Chapter 488 The Wife Who Wants to Sober Up (33)


She really didn't want to delay any longer, Miss Wang was strong enough to protect herself.



I don't know if it's because of the beauty of the heavens, or the powerful power of the plot master, there will be a heavy rain in all the bitter scenes of looking for relatives.

This heavy rain made Wang Yuhui and Miss Wang San happy, and Sheng Ge was also satisfied.

Shengge has not given up the idea of ​​letting Wang Yuhui be struck by lightning. Now that Miss Wang San also hit the south wall without looking back, dancing so happily, it would be unreasonable for her not to bring Miss Wang San along with her.

Thinking about the deep affection between Wang San and Wang Yuhui's father and daughter, they must like to have blessings and share hardships.

It is much easier to lead thunder in rainy days.

After making some arrangements, Shengge quietly waited for Wang Yuhui and Miss Wang San to arrive.

The rain is getting heavier and heavier, and the crisp sound of raindrops falling on the ground is woven into a pleasant tune.

Cut the wrong bullets, and the big beads are falling into the jade plate.

Just like Shengge's good mood now.

Maybe it was raining and the road was difficult to walk. After Wang Yuhui and Miss Wang San came to the county to find Shengge, it was already light rain.

Sheng Ge was bored, but after seeing the drowned father and daughter, his eyes lit up, and he finally came.

Dazzling lightning, accompanied by roaring thunder, struck directly in front of Wang Yuhui and Miss Wang San.

The father and daughter didn't have time to cry, and before they had time to tell their pity, they were burned black and passed out.

Got struck by lightning...

In this age of superstition, only the immoral will be struck by lightning.

Lightning strike is not a natural phenomenon, but a warning from heaven.

Before passing out, Wang Yuhui and Miss Wang San had two words in their hearts at the same time...

it's over...

They all know that if they are struck by lightning, even if they don't die, they will be pointed at and become a laughing stock after waking up.

Look, this poor scholar who tried to sell his daughter for glory, even God can't stand it, no one will attack him, only him.

Look, this woman whose husband is dead and still wants to get rid of her name, God open my eyes...

After this incident, how could they still have the face to live in the world.

It is said that people who are struck by lightning will go to the [-]th floor of hell even if they die.

The sky gradually cleared up, and Shengge pretended that she never knew about Wang Yuhui and Miss Wang's arrival, but the father and daughter were rescued when Miss Wang cleaned up the stagnant water.

Shengge glanced casually, as long as he is angry.

She was still very measured in her shots, how could she be hacked to death directly.

As a good anchor who loves his job and works hard, he always takes it as his duty to fulfill the wish of the original owner.

I don't know if the father and daughter will be able to wake up after this lightning strike.

After such a long delay, the news that Wang Yuhui and Miss Wang San had been hacked flew over the entire county as if they had grown wings.

Got struck by lightning...

How many evils have been done, God will take action himself.

This is what everyone has in mind.

Wang's youngest son, who was staying in the village watching the situation, was surprised when he heard the news, but he had a silent feeling in his heart that it really was so.

Sure enough ┐(─__─)┌
He knew that his father and third sister would not be able to please him when they entered the city this time, but he didn't expect to be struck by lightning.

Before my mother could make a move, my father and third sister fell into the sand, and now even God is helping my mother.

He is a person who is not capable of writing or martial arts, so he should be obedient to his mother, and he will never seek death, and he will never jump.

To be honest, Wang's youngest son was very unwilling to appear in front of Shengge at this time, and the ghost knew if he would be hacked.

Although the rain is over, the thunderbolt from the blue is even more frightening.

But the news that father and third sister passed out after being struck by lightning was almost known to everyone, even if he wanted to pretend he didn't know, he couldn't do it.

So the youngest son of Wang honestly packed his bags, hired a carriage and hurried into the city.

The change of a person can always be seen from his spirit and eyes. The moment he saw Wang's youngest son, Shengge knew that this silly son who had healed his scar and forgot to hurt was now a good boy.

It seems that she did the right thing in forcibly bringing Miss Wang San back from her in-law's house and experiencing being besieged and dismembered by wild wolves.

It is also useful to kill one to warn others to imitate others.

For example, to Wang's youngest son.

"Mother, my son heard that his father and third sister were knocked out, so he came here to take a look."

"Mother, my son really didn't come here to eat and drink, he was raised by you."

Seeing the smile on Shengge's mouth, Wang's youngest son kept trembling, and almost raised his hands to swear to the sky.

During this period of time, Wang's youngest son really experienced the sense of accomplishment and joy of self-reliance.

Although I am very tired, although I can no longer live a life of clothes, hands, food, and mouth, I don’t need to read anymore...

It is a great blessing not to have to pretend to read.

He doesn't like reading, and not reading makes him happy.

Not to mention self-reliance, self-sufficiency is a sense of accomplishment.

"Mother, my son really brought money..."

Wang's youngest son was on the verge of crying.

Niang's current aura is even more terrifying than the officials he has seen in the exams these years.

At least he didn't just want to run with the package when he went to the exam like now.

Shengge: "...".


Whose silly child is this? Does she look so scary?

Seeing the changes in Wang's youngest son, she was already satisfied, so she specially made herself look gentle...


Judging by the reaction of Wang's youngest son, she may not be suitable to play the amiable old mother.

"I heard that you have done a good job during this time, and my mother is very satisfied."

As soon as Shengge opened his mouth, the sweaty youngest Wang's son finally couldn't hold on and sat down on the ground.


What did he hear.

well done?

Mother is very satisfied?

Mother, is this a compliment to him?
Disliked for nothing, and beaten so hard, Wang's youngest son no longer had any hope of hearing praise from Sheng Ge.

Does this mean you don't have to be beaten?
This is the only thought in Wang's youngest son's mind.

You don't need to be beaten, everything is easy to say.

So happy to fly.

"Mother, my son has come to realize that he cannot do without Mother's persuasive teaching..."

Simple and brutal beating...

"Mother, my son knows his mistake."

Wang's youngest son has repeatedly stated his position and attitude. He is definitely not here to find fault. How can someone who knows the current affairs and is afraid of death know that the other party is very powerful and rushes to seek death?

Just because he failed the Juren exam doesn't mean he's a fool.

He is wide awake.

"very good."

"Since I'm here to see your father and your third sister, you should go and have a look."

"Don't worry so much, I'm not dead, I still have a breath."

Shengge said lightly.

If everyone in this world knew the times and winked like Wang's youngest son, people wouldn't be so upset.

(End of this chapter)

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