Chapter 605 Zhou Zhiruo Wants to Be Rough ([-])

To be honest, Shengge couldn't understand the feeling of being forced out of prison.

What is the scientific name?

Shengge racked his brains, but couldn't think of that awkward term.

Thinking carefully about how Yang Xiao and Ji Xiaofu met and got to know each other, Ji Xiaofu was indeed forced to do so at first.

Well, it's not considered a lie, and she can't be too harsh.

cough cough...

If someone imprisoned her and forced her to like it, she might let him know why the flowers are so popular.

I beat you to death...

Ji Xiaofu's voice was choked up, tears were hanging on her pale cheeks, she looked so pitiful, especially my heart.

Well, Yin Liting felt the deepest. If Shengge hadn't been vaccinated in advance, he would have scolded Yang Xiao right now, clamoring to avenge Ji Xiaofu.

It's just that there are always two people present who are always awake.

One is the straight girl of steel, and so is Shengge.

One is Ding Minjun who regards Ji Xiaofu as a thorn in his side.

Ji Xiaofu is not good, but Ding Minjun is happy.

Well, for Ding Minjun, the happiness in life is so simple.



Ding Minjun and Shengge spoke at the same time.

Shengge and Ding Minjun looked at each other and saw the emotion in each other's eyes.

Sheng Ge is impatient, while Ding Minjun is gloating.

"Zhiruo, what do you want to say?"

Ding Minjun was completely ignored.

It's not that Miejue Shitai is too eccentric, it's that Ding Minjun's thoughts are well known, and there is no second possibility except to add fuel to the fire and make things worse.

Miejue Shi was too afraid to listen to Ding Minjun's incendiary words, so he really slapped Ji Xiaofu in anger for fear of death.

Well, the newly recruited apprentice is still around, so she can't be so cruel.

She is a loving and gentle teacher.

"Master, I wonder if this apprentice can ask Sister Ji a few questions for you."

"Crying and crying, there is no point in a single sentence, it's really disturbing."

"It doesn't matter whether the relationship between her and the right envoy of Guangming is forced, or whether it is constantly being cut and straightened out, it is not the point now."

"How to remedy the matter so far."

As a grown-up, I know how to shed tears.


"it is good……"

All kinds of things in the past should not be the focus of everyone's attention.

From this point of view, Ji Xiaofu is suspected of confusing the public.

Besides, she is determined to be a loving master, and it is she who the spoiled disciple maniac is talking about.

She saw Emei's future in Zhou Zhiruo.

"Hello, Senior Sister Ji..." Sheng Ge turned around and looked at Ji Xiaofu with a smile on her face. It was obviously a cute and bright smile, but all the glass bastards in the live broadcast room looked like they were enjoying the show.

Alas, the anchor is not the embodiment of truth, kindness and beauty.

However, they are happier when there is a good show to watch.

Accompanying the anchor all the way here, watching the anchor roll and roll, until now he is calm and composed, let alone complacent.

Watch a good show, watch a good show, watch a good show quietly, and those who are playing barrage will stop for a while.

"Senior Sister Ji, you may not know me, so let me introduce myself first."

"I am Master's new disciple. My name is Zhou Zhiruo. It doesn't matter if you don't remember it. Anyway, you will hear it every day in the near future."

When this little fairy brings disaster into the world, you can't avoid it even if you want to.

"Senior Sister Ji, let's get down to business, everyone is very busy, don't waste time."

"How do you view this relationship with Yang Xiao, and how do you plan to resolve it?"

"Don't forget, Emei and Yang Xiao have a sworn feud."

Sheng Ge glanced at Yin Liting who was obviously moved, and smacked his lips.

Sure enough, Lihua Daiyu's weak and beautiful young lady is always easy to be unbearable. If she can call her little brother softly, I am afraid that the other party will really be able to catch the moon in the nine heavens and catch turtles in the five oceans. .

However, in this life, she may never have a chance with such a soft and beautiful young lady who makes people's hearts rippling.

Well, whether it's holding the moon or catching turtles, she can do it by herself, or she can help others bring one along.

This little fairy is so domineering.

"Senior Sister Ji, can you put away your tears first? People who don't know why may think that Emei has betrayed you."

Ji Xiaofu looked at Shengge in amazement and forgot to speak for a while.

Is it so vicious?

It seems that Senior Sister Ding will have an opponent in the future.

"The disciple is willing to sever all ties with Yang Xiao. Since it was a mistake at the beginning, it is time to stop the loss."

Buddhism has something to say, don’t say it, don’t say it, it’s wrong to say it.

Yang Xiao, there is no fate in this life.

Ji Xiaofu knew that even if things were going on now, even if there was a lot of reluctance in her heart, she had to make a clean break with Yang Xiao in order to save her life without regrets.

"I heard that your child is not regretful?"

"If Senior Sister is really determined to stop the loss in time, I don't regret that this child will never appear in this world at all."

Sheng Ge frowned and said impatiently.

Avoid the important and take the light, is it interesting?

This little fairy is still in a hurry to run about her career, how can she be in the mood to worry about these crap things every day.

"Senior sister, I don't know what you don't regret?"

Shengge looked up at the sun outside the window, counting the time.

It's almost time to arrive.

"not regret……"

"not regret……"

Ji Xiaofu's face was pale, dripping with cold sweat.

Not regretting is her only weakness now, she can die, but she has to leave this trace of blood for Yang Xiao.

"How can you be so vicious..."

Just when the room was terribly silent, a small figure sprang out from the door with a clear but weak voice, as if he had suffered a serious internal injury.

( ̄y▽, ̄)╭Ouch...

It turned out to be our little brother, the protagonist. As expected of Zhang Wuji, as long as the beautiful young lady is in trouble, our young master Zhang will always come forward.

However, logically speaking, shouldn't Zhang Wuji concentrate on studying medicine in Butterfly Valley at this time?
Who cares, isn't she telling everyone that everything is broken when she appears in this world?

Business as usual is the biggest anomaly.

Hehehe, I didn't wait for Yang Xiao to come, but instead I waited for Zhang Wuji to come first.



Brother Zhang Wuji, if you continue to be so outspoken, this little fairy doesn't mind being more vicious.


"I don't know who insisted on calling me Zhiruo little fairy and insisting on feeding me..."

Come on, hurt each other, who is afraid of whom.


"Come here, come to Sixth Uncle..."

Zhang Wuji's rude words made Yin Liting finally withdraw his mind from Ji Xiaofu.

Why are the younger generation in Wudang so ignorant, insisting on rushing to seek death?

Just finished worrying about Song Qingshu's heart, now he has to worry about Zhang Wuji.

Um, will he have gray hair one day when he is young.

"Uncle Six, why don't you stop these people from hurting Aunt Ji and Sister Buhui?"

"Aunt Ji and Sister Buhui are already very pitiful..."

 I'm not cute...

(End of this chapter)

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