Chapter 499


She really can't accept this aesthetic.

She likes the fairy air, the handsome young man of Zhilan Yushu, and has no feelings for the bearded middle-aged uncle.

Although Taibai Jinxing is quite old, she is also a fairy with good looks, her face is full of collagen, her lips are red and her teeth are white.

If you shaved your beard and shaved your hair, you would definitely be able to fascinate a bunch of young girls.

Shengge felt that since she was a broom star, she had to make a good wish, wishing that Taibai Jinxing's beard would fall off and her white hair would grow into black hair.

The broom star may be equivalent to the crow's mouth to some extent.

In particular, she is still driving the broom star of the fast hanging.

In the future, please add her to hang with Sheng Ge, after all, not everyone can meet 98K when they eat chicken.


Speaking of cheating, Shengge finally remembered what he forgot in this world...


Her ugly rake...

Could it be that Rake thinks that she has become a cute, sweet and soft Jade Rabbit that everyone loves and sees flowers blooming, and feels ashamed of herself, deeply feeling that she is not good enough for her, and then quietly slips away.

Well, very likely.

Rake: Its owner is mentally retarded.


Taibai Jinxing stroked her beard like pearls and treasures, and looked at Shengge warily.

There must be something wrong with this jade rabbit, otherwise how could he have a soft spot for his beard.

He has only brought Yutu with him for so long, and the beard he has maintained for so many years has already broken countless roots.

"Speak well, speak well, what kind of words do you move your hands and feet?"

"Ben Xingjun is the kind of gossip idler, Ben Xingjun helps His Majesty the Jade Emperor deal with the tedious affairs of the Three Realms, and has no time to separate..."

Shengge: →_→

Tsk tsk tsk, this little fairy just quietly looks at you and pretends to be aggressive.

If you don't read the scriptures and don't listen to gossip, did you fly over the piles of scriptures in Xingjun's mansion?
Taibai Jinxing, I didn't expect you to be such a Taibai Jinxing.

Under Shengge's playful eyes, Taibai Jinxing's face turned red and she was defeated.

Emmmmm, how did Chang'e, who is cold and indifferent, cultivate such a smelly and shameless pet like Jade Rabbit?

Isn't it often said in the mortal world that pets are like their owners?
"Tell me, what do you want Ben Xingjun to do for you?"

Taibai Jinxing said reluctantly.

Did he really think he didn't see the threat in Yutu's eyes?

A little new broom star dared to threaten him, the majestic Taibaijin star...

Although they are all star officials, there is an essential difference between star officials and star officials.

How useless he is to be threatened by the little broom star.


"Baibai, this little fairy wants to write the most beautiful words in the heavenly court, but she can't transform herself. Why don't you write it down like this little fairy dictates?"

"If you and I cooperate, we will definitely be able to write a book that sweeps the entire heaven."

Shengge grabbed Taibai Jinxing's beard again with a leap, and then swayed slowly. Looking at it from a distance, it really felt like swinging.

"Brother Baibai, isn't it only natural for a brother to spoil his sister?"

Shengge sweetly fooled Taibai Jinxing.

Brother Baibai...

Xu Shi was bewitched by such a title, Taibai Jinxing nodded silently.

Every time Taibai Jinxing nodded, Shengge swayed on his beard.

"Grandma, can you come down first?"

Taibai Jinxing wondered if his temper was too good, and Yutu was so presumptuous in front of him.

"Bai Bai, don't you think you look more handsome without a beard?"

Shengge stopped torturing Taibai Jinxing's beard, anyway, she is a broom star, as long as she curses and curses more, everything can come true.


"What's the use of an immortal being handsome? An immortal must accept offerings from mortals, as long as he is majestic enough."

Taibai Jinxing explained solemnly.

Sheng Ge: Could it be that all the heavenly courts are single?

Shengge only felt a little itchy in his ears, scratched and scratched with his little paws, and scratched a small version of an ugly rake in his ears.



Now the ugly rake has learned how to find a place to hide, and even learned the golden cudgel?

It is indeed a weapon refined by the Great Sage, even the preferences are the same.

But the Ruyi golden cudgel looks better than the ugly rake.

The ugly rake got bigger and bigger in Shengge's little claws, almost blinding Taibai Jinxing.


"When did you steal Marshal Canopy's nine-toothed rake? You're just trying to die."

"Marshal Tianpeng has a backer."

What Taibai Jinxing was curious about was when did the Jade Rabbit steal the nine-toothed nail rake?
Shengge rolled her eyes in disgust. The nine-toothed rake has a good history, but how could it compare to the ugly rake that accompanied her through several worlds.

"Bai Bai, take a good look, is this Zhu Bajie's nine-toothed rake?"

"It's not that this little fairy is narcissistic. This fairy's ugly rake hangs and beats Zhu Bajie's nine-toothed rake."

"Also, when did Zhu Bajie have a backstage?"

Shengge was extremely puzzled. If Zhu Bajie had a backer, why did he have to work so hard to challenge the immortals in the heavens when he fulfilled Zhu Bajie's wish, just to help Zhu Bajie gain a firm foothold.

"Golden Cicada, Monkey King Monkey King."

Hearing this, Sheng Ge pouted.

Well, if you insist on counting, this is indeed the backstage.

Then why did she foolishly stir up wind and rain in the heavenly court, and had to rely on her own strength to win a place?

Is she too stupid?

"Marshal Tianpeng's nine-toothed rake was forged by Taishang Laojun himself with divine ice iron, borrowing the power of five directions and five emperors, nine days of Yingyuan Thunder God Puhua Tianzun: Jinglei Mantra, and Liuding Liujia. More than 5000 catties..."

"The broken rake you pulled out of your ear, you still want to be comparable to the nine-toothed rake of Marshal Canopy, don't..."

Stop it……

It's not that he looks down on Yutu, it's really...

"Ugly rake, come on, let this old man see how powerful you are. If you lose face, this fairy will smash you to pieces and sell you iron."

Shengge interrupted Taibai Jinxing's words about popularizing the nine-foot nail rake.

In this world, apart from Taishang Laojun and Zhu Bajie, she is the person who knows the nine-foot nail rake best, and Taibai Jinxing is needed to introduce her.

Under Shengge's dumbstruck, the ugly rake that was thrown in the corner and would only be treated as a piece of scrap iron suddenly showed a momentum, the ugly rake was covered with a faint flame color, and then recklessly moved towards Taibai Venus smashed past.

Taibai Jinxing, who didn't care at first, responded in a hurry.


Could it be that he was a bad person once, not only was he drawn into gossip, but also died on a fake rake?

Didn't he just say that this is a counterfeit, not as good as a nine-toothed rake?

But looking at the momentum now, it's obvious that the nine-tooth rake is a counterfeit, okay?
These days, talking is dangerous.

 Shengge: In a mentally handicapped world, brains are forbidden.

(End of this chapter)

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