Chapter 466 The Scholar's Wife Who Wants To Sober ([-])


"For the first time, I realized that I was really not worthy of my husband."

Shengge sighed.

The palm has its own thoughts, how could she control it.

Miss Wang: "...".

Wang's youngest son: "...".

Why didn't they know that mother was so eloquent and so eloquent before, but she still made sophistry very reasonable.

"As for the word poisonous woman, I'm flattered."

"It was just an accident that the rake hit you. As for the injury on your hand, you also hit it on your own initiative. Let alone, this thing sounds really evil."

"Sanggong, is it because you have done too many bad things, God has eyes, that's why the rake hit you alone."

Shengge sighed, and looked at the sky pretending to be timid.

For a person like Wang Yuhui, it would not be an exaggeration to be struck by lightning.

If she can practice spells in this world, she must let Wang Yuhui enjoy what is Heaven's Punishment.

Aren't the ancients the most superstitious? She really wanted to know if Wang Yuhui could maintain the clean name he was thinking of now after being struck by lightning.

It's a pity that she is now an ordinary peasant woman.

Wang Yuhui's face turned red, blue, purple, and kept changing until he heard Shengge's next sentence, and his face turned pale instantly.

"Sanggong, I don't know if you can still write with your hand injured like this."

"It's really a pity that such a thoughtful hand is abolished."

Sheng Ge sighed, seemingly regretting, but the gloating in his eyes couldn't be stopped at all.

Wang Yuhui panted heavily, his upper and lower teeth were chattering, and his cheeks were constantly shaking.

his hand……

Do not……

He is a scholar, he must not hurt his hand, otherwise he will be a poor scholar in his whole life...

If Shengge knew what Wang Yuhui was thinking, he would spare no effort to ridicule him.

Even if his hand is not injured, he will be a poor scholar all his life.

The only clear name is that after Miss Wang San committed suicide and was martyred, all the gentry in the county praised Wang Yuhui for giving birth to a good daughter and built the memorial arch herself.

It was from this time that Wang Yuhui became famous in Huizhou.

Although after the death of Miss Wang San, Wang Yuhui suddenly began to miss her again for some reason, and even pretended to miss her for a few days, but it must be said that Wang Yuhui contributed to the death of Miss Wang San.

"my hand."

"Please doctor, please doctor."

Wang Yuhui roared hoarsely.

"Sir, you'd better live in peace."

"Don't forget that you are a scholar. How can a scholar lose his composure like this? Isn't it just hurting your hand? How can you be called a scholar like this?"

Sheng Ge said meanly.

Shengge felt that at this moment she looked like the little green tea girl in the romantic story.

What you lost was just a leg, what Ziling lost was love...


To deal with people like Wang Yuhui, you must have more green tea and more white lotus, and he was speechless directly.

Wang Yuhui's eyes widened with anger, what could it mean that he hurt his hand...

As a scholar, isn't the hand important?

Ignorant fool.

"Yao'er, hurry up, go and get a doctor for Dad."

Wang Yuhui knew that he might not be able to count on Shengge and the eldest girl, so he looked at the youngest son he had always loved.

From Wang Yuhui's point of view, as long as the youngest son stood on the same ground as him, he wouldn't be afraid of anything wrong with that ignorant and stupid woman.

The youngest son is their only male, and also the only existence that continues the incense.

Wang's youngest son was a little hesitant, looking at Sheng Ge who was smiling but not smiling, and held the rake in his hand again, really unable to lift his feet or move his legs.

He really wanted to know when the rake that broke his father's leg and pierced his palm returned to his mother's hand.

The mother holding the rake frightened him, especially since the tines of the rake were still stained with blood.

"Yao'er, have you forgotten how Dad loves you?"

"Father is going to take you to see Mr. Yu Da."

Under Wang Yuhui's urging, Wang's youngest son was finally ready to ask for a doctor.


Shengge holds the rake, and one man is in charge of the other.

"Yao'er, are you sure you really want to hire a doctor for your father?"

"Didn't your father always say that, as a scholar, you should be tortured without changing your face? This is the true nature of a scholar."

"What would your classmates think if they knew that your father was just a talker?"

"Also, do you have money to hire a doctor? Do you want to pay on credit?"

Shengge spared no effort to sow dissension. Wang Yuhui and this youngest son are a pair of selfish father and son. Maybe Wang Yuhui still has a bit of fatherly affection for Wang's youngest son. After all, he is counting on this youngest son to inherit the incense.

But what about Wang's youngest son?

In such a twisted and weird family, the youngest son Wang who was spoiled and grown up was even more selfish.

Otherwise, how could he point fingers at Miss Wang who had been watching him grow up and poke someone's wounds.

The youngest son of Wang managed to move his legs, and then stopped again.

Why did he feel that what mother said was more and more reasonable.

"Sir, what kind of doctor are you looking for?"

"Did you forget that I am an ignorant village woman who knows everything. I can plow the land, weave cloth, feed chickens, tear chickens, and support my family. I am competent enough for a small injury."

Alas, I can't just watch Wang Yuhui bleed to death.

Seeing that the world is full of trivial matters, Wang Yuhui died so soon, who should she beat when she is upset by these trivial matters.

Scumbags also have value.

Although Sheng Ge is not proficient in medical skills, it is still possible to bandage the wound to stop bleeding.

As for the leg that was broken by the rake, it's even more trivial, it's just a matter of rectifying the bone and nourishing it.

She had been limping for more than ten years in the last world, and she was able to endure the pain and knock it off again, let alone Wang Yuhui was just smashed.

Wang Yuhui looked at Sheng Ge who was simple and rude to stop the bleeding and set bones, feeling desolate and desperate in his heart.

Not only was his hand crippled, but his legs were also crippled.

He has become disabled, how can he pretend to be a scholar and aloof.

"Don't worry, it won't be disabled."

"You are my husband-in-law, my lifelong support, and the head of the family. How could I be willing to let you be disabled?"

Shengge said hypocritically.

I swear to God, she really didn't feel pity for Wang Yuhui, she just didn't want to ask for trouble.

In case Wang Yuhui becomes disabled, who will take care of him.


The original owner's wish has never been about reconciling with Wang Yuhui from the beginning to the end, so no matter how hard she tosses Wang Yuhui, it seems that she can't get rid of this identity.

Besides, it is not easy to get along with each other in this era.

She didn't want to serve this old and ugly scumbag at all.

Little fairies can't get dirty.

Wang Yuhui: "...".

Why did he only hear full of malice in this sentence, without the slightest so-called love between husband and wife?

(End of this chapter)

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