Chapter 52 Xianglin's Sister-in-Law Who Wants to be Reborn ([-]) Third Change


If you walk too sloppy, your waist will flash: Is it luck or misfortune to meet an anchor with a unique style of painting?
Jackal and female cat: After watching Animal World and watching Survival in the Wild, I want to ask the host why it is so strange.

Lang Jiujiu: I'm more curious about why the anchor is so unlucky.

Blooming pinellia, slightly cool: mudslides in the live broadcasting world.

When Shengge struggled in pain and went down the mountain step by step with bloody footprints, none of the glass bastards in the live broadcast room warmed their hearts and comforted them, but started the journey of teasing again.

This girl's heart aches.

Anchor: I am still a child, is it really good for you to treat me like this?

If you walk too sloppy, you will lose your waist: It’s really not good to leave the host behind, why don’t you join our chat.

Anchor: ...

Shengge was speechless, which was blatantly misinterpreting her meaning.

When can I go down the mountain and go to the town...

Shengge was afraid of Dashan, and this girl would never come back even if she was begging after she went out, so set up a flag first.

Anchor: This anchor swears here that if he comes back to this mountain again, he will broadcast unarmed wolves again.

To be able to make such an oath, Sheng Ge must have been cruel.

Living in a mountain depression is harder than climbing a mountain.

Woohoo, why does it feel more difficult than learning scriptures from the West.

Of course it's because the golden thigh sage is gone.

Beicheng Nansheng: Wait for the face to be slapped, and keep in formation downstairs.

Blooming pinellia, slightly cool: wait for the slap in the face, wait for the anchor to fight the wolf with his bare hands.

Dimly lit place: endless aftertaste.

Anchor: Hmph, a group of glass scumbags.

Shengge was already desperate for the audience in his live broadcast room.

She was unlucky to meet Yi Yi, the hot chicken system, and also unlucky to meet such a group of audiences who would never take it too seriously.

When she was hungry, Shengge ate the cornbread baked by Mrs. Xianglin, drank the stream water when she was thirsty, and was startled by animals that suddenly appeared from time to time, so she almost took off her clothes and changed into a small grass skirt to return to primitive people .

She felt that this was not a live broadcast of survival in the wilderness, but a live broadcast of a primitive society entering the city...

The only thing that reassures her is that Amao's body temperature does not continue to be high. It seems that the lotus fairy's method is still useful.

After stumbling and stumbling for a long time, the toes of Sheng Ge's rag shoes finally showed, and the clean clothes full of pudding she changed into were also scratched a lot.

In addition to hardship is pain...

Only half a day after coming to this world, Shengge understood Sister Xianglin's pain.

If she were Mrs. Xianglin, she might not be able to live longer than Mrs. Xianglin.

She has never been a firm person. In the darkness and despair, she may really not be able to jump to the moment when she sees the light.

Down the mountain, not far from the town.

Stumbling on his feet and going to the town in ragged clothes, Shengge tried to find a way to rent a carriage but was repeatedly rejected.

The reason was that she was covered in blood, and she was afraid that she would die in the car...

Is it really good to say that?
Are people in this era so sharp?
I have spicy sticks to follow me: Hahaha, I am a driver in society, and people don’t talk too much.

If you walk too sloppy, your waist will flash: The anchor should think of a way quickly, children's bodies are the most difficult thing to delay.

If you walk too wavy, you will flash your waist. The little warmth is not for Shengge.

There was no other way, so Shengge had no choice but to go to a good-looking medical clinic in the town for diagnosis and treatment.

"The injury is serious, even if it can be cured, it will be disabled."

The old doctor in the town looked at Shengge and said solemnly.

In this era of people living in dire straits, frequent wars, and displacement, human life is the least valuable.

Although it is against medical ethics for a doctor to persuade the other party to give up, it is not a helpless move.

In this day and age, living is not necessarily happier than being dead.


Shengge said firmly.

She appreciated the doctor's kindness, but Amao had to be saved.

"Big sister, let me tell you the truth. This child's internal organs and limbs have all been injured to varying degrees. I'm not sure how to heal them."

"Big sister, if you are determined to treat her, then I suggest you go to Huichuntang in the county seat. The medical skills are superb, but the corresponding consultation fees are much higher."

She also wants to go to the county seat, but no one pulls her.

She had exhausted all her strength after hiking down the mountain, and there was really no way to carry Amao on her back to the county seat.

"Doctor, I don't know where the cheapest clothing store in this town is."

As a newcomer who has just arrived, this world is completely unfamiliar to Shengge.

"The eldest sister is about the same size as my old lady. If you don't mind, I can give you one."

The old doctor naturally saw that Sheng Ge was covered with injuries, and he was able to talk to him calmly after being so injured, which seemed to be unusual for ordinary people.

When he was young, he traveled all over the world and met many people. He was happy to form a possible good relationship with a piece of clothing.

"Don't mind, don't mind."

In times of despair and helplessness, every kindness seems so precious.

Zhu Bajie can't cover his belly's greenness, blueness, and blueness. Sobu has been straight for so long, how could he despise it.

Shengge met the old doctor's wife. She was a woman about 50 years old, and her figure was indeed somewhat similar to Mrs. Xianglin's.

It's just that her spirit is much better than Mrs. Xianglin's.

Obviously Xianglin's wife is only 30 years old, but she looks even older and haggard.

"Big sister, I'll give you some medicine to bandage up and change your clothes again."

The woman sighed, looked at Sheng Ge who had taken off her clothes and was covered in wounds, and said with compassion.

"Did the eldest sister be bitten by a wild wolf?"

The imprint of the fangs is unstoppable, it is obvious at a glance.

The woman asked in a low voice while bandaging Shengge's wound.

"Well, Amao was taken away, I have to save him."

The warm room made the exhausted Sheng Ge drowsy.

Coming to this world of live streaming, Shengge never had a moment of relaxation.

First he fought with wild wolves, and then he was seriously injured and walked on the mountain road for half a day with Amao on his back. He was already exhausted.

It's just that Ah Mao's injury was a knife hanging above her head, keeping her awake at all times.

The woman was a little surprised, seeing that Sheng Ge was exhausted, she didn't say much.

"Okay, big girl."

"The old man said that Ah Mao's injury cannot be delayed, so I won't keep you any longer."

The woman tidied up her blood-soaked clothes and smiled kindly.

Shengge's nose was sore, this was the first warmth she encountered in the world of Mrs. Xianglin.

Even if it is not pure, it is also a life-saving straw.

Walking out wearing white washed clothes, Sheng Ge looked at the old doctor who was sitting in the clinic.

"Doctor, I don't know how much the consultation fee is."

Sheng Ge said it shyly, she is really poor now.

"Forget about the consultation fee, the eldest sister should go to the county seat as soon as possible."

"If you go fast, you can still catch up, otherwise you have to wait until tomorrow."

"If the eldest sister is really embarrassed, then wait until Amao recovers and treat us and my wife to a meal."

 Have all the cuties gone to the holidays?Still a busy New Years Eve.

  Where to read the text. .

(End of this chapter)

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