When the live broadcast of Kuaichuan is in progress

Chapter 5 The Pig 8 Ring Who Wants to Marry

Chapter 5 Zhu Bajie Who Wants to Marry ([-])

Sun Wukong was very entangled, and told him with piercing eyes that the one in front of him was his junior brother who was too lazy to work and always wanted to go back to Gao Laozhuang.

However, this behavior is a bit weird no matter how you look at it.

So the golden cudgel in Sun Wukong's hand was tightened and loosened, and he, who was always daring to fight and rush, hesitated.

"Brother Monkey, don't worry, I will never run away."

The beauty Xueba Sheng Ge said in a very doggy way.

Sheng Ge has always thought that she is a cold beauty, but now she realizes that she is a complete fool.

Those who know the current affairs are handsome.

For some reason, Monkey King finally let go of Shengge's hand, crossed his arms around the golden cudgel, and looked at Shengge with an inexplicable expression.

The temperament of being greedy for life and fear of death seems to be ten to ten, but why does he just feel that something is wrong.

Shengge didn't dare to play any tricks, so he honestly found the nine-toothed rake, and ran back to Monkey King in a hurry.

Idol, Great Sage, Grandpa Monkey, please let the little one go.

"Pig anchor, get up."

ding dong ding dong...

Several crisp notification tones sounded in the live broadcast room, and the audience quickly changed from one to two digits.

Good start, shouldn't she celebrate?
But what are these names? Could it be that she is getting old and out of rhythm with society?

My pussy sucks...

I have spicy strips to follow me...

There are always people who want to harm me...

Hehehe, this girl still has a bowl of spicy and spicy mix. Do you want to go with her, and I guarantee that the spicy one will be delicious.

"Old Pig, Miss Ben's friends have all brought you compliments, so why don't you rise up?"

Walking too sloppyly, he will flash his waist and say it triumphantly. After all, the pig anchor is also a mudslide in the live broadcasting world. He is ugly and has characteristics, and he is cowardly and confident...

Shengge choked speechlessly. He was a pig anchor just now, but now he is an old pig.

Sorry, this girl refuses to come to me.

"Bajie, why do you miss Gao Laozhuang again?"

Sun Wukong hit Shengge again without warning, and there was a loud sound when it touched the fat meat.

Shengge finally discovered that fat is also a protective layer.

It's a pity that she still wants to lose this body fat, even if it's a pig, it has to be the most beautiful pig.

"No, let's hurry up and save Master."

There is no need for Sheng Ge to use his brains, as long as Tang Seng is not around, then some goblin must be rhythmic, either yellow sand or black mist.

It feels like every time Tang Seng disappears is a special effects performance.

Hearing Sheng Ge say this, Sun Wukong was not in a hurry.

"Don't worry, Master will be fine."

Sun Wukong's voice was too calm, as if he had accepted the established arrangement.

Sheng Ge was taken aback, the Great Sage was so sure because he knew something inside.

That's right, after all, when the essence of heaven and earth came out, how could it be completely kept in the dark.

"Then why don't we go after eating?"

Shengge's stomach was growling uncontrollably, and he also started sweating.

Pigs are the most edible, this is nature, can not be restrained.

Sun Wukong straightened his back, narrowed his eyes slightly, and stared at Shengge with a burning gaze, inadvertently revealing the unruly and arrogance engraved in his bones.

It's just that this wildness is deeply hidden by Sun Wukong, on the surface he really looks like a person who seeks the truth from the west.

Sun Wukong's gaze was so aggressive that Shengge couldn't help feeling guilty.

Just when she thought Sun Wukong would beat her up again, Sun Wukong smiled suddenly, and even the air around him became a little bit cleaner.


Sun Wukong's voice is not as clean and refreshing as Zhu Bajie's, on the contrary, his voice is like his own, with an innate arrogance that is unstoppable.

Sheng Ge felt that the world was a little fantasy. Could it be that she traveled through a fake Journey to the West world and met a fake Monkey King?
She thinks it's very possible, anyway, 001 is a spicy and unreliable system.


Sun Wukong pulled Shengge to sit on the ground on a bluestone slab that looked clean, and then unwrapped the package. There were all kinds of fruits and dry food.

The aroma of the fruit evokes the taste buds of Sheng Ge, salivating.

However, she wants to eat meat.

She thinks the saddest thing in the world is not dressing as a pig anchor, but that the pig is still a Buddhist.

Can't eat meat, can't have distracting thoughts...

Well, it seems that the profession of monk is really not suitable for her.

Even if it's not to save Gao Cuilan, she has to leave this group as soon as possible.

This girl is destined to conquer the stars and the sea.

Shengge picked up a brightly colored fruit that couldn't be named, and clicked it, it was very crisp and sweet.

"Anchor, what kind of misfortune did the master you speak of suffer for you two apprentices?"

Seeing this barrage, Sheng Ge silently mourned for Tang Seng for three seconds without any sincerity in his heart.

She and the Great Sage had such a happy meal, but Tang Seng was tied up as a plate of food by others. It is indeed a bit too much to think about it...

But this can't be blamed on others. If you want to blame, you can only blame Tathagata for setting up nine nines and 81 difficulties.

A fruit, a steamed bun, Sheng Ge forced himself to turn his head away.

If she wants to lose weight, controlling her food intake is a must.

"Not to your taste?"

Monkey King raised his eyebrows, a fruit core protruded from his mouth, and asked in surprise.

"I am full."

Shengge said out of conscience.

She wants to prove with facts that pigs can not only be fat, but also cute.

There was a deep thought in Sun Wukong's eyes, but he didn't say anything more.

"Let's go, save Master."

Sun Wukong threw the package over his shoulder, turned the golden cudgel and walked straight forward.

Shengge was very puzzled, she knew that Sun Wukong might have decided in her heart that she was not the Zhu Bajie she used to be, but she didn't know why.

Whether it's her, Monkey King, or the rolling shutter general who hasn't appeared yet, they are all victims of the game between Buddhism and Taoism.

Shengge followed closely behind Monkey King with a nine-toothed rake on her shoulders. You must know that she is now a puffy man with no strength to restrain a chicken.

Before she mastered Zhu Bajie's skills, she was just a badass.


Eight hundred quicksand worlds, three thousand weak water depths.The goose feathers cannot float, and the reeds sink.

Sheng Ge looked at the words on the stone tablet, and sighed in his heart, another unlucky ghost was about to be included in this small group of Western Paradise to learn Buddhist scriptures.

Unexpectedly, it was Drifting Monk who kidnapped Tang Monk...

"What, do you know each other?"


Shengge is at a loss, can she play dumb?

The meaning of the great sage is obviously to ask her if she is an old acquaintance with the monster in the quicksand river.

"Maybe we know each other."

Shengge didn't talk too much.

Zhu Bajie was relegated to the earth for playing Chang'e, and he can still say that he died under the peony flower, and being a ghost is easy, and he asked for it.

What about Monk Sha?
The so-called glass cup is nothing more than a high-sounding excuse.

"Since it's an old acquaintance, it will be easier to handle."

(End of this chapter)

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