Chapter 484 The Wife Who Wants to Sober Up (29)


It’s true that there is no way out of doubts after mountains and rivers, and there is another village with dark willows and bright flowers.

He thought that he could only rely on translating books in this life, and barely maintain his literati's character.

But he knew in his heart that he might have no future in his life.

Sanya is indeed the most important of his three daughters.

Wang Yuhui held his head high and held his chest high and plucked up the courage to limp towards Shengge.

He can get out of bed, but it doesn't mean his leg is healed.

Shengge looked at Wang Yuhui with a half-smile, there were always people rushing to find death, but what should I do?

It seems that this is Miss Wang San's unwillingness to give up and find Wang Yuhui to make trouble for her.


When Wang Yuhui saw the rake standing on the side, he was immediately discouraged.

He couldn't forget the day when he broke his leg with a rake, and then his palm was pierced.

Alas, if his hands don't recover well, he may never be able to write the handwriting in this life.

What about translating books?

Therefore, his only hope now is Sanya.

He had to grasp Sanyatou as the life-saving straw, and he must not let go.

"Sir, don't your legs hurt?"

Sheng Ge knocked on the melon seeds, implying something.

People who are not afraid of death will always rush to find death, and they can't stop it.

"I have something more important to discuss with you now..."

When the matter came to an end, Wang Yuhui was still afraid of death and changed the euphemism.

It's not that he doesn't want to be tough, he's really afraid that his other leg will be broken too.

In the past few months lying in bed, Wang Yuhui has left a psychological shadow, which is really detrimental to his dignity as a scholar.


"Since it's a discussion, then soften your attitude. You are so aggressive, I thought you wanted to fight."

"Fighting is fine, I like fighting, but I hate you people when you talk in a weird way and affectation."

Shengge stretched out his sleeves, and the melon seeds scattered all over the floor.

Wang Yuhui: (д) <Too much!
An ignorant person is rude.

Wang Yuhui could only silently dislike and complain in his heart, but he didn't dare to reveal anything on his face.

He is afraid, he is cowardly.

The only villain in the world is difficult to raise a woman. As a scholar, he is a gentleman. A gentleman has an open heart and can tolerate the world. Why would he hurt himself again because of a village woman in the mountains?

"Ma'am, don't worry."

"You and my family can discuss everything, so why bother to be rough, and let people see the joke for nothing."

I saw Wang Yuhui stretching out his noble little hand, and then using a broom to clean the melon seeds in the yard, he said gently and elegantly.

Wang Yuhui has always disdained to do such small things as a scholar.

Miss Wang San: (#Д)
Why does it feel that things will not develop as she imagined.

Father said one thing at home, mother was submissive and never dared to resist, but why is it the other way around now.

Judging by his father's appearance, it is obvious that he has a deep fear of his mother.

Miss Wang San suddenly felt a chill in her heart.

"Seeing that you are doing so well, let's discuss it carefully."

Shengge frowned, and continued to sit down with Erlang's legs crossed, eating melon seeds again.

"Ma'am, do you know that the third girl wants to commit suicide as a martyr? It's a good thing."

"Since the third girl has a firm mind, and what she has done is a good thing that will last forever, why is Madam not optimistic about stopping it?"

"Ma'am, a chaste and filial person is praised by the world, and will be praised by the government even more. The third girl is our raised daughter, and she will definitely protect the family, and Yao'er's marriage will go smoothly."


Again he used his youngest son as an excuse.

Shengge curled her lips. In her opinion, Wang's youngest son is the most knowledgeable about current affairs.

She thought that Wang's son would forget about the pain and continue to toss after his scar healed, but she didn't expect that Miss Wang's embarrassment and misery completely left a shadow in Wang's heart.

Although it is despicable to know current affairs, but who makes her like it.

She just likes such a worry-free and eye-catching guy, unlike Wang Yuhui and Wang San, who can see flowers brilliantly without sunlight.

cough cough...

Shengge cleared his throat, it seemed that he had eaten too many melon seeds and was getting angry.

"Sanggong, are you telling me to rely on Sanya to start my family and get rich?"

"Sir, you don't need to discuss it anymore. Although I haven't read anything about the old lady, I still know how to be ashamed."

"I don't agree with this matter. If you do something secretly again, I don't mind letting you reflect on your life in the past few months."

"I don't know if there is any good luck this time."

Shengge patted Wang Yuhui on the shoulder, and directly pressed half of Wang Yuhui's leg into the soil.

"I forgot to tell my husband that I have always been born with supernatural powers, otherwise I wouldn't have been able to support a large family by myself for so many years."

"Maybe my husband can't imagine how strong my divine power can be."

"At least it's not a problem to pinch all the bones in your husband's body."

Shengge smiled faintly, gave Wang Yuhui the remaining melon seeds to taste, and walked away.

She has to go and see how Miss Wang who sells braised pork is doing.

The Wang family is really too poor, they can get rich overnight by robbing tombs and hunting for treasures, but it is a bit reluctant to rob the tombs for the Wang family.

Fortunately, the small village where the Wang family lives is backed by the mountains and facing the sea, so they will not starve to death.

It is also possible to sell some braised pork, earn some money, and accumulate capital.

Now that Wang Yuhui, Wang's youngest son, and Wang San are all out of bed, it's time for her to put away her kindness and let the other party be self-reliant and work hard.

Self-reliance and hard work are the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation.

The place where Ms. Wang sells braised pork is a place where several villages often hold markets. Because the price is reasonable and the taste is strong, it makes people salivate and can't stop making people linger.

With word of mouth and repeat customers, business will naturally be much easier.

No, Sheng Ge saw many customers standing in front of Miss Wang's stall from a distance.

Shengge put a lot of effort into persuading Miss Wang to stand up and sell stewed meat under Wang Yuhui's years of brainwashing education.

Fortunately, Miss Wang is not the kind of stubborn person who will never come out to see the world.

Tofu Xishi can be praised for thousands of years, so why can't Miss Wang come out to make money?

At worst, it's the kind of situation where everyone criticizes and sees a joke, and they are so hungry that they can't tell the truth.

Miss Wang is a bit shy and reserved, and to be honest, she is really not a good player in business.

When Ms. Wang first set up her stall, there were indeed more rumors and rumors, and some people even thought about robbing her without giving money. After all, bullying and fear of hard work exist at any time.

However, everything depends on the presence of Sheng Ge, a big boss who cheats.

The more joyful the jumping, the more miserably she will clean up.

So Ms. Wang's stewed meat stall stood up in such a gorgeous way in a different way.



  The author is really a guy who keeps his word.

(End of this chapter)

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