When the live broadcast of Kuaichuan is in progress

Chapter 445 Duan Yanqing who wants to reform

Chapter 445 Duan Yanqing who wants to reform (32)

"Shaolin Temple is the best destination. It can not only atone for sins, but also protect Xiao Yuanshan's life."

So complicated……

If Xiao Yuanshan wasn't the biological father of Qiao Feng, the protagonist group, she wouldn't bother to explain so much.

Xiao Yuanshan has done so many evil things, who knows if someone will take revenge.

The sweeping monk's miraculous skills are unrivaled, if there is a sweeping monk to protect him, at least Xiao Yuanshan doesn't have to worry about being killed by vendetta.

What if the father of the protagonist group dies and the upright and forthright Qiao Feng changes.

This is the brother of her cheap son.

Qiao Feng fell into silence, his whole body looked extremely depressed.

He thinks that he is magnanimous in this life, that he has no shame in the world, and that he has no shame in his heart, but in reality it is.

He was ashamed too much.

He couldn't categorically say that his biological father was innocent, and he couldn't even avenge the murder of his mother in an open and honest manner.

The matter of Yanmen Pass back then, after all, ended in Xuanci's death.

"Let's go away, guys."

"Looking at the day, it's almost time for lunch. Is it possible that everyone killed the abbot of Shaolin Temple, and are you still expecting Shaolin Temple to keep everyone eating vegetarian food?"

Shengge said so cheaply, then picked up Qiao Feng with one hand like an eagle catching a chicken, and walked out of the crowd.

After walking to Duan Zhengchun who was watching from the wall, Sheng Ge stamped his feet and said coldly, "Duan Zhengchun, Dali, I will go back sooner or later."

"It's the day of the rivers and lakes."

"These people can't beat this seat, so they can only consider themselves unlucky."

"You should be thankful that you have raised a good son."

Sheng Ge would not sympathize with Duan Zhengchun because of the green hat on his head.

Anyway, it's not him who sleeps on Baifeng's sword.

Besides, Duan Zhengchun didn't know how many cuckolds he had brought to others.

Like Zhong Wanchou, like Wang Yuyan's cheap father, and Ma Dayuan...

Therefore, Shengge didn't feel guilty at all.

"Duan Zhengchun, Dali will go back."

"You can't stop it."

Sheng Ge patted Duan Zhengchun on the shoulder, and walked away arrogantly.

With today's mighty super-god feat, everyone in the world will be in awe of her.

If you are not blind, you will never want to stab her with a knife for nothing.

The reason why she was able to sit firmly on the throne of the most villainous person in the Jianghu for more than ten years was not because the Jianghu was too weak.

Now Murong Bo is even more despised.

In the minds of people in the Jianghu, it is by no means the most disgusting thing to look straight up and see a fight.

On the contrary, it is those dirty thoughts and dirty methods that make people stay away.

Murong father and son, exactly so.

Perhaps starting today, Nan Murong's reputation will never be heard again in the world.

After all, Gusu Murong's hypocritical name was completely exposed on this day.

Fuxing Dayan?

Stop dreaming.

"Ah Zhu, let's go, it's time to go back and cook."

"Brother Joe must be starving..."

Shengge waved to A'Zhu who was in the crowd, silly girl, don't look.

Today is really a good day to reveal the secret.

A'Zhu probably guessed his own background after seeing Ruan Xingzhu.

However, until now, it is impossible for A'Zhu to have such a tragic ending as in the plot.

The truth is out...

Qiao Feng would not misunderstand that Duan Zhengchun was the leading brother, and Azhu would not be willing to die for Duan Zhengchun's inexplicable father-son relationship.

Well, it's really her fault.

Who made the people around her not feel good about Duan Zhengchun under her influence.

Hmm, scumbag.


Murong Fu's cloudy eyes suddenly brightened.

That's right, it's not hopeless for him to recover Dayan. My cousin said that A'Zhu had feelings for Qiao Feng. Seeing this, Qiao Feng would not be completely ruthless towards A'Zhu.


A'Zhu was the most crucial figure who tied Qiao Feng and Duan Zhengchun tightly to him.

Sure enough, God will not abandon him.

The stronger Duan Yanqing is, the more it will help him.

It would be best for Duan Yanqing to really seize the throne of Dali, and then Dali will help him with all the strength of the whole country, then he will definitely succeed.

A'Zhu is indeed his most caring and well-behaved maid.

However, he is not in a hurry at this moment.

Now that Duan Yanqing is famous, if he goes looking for him in full view of all the people, then it will be known in the world that he is a follower of power.

Anyway, Ah Zhu was here.

If Ah Zhu is not dead, then his relationship with Qiao Feng and Duan Yanqing will not be broken.

Murong Fu watched Sheng Ge walk away, his eyes flashed brightly, as if he had completely forgotten that his father, who had been resurrected for many years, was taken away again.



"Can you put me down..."

Qiao Feng coughed a few times and said depressedly.

After all, he is also a seven-foot man, yet he was picked on a rake...

emmmmm, do you think you are picking pigs?


"Do you like to pick you up when you are my seat? It's very tiring."

"Is it because you are afraid that you will follow your biological father to become a monk without hesitation, what will Miss A Zhu do then?"

Ah Zhu is a girl that Sheng Ge rarely likes in Tian Long Ba Bu.

How could a girl as beautiful as Ah Zhu, who was good at cooking, and capable of changing faces, die in vain.

Qiao Feng: Σ(っ°Д°;)っ

Ah Zhu: (#/.\#)
Now is the time to talk about such things.

Even though A'Zhu had been guarding the elders of Qiao's family all this time, and willingly accompanied Qiao Feng through hard work, but because Qiao Feng was busy running around to investigate the secrets of the year, A'Zhu did not bother Qiao Feng at this juncture.

She can afford to wait, and she is not afraid of not being able to keep it.

Therefore, A'Zhu never announced this relationship.

Now being teased away by Sheng Ge, A'Zhu is always a little shy.

As for Qiao Feng, now is the moment when his mind is shaken. If Duan Lao didn't speak up, he might turn a blind eye to this relationship.

Yes, how could he fail Ah Zhu.

He saw everything that A'Zhu did.

Waiting for a long time, honoring his adoptive parents on his behalf, even the picky old Duan praised him.

He and A'Zhu don't have any thrilling memories, everything is tender and tender, and it seems to be an understatement, but it is unforgettable in the long company.

He is used to having A'Zhu by his side, quiet and warm company.

Who says habit is not a kind of like.

Compared with likes, habits are more difficult to let go.

Qiao Feng suppressed the thousands of thoughts in his heart, and shook A'Zhu's hand.

He lost a home, and Ah Zhu will bring him another home.

They looked at each other, smiled, and said nothing.

Qiao Feng is not the kind of person who is delicate and eloquent, he can't speak, but he will help A'Zhu realize the kind of life A'Zhu imagined one by one.

The beginning of many relationships does not require a vow of eternal love, and it is still worth touching without a thrilling oath.

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

Sheng Ge smacked his lips with sore teeth, and then sighed.

How much she can't get over it, as a single dog, she still wants to match up with others.

(End of this chapter)

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