Chapter 470
Applying what you have learned is the highest level.

Shengge stood up abruptly and looked at Wang Yuhui distressedly, then asked Miss Wang to find a needle in a hurry, still muttering something.

Well, as an omnipotent and peerless wife, shouldn't her husband try to wake up when he faints?

Shengge really didn't think he was wrong.

"Da Ni, mother didn't mean to torment your father on purpose, mother just couldn't get angry."

"But I didn't expect your father's ability to resist blows to be so poor. No matter how many years he has failed the rankings, he has been stubbornly translating books under the guidance of the neighbors. Mother thought..."

"Oh, mother doesn't know enough about your father."

When Shengge took the needle that Miss Wang handed over, she repented somewhat annoyedly, sounding full of sincerity.

"Mom, don't blame yourself."

"If dad knows that you didn't mean it, he won't blame you."

"Father often said that as a scholar, you are a gentleman. A gentleman is open-minded, broad-minded, and repays evil with kindness. Naturally, he will not care about these things."

Miss Wang comforted Sheng Ge in a low voice.

In terms of closeness, she is closer to her mother, but after so many years of habit, her father's majesty in this family and his status as the head of the family make her awe.

"Mother hopes so too."

"I didn't expect that my mother would be able to prick people with needles one day. Is this a self-taught medical skill?"

"I heard that people's acupoints are mysterious and unpredictable. You said that if Niang's needle is inserted, what if she makes a mistake and suffers a stroke, hemiplegia and drooling?"

"Mother, I heard from Dr. You Fang that some people would be stupid if they were stabbed with a needle."

Shengge said worriedly.

Didn't she just want to act, so she would accompany Wang Yuhui to perform well.

Wang Yuhui, who was pretending to be dizzy, raised his heart very high, and the description of the silver needle in the book involuntarily emerged in his mind.

The method of acupuncture and moxibustion is so mysterious that it can even bring the dead back to life.

Of course, it is also possible to kill someone with a single shot.

Could it be that he was about to die at the hands of a poisonous woman?

Wang Yuhui felt that he might not be able to pretend to be dizzy.

Under life and death, everything is trivial, and he absolutely cannot die.

He still needs to obtain fame and fame, and he still has to earn a clear name to honor his ancestors, how could he die so disgracefully.

Just when Wang Yuhui was about to pretend to open his eyes quietly, Shengge seized the last opportunity and stabbed it with a needle.

Shengge's needle was fast, accurate and ruthless. As soon as the needle was inserted, drops of blood poured out, accompanied by screams.

Wang Yuhui cried and chirped, but Miss Wang thought it was amazing.

Since she was a child, she always felt that although her mother was an illiterate and ignorant village woman in her father's mouth, in her opinion, her mother was always omnipotent.

Now my mother has learned medical skills without a teacher.

If she remembers correctly, this is called acupuncture.

Miss Wang's eyes were burning, and she looked at Shengge with admiration. Mother deserves to be her mother, and she will learn from her in the future.

After Wang Yuhui screamed, all the strength in his body seemed to be exhausted, and he lost the motivation to resist.

Those who know current affairs are heroes, and it is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years.

Now it is really inappropriate for him to deal with this poisonous woman.

He believed that if he had continued to pretend to be unconscious just now, that vicious woman would have stabbed him a few more times without hesitation.

Wang Yuhui's screams once again attracted the attention of the neighbors. Wang's youngest son pushed everyone back before he finished killing the pig.

Wang Yuhui's heart was stuffed, and an ominous premonition slowly rose in his heart.

He always felt that from today onwards, his life would undergo earth-shaking changes, and perhaps his position as the head of the family would also be shaken.

Seeing Wang Yuhui's listless look, Shengge stood up, straightened his clothes, and pretended to be surprised.

"Sir, you're awake."

"Sir, thank you for waking up."

"What if you leave and leave me alone."

Shengge tried hard to squeeze out a few tears, but now she just wanted to look up to the sky and laugh, she really couldn't pretend to be sad.

So Shengge could only howl dryly, unable to shed tears.


Since when did she take pleasure in torturing people?
Shengge felt that her three views might urgently need to be rescued.

Wang Yuhui held back the pain, wiped the blood under his nose, and looked at Shengge quietly.

It must really curse him...

But even if he knew it was a curse, he still had to express his understanding with an empathetic face.


"As long as you and I can clear up our previous suspicions and no longer suspect each other, no amount of suffering will be worth it"

Wang Yuhui spoke clearly, as if he himself was the one who was wronged.

Shengge had goosebumps all over her body uncontrollably, and she felt as if she knew the reason why Wang Yuhui had been failing the rankings all his life and could only be a poor scholar.

take a look...

Take a look at this style of painting...

As soon as Wang Yuhui spoke, he automatically turned into Qiong Yaofeng.

In fact, Wang Yuhui has been studying the drama of bitterness, otherwise how could he use the classic words in it so proficiently.

It must be like this.

"Sir, are you sure you can suffer no matter how much you suffer?"

Sheng Ge asked with a smile.

Wang Yuhui: "...".

There is no need to doubt that this poisonous woman must have dug another hole to wait for him. Can he take back what he said just now?

"Master, if a gentleman says a word, a horse is hard to follow. This is a saying you often say, and I think you like to lead by example."

"Sir, you should take good care of your injuries first, and we will take our time in the future."

Take it easy……

Of course take your time.

Little by little, she will make Wang Yuhui completely doubt life.

Shengge lifted Wang Yuhui up alone, and then threw Wang Yuhui on the bed...

Wang Yuhui wanted to cry, but Miss Wang just wanted to say something cruel.

Didn't you say it's good for healing?

When Mother fell, Father's leg injury might worsen again.

Wang Yuhui went back to the house, and Wang's youngest son, who was propped up on the plank, was finally liberated.

After standing on the board for so long, Wang's youngest son only felt sore arms, hungry, and stared at Shengge eagerly, wanting to wait for Shengge to cook.

For so many years, he has already developed a life of stretching out his clothes to eat and opening his mouth.

Besides, Wang's youngest son is very confident that he will not be treated the same as Wang Yuhui, after all, he is his mother's only son.

It's a pity that no matter how much Wang's youngest son winks at Shengge and hints at Shengge, Shengge pretends not to understand.

Anyway, she ate several meat buns and was not hungry at all.

As for Wang's youngest son being hungry, what does that have to do with her?

It wasn't until Wang's youngest son's stomach growled that Shengge stopped playing dumb.

"Yaoer, are you hungry?"

Shengge asked knowingly.

Wang's youngest son didn't feel that Shengge's tone was perfunctory, but felt that it was the sound of nature, which was extremely beautiful, and finally liberated him from embarrassment and hunger.

It was the first time he felt that his stomach growling was not something to be ashamed of.

(End of this chapter)

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