When the live broadcast of Kuaichuan is in progress

Chapter 441 Duan Yanqing who wants to reform

Chapter 441 Duan Yanqing who wants to reform (28)

Sure enough, the cheap son is not caring enough.


Shengge has now turned into a middle-aged handsome uncle. He threw away his crutches, his scars are gone, and he stands in front of people, unrecognizable.

Even Duan Zhengchun felt that Sheng Ge was vaguely familiar.



Lingling Seven Strings: Anchor, it's not bad to be famous for this. People in the Jianghu, people in the Jianghu, and affairs in the Jianghu, after all, the most important thing is strength.

Lang Jiujiu: Strength is better than notoriety, so notoriety is naturally nothing to fear.

Anchor: ...

Sheng and Ge spread their hands, what does the world have to do with her.

Shengge thought very clearly that her main position had never been in the Jianghu.

However, what the glass slag said in the live broadcast room is also reasonable. Since he was pushed out by the cheap son, then one word...


With a bad reputation, someone is always uncomfortable.

Although Shengge is so cheap that she likes the appearance that others can't do her without gritting their teeth, but it's not beautiful to be poked in the back.

Before everyone could react, Sheng Ge had already beaten Qiao Feng and Xiao Yuanshan to the ground...

Well, the two beat together.

How can a little fairy like her do such a small person's behavior as pulling a side frame.

Onlookers: (o)
what did they just see...

I thought that the man who was desperately relying on his own beauty would become a sacrifice for the two masters to fight...

But the result.

Qiao Feng and Xiao Yuanshan were beaten to the ground three times and twice.

Although they didn't know Xiao Yuanshan's strength, Qiao Feng had gained a great reputation in the Jianghu, and his strength was resounding.

They thought they were sent to death, but they didn't expect to be slapped in the face.

Didn't it say that a good person's demeanor is always hidden, hidden in the city?

But the old man in front of him who was so smug that he almost wrote the words "come and worship the boss" really doesn't look like an expert.


I didn't see it.

If many of them hadn't seen Qiao Feng's strength clearly, they might have thought Qiao Feng was a weakling...

Surprised, everyone began to wonder, what is this thing that came out of nowhere, beat people to the flesh and held a rake in his hands.

Is there such a person in Jianghu?

When will a rake be a weapon?

Does that mean that one day, bricks and shovels can be made into famous weapons?
Seeing that everyone was focusing on Rake, Little Fairy Shengge was unhappy...

She knew she couldn't change into a rake, but who made her lose her ability to control the rake after she became beautiful.


The rake was a real failure.

This little fairy finally turned into a middle-aged handsome uncle, and before she had time to display her personality charm, she was ruined by a rake.

One rake ruins everything.

Drama DailyJPG·
"Yu'er, is this the master you're talking about? It really is a real person who doesn't show his face, a master of the world."

Duan Zhengchun huddled beside Duan Yu and sighed endlessly.

Duan Yu: "..."

Duan Yu glanced at his father without words, and he didn't know what to say.

"Yu'er, it's really a blessing for you to have such an expert as your teacher."

Duan Zhengchun spared no effort in praising Sheng Ge, making Duan Yu's complexion more and more complicated.

Who is he, where is he, what did he just hear?
"Father, where do you see that he has a superior demeanor?"

Duan Yu spoke hesitantly, his small face wrinkled.

"Yu'er, stop talking nonsense..."

"He has the grace of teaching you, so you have to respect the teacher..."

Duan Yu interrupted his father's words with a look of disgust.

"Father, do you know who that man is?"

If the father knew that the person he praised as a flower was Duan Yanqing, the head of the four villains, and the Prince Yanqing of the Dali royal family back then, he would probably slap himself.

So, father, please calm down.

The more you talk, the more painful it will be to slap your face later.

Duan Zhengchun stroked the neat little beard on his chin, and shook his head solemnly and humbly.

This is the face of the assistant student, not only he doesn't recognize it, but also the person who whispered it.

"Father, don't you really feel familiar?"

"Father, he..."

Before Duan Yu could finish his sentence, he was interrupted by Xiao Yuanshan who suddenly rose up.

Originally, Xiao Yuanshan was blinded by Shengge's beating, but he rushed towards Shengge as if he had been injected with chicken blood.

Shengge curled her lips, she had never seen someone so stupid, so fearless of death.

Knowing that he can't beat him, but he still wants to charge up, why can't he learn from her and just lie down and admit cowardice if he can't beat her.

The fist made a sound of breaking the wind, and the incomparable momentum made the air stagnate.

Sheng Ge glanced at the anxious Qiao Feng, then hesitated whether to beat Xiao Yuanshan to the ground or directly to death.

Well, it's better not to be enemies with the protagonist group.

So Shengge turned the rake upside down and hit Xiao Yuanshan directly with the back, and beat Xiao Yuanshan to the ground again without any effort...

The onlookers no longer knew what to say.

That was Xiao Yuanshan's hard-fought blow, but he was counterattacked so calmly.


Miracles are rare, but today I saw them twice.

Xiao Yuanshan, who was beaten to the ground by Sheng Ge again, was completely sluggish, and fell to the ground like a puddle of mud, in a state of embarrassment.

He was defeated with a full blow, and Xiao Yuanshan also collapsed.

"Yu'er, who did you say he was just now?"

Duan Zhengchun swallowed, and said with lingering fear.

Ask yourself, Xiao Yuanshan couldn't take that blow just now.

Although he has a good talent in martial arts and has the Yang finger of the Dali Duan family, but for decades, it is impossible for him to be an opponent of Xiao Yuanshan who is practicing martial arts in Shaolin Temple every day.

"Duan Yanqing."

Duan Yu said lightly...



Duan Zhengchun originally had an admiring expression on his face, and even wanted to praise Sheng Ge with all his heart, but when he came back to his senses, Duan Zhengchun almost screamed.

Although he restrained himself from shouting in the end, he still pulled out a handful of beards.

Duan Yanqing...

Was it the Prince Yanqing back then?
Isn't it lame, disabled and disfigured?

emmmm, he is clearly a middle-aged handsome uncle who is tougher and handsomer than him, especially with such high kung fu.

Tianlong Temple is in the same line as the Dali royal family. To some extent, it is not only the supervisor of the Dali royal family, but also the backer of the Dali Duan family.

Master Kurong is highly respected and mysterious. Over the years, he has only had the honor of seeing the master make a move with his own eyes once.

In his eyes, Master Kurong is indeed an unpredictable method.

It is said that when Prince Yanqing was hunted down, he was the first to seek justice from Master Ku Rong of Tianlong Temple.

But when did Duan Yanqing become so powerful.

Why would Duan Yanqing, who is notorious, full of evil, lame, disabled and dumb, have another adventure.

Do you still have to be blessed by God...

She is already low to the dust, why should she be born out of nowhere.

No wonder he looks familiar...

 good night.

(End of this chapter)

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