Chapter 56

"Senior, please help Amao."

The door opened in response, and Sheng Ge felt embarrassed for his senior.

At this moment, she finally understood why the group of glass bastards in the bullet screen said that there are two worlds inside and outside the valley, and why everyone kept calling each other fairy sister.

Clear and ethereal, otherworldly and refined, Sheng Ge seems to be unable to find the right words to describe it.

Simple to the extreme white clothes, like flowing water and moonlight swaying the earth, like being in a fairyland of Penglai, surrounded by a layer of mist, seems real and unreal, really like a fairy in the legend.

In the fairyland outside the world, there lived the ethereal and cold fairies, who were the most admirable.

Is this really Gu Huaiyuan's mother?He looked no more than 30 years old at most, and the black hair scattered behind his back made him look even smaller.

Shengge was very thankful that she didn't call her aunt or aunt just now, otherwise she would really feel ashamed.

"Get up."

The coldness in the voice has disappeared, and it is more of a kind of tranquility and gentleness.

Sheng Ge was stunned, it was really surprising that such an alluring appearance, conversation and demeanor appeared in Crouching Tiger Village.

"Thank you senior."

Shengge really recognized the title of senior.

It's better to be a senior than to be an aunt. Others look like 50 or 30 when they are 30, and she looks like 50 when they are [-]. People are so angry.

"What about your injury?"

Gu Huaiyuan's mother was asking whether to treat her first or Amao first.

"Senior, save Amao first."

At this moment, Shengge really believed that the woman in front of him had the wonderful medical skills of rejuvenation.

"Don't call me senior, come in."

The furnishings in the small building are very simple, but everything shows elegance and taste, making people unable to help but relax.

"Sit here and have a good rest, I will do my best to treat this child."

The woman spoke neither too quickly nor too slowly, maintaining a gentle and distant attitude.

She refuses to get close to people, and she refuses to be approached by others.

"it is good."

Shengge was indeed a bit exhausted, and now that Amao could finally be treated, Shengge relaxed, and a sense of exhaustion and weakness swept over her in an instant.

Walking too rough will make your waist flash: I want to interview the anchor, how does it feel for Sister Fairy now?
Host: I want to sleep...

Sheng Ge sat on a soft and comfortable cushion, his eyes narrowed and he was drowsy.

Lang Jiujiu: I thought I wanted to sleep?
Yi: I didn't expect the host to be so direct, it's really a downfall.

Anchor: You need cleaning powder.

Shengge was really tired. Even though the wound on her body hurt like hell, she still wanted to close her eyes and sleep.

I'm a magician: Where did the old man slap the face just now? Did the anchor turn a bad luck into a good fortune?

Lianhua Fairy: I didn't expect this woman to have good medical skills. This can be regarded as the anchor's luck. Even if she goes to the county town, she may not have such superb medical skills.

Anchor: This anchor will take a short break, you can do whatever you want.

I don’t know if it’s illegal to sleep while live broadcasting, but I just squint my eyes and sleep for a while, absolutely nothing pornographic…

While Sheng Ge fell asleep, the live broadcast room was in full swing.

Jackal and female cat: Why do you feel that survival in this wilderness is more difficult than the previous animal world? Obviously one is an ordinary person, and the other is a fairy running around.

Yi: Anchor, you are not alone.

Blooming pinellia, slightly cool: because there are no golden thighs.

hit the nail on the head...

Indeed, there are no golden thighs, so Shengge has to rely on himself from the beginning of fighting wolves with his bare hands.

What a miserable word...

Dimly lit place: Why does the anchor torture himself so much?With so many live shows, why is it so difficult?

The bloody image of Sheng Ge fighting the wolf with bare hands was deeply imprinted in everyone's heart.

It is different from the state of mind that Shengge was thrown from the cliff from the cloud by the Great Sage in the world of Journey to the West to watch the excitement.

At that time, they knew that singing and dancing was safe no matter what, because the Great Sage was there, but what about this world?

Although there are no monsters and mana in this world, just ordinary people, they also see that the world is not peaceful, and the anchor's spells cannot be used.

The more uneven, the more difficult it is to live. This is a well-known fact.

Beicheng Nansheng: Maybe the anchor wants to exercise courage...

Because the anchor is too cowardly...


Time passed by every minute and every second, and the night fell. The night in early spring was still cold and windy, and the stars twinkled above the night.

If you walk too rough, your waist will flash: The anchor wakes up, A Mao wakes up.

It's just that Shengge couldn't see the reminders from these people at all, and the notification sound was also turned off by Shengge.

Of course, the big brother's notification tone is a privilege, and Shengge can't turn it off.

Ye Di, as the number one boss in the live broadcast room and also the number one trader, naturally has the privilege over others.

Ye Di: ...

Yedi didn't say anything, just stopped talking.

But the loud beep and blinding light woke up Shengge.

Boss, I don't know that disturbing people's dreams is immoral.

Hey, Amao woke up?

Shengge stood up, looking at the still closed inner room, wondering whether to enter or wait.

Forget it, just wait.

If you ask for others, you must have the attitude of asking for others. If you disturb the other party, the gain will not be worth the loss.

"Come in when you wake up."

The woman heard Shengge's footsteps and said lightly.

"I have cleaned, disinfected and stitched up the wound. I hurt the internal organs and have to be treated several times. I hope you can be mentally prepared."

Seeing that Sheng Ge's face was pale, and his clothes were soaked in blood, he still seemed to be worried about pain, and he sighed softly in his heart.

"It's not life-threatening for the time being, and your injury should be healed."

The shedding of so much blood was enough to show the severity of the injury.

"Auntie, it doesn't hurt anymore..."

Amao was wrapped up like a mummy, with a wrinkled little face, like a little old man.

Shengge breathed a sigh of relief from the bottom of his heart, it's great, Ah Mao finally doesn't need to die.

"My mother is not in pain, Ah Mao has a good rest, mother is fine."

How could it be all right, my mother might faint if I continued talking.

The woman saw Shengge's reluctance, and gently supported Shengge, and the sleeves of the soft and precious white clothes were instantly dyed red.

Shengge smiled embarrassedly, she was poor and couldn't afford to pay.

A penny beats a hero.

Seeing the woman in white put a little on Amao's body, Amao fell asleep.

"Your injury is heavier than his, but your repair ability seems to be too strong."

The woman in white untied the non-professional gauze wrapped by Sheng Ge, and said doubtfully after examining it carefully.

It stands to reason that it is absolutely impossible to stay awake with such a serious injury.

"I am not sure as well."

You can't say that you ate the flat peaches of the Queen Mother.

If I say so, I'm afraid Elder Fairy will regard her as crazy.

"It's also thanks to your persistence, otherwise you, mother and son, might not escape death."

(End of this chapter)

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