When the live broadcast of Kuaichuan is in progress

Chapter 443 Duan Yanqing who wants to reform

Chapter 443 Duan Yanqing Who Wants to Convert (Thirty)

A war of words is always useless.

Although most of the evil things that Master did were for revenge, the methods were too cruel and too numerous to describe.

Instead of being fearful and frightened to prevent these people from making trouble, it is better to frighten these people who are about to move at once, so that you don't need to worry about it all the time.

Well, he believed in Duan Yanqing.

Although Duan Yanqing wanted to compete with his father and uncle for the throne, he could not say that Duan Yanqing could not do it against his will.

At the beginning, he could comfort his father that at least he was in good health and handsome, but now that Duan Yanqing regained his appearance and stood up, he really made this weak advantage of his father disappear.

After careful comparison, he felt that Duan Yanqing was more suitable to inherit the throne of Dali than his father.

The father is flirtatious by nature and obsessed with women, but Duan Yanqing is clear-headed and rational enough not to be fooled by women, let alone make wrong decisions because of bedside wind.

Secondly, the Prince Yanqing was the most orthodox heir of the Dali royal family, and he learned the power of the emperor since he was a child, the way of the mean, and the way to control his subordinates.

Where is the father...

Looking at the children who are sowing seeds all over the place, you will know what the father has been working on.

Thinking about it seriously, in fact, he and the master don't necessarily have to be in completely opposite positions.

Since the father likes beauties, it would be good to continue the blood for the Dali royal family...


Is it disrespectful to think so?

But he was really panicked by his father's actions these years.

It seems that the father did not do any heinous things, but what about the woman he abandoned overnight.

Several daughters were abandoned, which is one of the crimes.

And the woman who was abandoned by him murdered to vent her anger, the second crime.

The mother has been cold and unhappy for many years, depressed and unhappy. The crime is three.


What made him speechless the most was why every little girl he met who felt a little bit was his sister.

This is a little speechless.

Could it be that hateful blood relationship is at work.

Because he is close to those women by blood, so he subconsciously gets close to them, do you feel moved...

It's so weird.

Duan Yu felt that he might really be insulated from feelings all his life.

Back then, Duan Yu, the silly, sweet boy, was deceived by Sheng Ge's brazen tricks and finally had his own clear judgment and cognition, and finally knew the true face of this world.

As the saying goes, you think the world is quiet and peaceful, but someone is carrying the burden for you.

Ask yourself, Shengge doesn't agree with this approach.

Is there really someone who can carry the weight of others for a lifetime?

Since it is impossible to protect from moment to moment until the last moment of life, the other party should not lose the instinct of self-protection and self-survival in the deliberately created splendid heap.

It was precisely because she knew this that Sheng Ge still managed to have no complaints when she was tortured so badly by the Great Sage.



After hearing the three words Duan Yanqing, everyone took a step back subconsciously. After all, no one wanted to be a sacrifice under that rake.

The crippled Duan Yanqing can achieve a great reputation, let alone a healthy him now.

According to the rumors, Duan Yanqing was murderous, moody, tyrannical, and unfathomable. They just came to watch the fun and didn't want to die.

"Duan Yanqing?"

Murong Fu vomited a mouthful of blood, thinking about the probability of drawing Duan Yanqing to his side as his thoughts wandered.

The cousin wrote a letter, saying that it is absolutely impossible to form an alliance with Duan Yanqing.


Such a powerful person can only be a friend, not an enemy.

What he has been thinking all his life is to revive Dayan, this is his only obsession, if Dayan is not happy, what face should he have in the world.

And Duan Yanqing definitely wants to take back Dali's national power...

"Murong Fu, don't even think about it."

"Didn't your fairy sister tell you that I don't like those insidious methods?"

"What I want, I will get it in an upright manner."

Shengge curled her lips, well, it's not that he doesn't like those insidious methods, it's that she herself is not good at these mental strategies, so she subconsciously rejects them...

Knowing that I am not as good as others in terms of calculations, I am still going up, isn't it sending me to my death?
As a red scarf who grew up under the national flag, she prefers to make use of her strengths and avoid weaknesses, and break through ten meetings with all her strength.

All conspiracies and calculations are nothing compared to the crushing of strength.

Murong Fu frowned, and couldn't believe that the person in front of him was the gloomy Duan Yanqing whom he had met several times before.

Actually this is fake...

To put it nicely, this is aboveboard and heroic.

To put it bluntly, it is that the brain is not working well, and there is a second disease, just like those mentally handicapped children who keep clamoring to save the world by themselves.

Hehehe, could it be that idiot Qiao Feng influenced Duan Yanqing?

That's right, in his heart, Qiao Feng is a big fool.

Well, he is definitely not envious or jealous.

How could Murong Fu, who returned the same way to others, be envious of a rough and untidy man.

Even if he is a hero of the rivers and lakes, he must always remember the glory of the Murong family, and he must not lose his dignity and arrogance.

Murong Fu looked at Sheng Ge again, he hesitated to speak.

That's all, that's all, after he helps Duan Yanqing solve the current crisis that is surrounded by all sides, Duan Yanqing probably won't refuse so resolutely.

It is easy to add icing on the cake, but it is difficult to send charcoal in the snow.

At this time, Murong Fu has already subconsciously chosen to forget that he was beaten up badly by Sheng Ge in the first place.

As for Sheng Ge, a man with strong hands-on ability, when will he need the help of his defeated generals.

Shengge held his own ugly rake, raised his eyebrows, and said arrogantly and cheaply, "If you don't like it or want to take revenge, then let's go together."

"If you beat me or not, you will be regarded as the loser."

Sheng Ge was complacent and dragged out his hatred.

Now the life of pulling the wind is the life of a little fairy. If you keep being aggrieved like in the last world, you will die, okay?


If it wasn't for the wrong timing and occasion, Sheng Ge really wanted to raise his head to the sky and shout three times.

Murong and his son: I've seen someone courting death, but I've never seen someone who tried such tricks.

Onlookers: So crazy, so crazy that I want to beat him to death...

Only Duan Yu ignored everyone, still smiling suavely and gently.

MMP in my heart and a smile on my face, this is what Duan Yu is thinking at the moment.

I have known for a long time that Master is mentally retarded, but I don't know that mental retardation has become like this.

Well, a disciple cannot say that about the master.

He has to believe that Master is a man of high art and boldness, thinking of becoming famous in one battle, no one else is ready to move.

Shengge's arrogant and disdainful words angered everyone. If they talked about this point, if they were too scared to fight one more time, how could they gain a foothold in the arena?

Even if you want to be cowardly, you can't do so in full view.

If you can't be cowardly, go ahead.

(End of this chapter)

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