Chapter 601 Zhou Zhiruo Wants to Be Rough ([-])

It's a pity that the more beautiful the imagination, the more slapped the reality will be.

And it still hurts a lot...

"Sixth Uncle Yin, you should hurry up."

"How can someone as old and frail as you marry Aunt Ji?"

Feeling overwhelmed, Song Qingshu, who was eager to accept Zhou Zhiruo as his younger brother, wished he could grow wings and fly to Zhou Zhiruo's small courtyard.

Alas, I don't know why Sixth Uncle Yin arranged Zhou Zhiruo in such a remote place, the little girl is not safe either.

Yin Liting, who was still immersed in being pierced in his heart again, was stared at again inexplicably.

Yin Liting cried out in his heart, let's forget about being rejected by Zhou Zhiruo, how could he be rejected by Song Qingshu?

If Yin Liting knew why Song Qingshu complained about him, he might cry to death.

It's rare for him to be careful once, is it all wrong?

Also, what is old age and infirmity?
He is clearly in his prime now, the young and strong kind.

If you say old, it is clear that Yang Xiao is older, but why does Miss Ji still like Yang Xiao?
Got hit again...

"Aren't you still reluctant just now, why are you so active now?"

Yin Liting was bored, so he asked a lot.

"Do I seem to be such a ignorant person?"

Song Qingshu replied arrogantly.

Yin Liting curled her lips, this is not as simple as it seems, it is clear whether it is good or not.

However, Yin Liting didn't say anything to provoke Song Qingshu again, what if the irritation becomes severe and he cries again?
Although it is very interesting to watch Song Qingshu cry, he has to think about the future of Wudang.

If decades later, Wudang's head cries at every turn, who will be good at that time?

"It's here..."

After the words were finished, Yin Liting found that Song Qingshu was arranging his clothes, and his back became straighter, like a victorious rooster inspecting his spoils.

emmmmmmm, what kind of metaphor is he talking about.

Victorious cock?
In the confrontation between Song Qingshu and Zhou Zhiruo, Song Qingshu was clearly the one who was at a disadvantage.

He could see clearly that Song Qingshu could never be Zhou Zhiruo's opponent.

This high-spirited look doesn't look like he's here to thank you, but he's clearly here to bully others.

Well, to put it bluntly, I just need a beating.

Qing Shu also doesn't know that he has a long memory, don't he know who just stopped the elder brother's slap?
How can someone who can easily restrain a big senior brother be a weak little girl with no strength to restrain a chicken.

Alas, he watched Song Qingshu grow up with his own eyes, so he couldn't just watch Song Qingshu get beaten.

So just when Song Qingshu was about to push the door gracefully and noblely across the threshold to let that wild girl Zhou Zhiruo see what a noble son is, he felt someone kick him hard in the back...


Then his face slammed open the door, and the whole person flew into the courtyard.

ah ah ah...

His face, his image...

He's here to pick up his younger brother, not to lose face.

Coincidentally, Song Qingshu, who was lying on the ground, looked at the pair of small shoes in front of him, moved his gaze up and saw Zhou Zhiruo's playful smile.

For some reason, Song Qingshu's face turned red, he hesitated for a long time and couldn't say a word.

"Song Qingshu, I'm not used to you making such a big gift suddenly..."

Shengge looked at the footprints on Song Qingshu's clothes, and then looked at what Yin Liting, who had hidden his merits and fame and enjoyed the scenery, didn't understand.


Song Qingshu quickly got up from the ground, patted the ashes on his clothes, and straightened his hair, as if to preserve his rare image.

"I'm here to accept you as a younger brother."

"I know you are homeless, so you don't have to thank me too much. Who makes me kinder?"

Song Qingshu put his hands behind his back, pretending to be old-fashioned and said to Shengge.

With an earnest face, even the hands behind his back were trembling slightly.

woo woo woo...

Don't refuse, the young master put down his face and spoke in person.

Shengge: ...

Yin Liting: ...

When did Qing Shu's brain circuit become so strange, didn't he say it was good to come over to thank him, why did he become a younger brother.

No wonder I have always disliked him for being slow just now. It turns out that the root cause is here.

However, what gave Qing Shu the courage to accept Zhou Zhiruo as his younger brother? Don't you know that Zhou Zhiruo is someone that even his master avoids?
Master, the old man, is eager to send him away, but Song Qingshu even thinks about accepting him as a younger brother. Does he think life is going too smoothly?

Alas, some people never return on the road to death, the kind that can't be stopped.

"Although you have offended me, my lord does not remember the fault of a villain. As long as you hang out with me in the future, you will definitely have a bite of what I eat. You don't have to worry about drinking the northwest wind."

Seeing that Sheng Ge was silent, Song Qingshu repeatedly opened his mouth to make amends.

I just want to say directly, follow the young master, and keep your popular and spicy food.

Shengge looked at Yin Liting, who was trying to reduce her sense of presence, and found that Yin Liting also spread her hands in a dazed and innocent manner.

Don't look at him, he doesn't know anything.

He also didn't know that Song Qingshu had such a social side.

Please call it Song Qingshu Social Book in the future.

"I don't know if you are kind or not. However, you are quite stupid, stupid."

"Who told you that I'm homeless, didn't your uncle and uncle tell you that Miejue Shitai is already on his way?"

Such Song Qingshu made Shengge want to laugh.

"Are you going to Emei?"

Song Qingshu didn't care about being humiliated again, so he asked anxiously.

Zhou Zhiruo is actually going to Emei, does that mean that she will become the Miejue Shitai?

In the eyes of the young Song Qingshu, Miejue Shitai was a more serious and terrifying person than his own father.

Doesn't this mean that Zhou Zhiruo's future life will be even more miserable than his.

Thinking about it this way, Song Qingshu looked at Shengge with a little bit of sympathy.

No, it was clear that Zhou Zhiruo was even worse.

I heard that Ding Minjun, the elder sister of the Emei School, is also fierce.

As for who to listen to, it must be Uncle Yin Sixth.

"That, that, if you don't want to go, I'll ask my father and Grand Master to keep you in Wudang."

In Song Qingshu's eyes, the Emei faction really looked like hell.

But who made him say that he would accept the other party as his younger brother just now?
As the boss, you can't just watch Xiao suffer day and night.

Alas, where can I find a big brother like him.

Sheng Ge looked at Song Qingshu with a little more warmth in his eyes, so she just said, Song Qingshu's nature is not bad.

"I really like Emei."

She still has to fulfill Zhou Zhiruo's wish, and must become a member of Emei.

"However, if you are willing, I have to entrust him to you."

Shengge pulled the little brother surnamed Zhou and said seriously.

 another day passed...

(End of this chapter)

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