of the year, so I am happy."

"Let's go, Miss A'Zhu has been waiting for a long time."

What Ah Zhu was afraid of was that there were people in the world clamoring for the father's debt to be paid by the son, and with Qiao Feng's determination, he might really pay for his life with a knife.

A'Zhu hoped that she could protect Qiao Feng.

It was no secret that Qiao Feng was acquainted with the four villains.

After his life experience was revealed, Qiao Feng's reputation of being unparalleled, loyal, righteous and courageous was no longer what it was before.

 Everyone take a look slowly.

  The careful little cutie should have noticed that the author is missing a book, the author's first signed book "Bookworm Female Supporting Counterattack".

  Let me briefly talk about the reasons here, so that no cute ones will ask.

  It should have been more than two or three years ago that I wrote that book. At that time, I was new to online writing, and I didn’t know exactly what plagiarism was.

  Therefore, one of the stories, "Her Royal Highness the Fourth Married Princess", has most of the background plots similar to "The General Loves the Village Girl" in the Cannon Fodder Girl's Counterattack of Fast Travel.

  In August last year, I had a deep understanding of the specific aspects of plagiarism. At that time, I asked the editor to apply to modify or block the story, but it was completed, and the editor replied that no operation is allowed to complete the bibliography.

  After a long time, I kind of forgot about it. At noon, a reader brought up the story again, so I went to the editor to block and lock the whole book again.

  The editor approved the application.

  So, that's the whole process.

  Remember the mistakes of the past and never repeat them.

  It's like I want to stand up again at the beginning of this serialized article.

  There will not be any plagiarism or similar plots in this book, and I am also working hard to write a different fast-paced article.

  A big rock fell to the ground, and I don't know if everyone will dislike the stupidity of the author in the past.

  You are still here, the author is happy.

  If you are not here, the author can understand.

(End of this chapter)

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