Chapter 61

In Shengge's impression, such a big knife is used to kill pigs...

"You scratch, just listen to me."

Shengge withdrew his gaze. It's not good to keep staring at his face.

In case the other party looks nervous and trembles, whoever is responsible if the head is really cut off or the face is disfigured.


Sheng Ge sat on a big chair familiarly, and said casually.

Gu Huaiyuan, who was shaving with a big knife, trembled, and a thin bloodstain appeared on his smooth and jade-like face.


Sheng Ge said that she was really innocent, she really just thought about it.

If you walk too sloppy, you will flash your waist: 666, I didn't expect the anchor to have this ability, god stick, someone is coming to grab your job again.

I'm a magic stick: I don't care if I grab my job or not, I just want to know what responsibility should I pay for breaking my face?

Beicheng Nansheng: Promise with your body?
Dimly lit place: Stop torturing the little bandit brother, even if his face is disfigured, he won't be beaten by the anchor, right?
Jackal and female cat: The anchor looks older than Gu Huaiyuan's mother.

Anchor: Personal attacks are prohibited, although what is being said is the truth.

"Master Gu, how can you shave your face and scratch your face? Is it because you are not skilled in the technique, or because you don't know how to use the knife?"

"Looking at how long your beard is, I know you haven't shaved for a long time."

"Hurry up and wipe it for a while and then scratch it, what if it breaks again?"

Sheng Ge pretended to be innocent and said, absolutely not admitting that it was her fault.

Those who can be pushed are pushed, and those who cannot be pushed cannot be admitted.

Who told her to live under someone else's fence, she really wanted to kill the majestic and majestic all over the world, the ghost knows that she will have to wait until the year of the monkey.


Gu Huaiyuan's head was full of black lines, staring at Sheng Ge's fine lined face for a long time, obviously speechless at Sheng Ge's words just now.

"Master Gu, are you in so much pain that you can't speak?"

"I'm not talking about you, it's just a small injury from shaving. How can you be so cowardly?"

"Think about me. I don't change my face when I fight a wolf with my bare hands. You have to study hard."

Sheng Ge smacked his lips around Gu Huaiyuan, clicked his tongue twice, and said somewhat resentfully.

"Oh, young people nowadays are getting thinner and thinner."

The corner of Gu Huaiyuan's mouth twitched, is he still thin-skinned?The skin is thin and the stuffing is thick, you should eat dumplings.

If you walk too wavy, you will flash your waist: Yo, look at the anchor's acting, she is the most cowardly, and she has the nerve to talk about others.

I have hot sticks to follow me: The scene of being beaten has been screenshotted and made into an emoticon package, please leave a message if you need it.

"Your name is Sheng Ge?"

"Are all ladies and educated people like you?"

Gu Huaiyuan casually wiped the blood from his face, and then washed it with water, secretly complaining in his heart that he really ruined the name Shengge.

"My name is Sheng Ge, but everyone's lady is definitely not like me."

She is just a top student and cannot embarrass everyone.

"The one who talks and behaves like your mother is elegant and gentle like a nine-day fairy is the lady of everyone."

A bitter smile flashed across the corner of Gu Huaiyuan's mouth, is it elegant and gentle?

In his memory, his mother had always been indifferent and arrogant, and since he could remember, he had rarely seen her smile.

"Do you like my mother very much?"

Gu Huaiyuan asked in a deep voice.

"Well, who doesn't like sister Fairy?"

Sheng Ge replied very naturally, compared to that little pepper just now, Sister Fairy is even better.


"She's mean, I'm owed, but I dare to do something."

Judging by the dress and confidence of that little pepper just now, he knew that he was not an ordinary person in Crouching Tiger Village.

"What kind of sister, how come the descendants of the scholarly family are so outspoken."

When Gu Huaiyuan heard the words Qingmeimei again, he touched his face with lingering fear. Fortunately, he put down the big knife.

"Brother Huaiyuan, Brother Huaiyuan, and warning me to stay away from you, it sounds like the principal is questioning the mistress."

Shengge curled his lips and said casually.

Even if she made it up that she is a lady, it doesn't matter, after all, she has been married to Dashanli for several years.

"Little San?"

Gu Huaiyuan looked Shengge up and down meaningfully, how blind he must be to find someone who looks older than his mother to be his mistress.

Rest assured, his taste is not that strong.

Lang Jiujiu: Hahaha, look at Gu Huaiyuan's disgusted eyes, it's not too funny.

Dimly lit place: let me go, let me go, I'm not blind, I'm not blind...

Beicheng Nansheng: The interpretation upstairs is so profound and vivid.

"Why, don't look at this girl who looks old now, but she is not a few years older than you."

Shengge said unconvinced.

I was rejected as a pig, but now I am still rejected as Mrs. Xianglin, this girl is so tired.


"Can a person in his 30s look like a 50-year-old with a three- or four-year-old child still be called a girl?"

"I don't study much, don't lie to me..."

Gu Huaiyuan spread his hands, looking like a curious baby, but every word he said was like a knife.

"Oh, less reading means less truth."

Sheng Ge said in a low voice.

Bandits are not to be feared, but bandits with a poisonous tongue are to be feared.

"Tell me, what do you want me to do?"

The furnishing structure of Gu Huaiyuan's room is not as exquisite as Sister Xianzi's, but more rough and casual.

Well, this looks more like a bandit den.

"There is an agreement between you and me. My mother saved Amao and you by the way. Should you repay me?"

"Promise with your body?"

Gu Huaiyuan choked on Shengge's words and was speechless.

Gu Huaiyuan was tired, did this widow hate marriage too much, could it be that she had to sell her body to run a private school in the village?
Did he lose money in this business?

"Auntie, no, sister-in-law, elder sister, we are not suitable."

"Let's just forget about the promise of your body. Although Crouching Tiger Village is a bandit village, but sex/sex transactions are strictly prohibited. You just need to be the private school teacher of Crouching Tiger Village."

Gu Huaiyuan stammered.

Being able to get his mother to look at him differently and allow him to live in the valley, he couldn't help but be careless.

"Mr. Private School still needs to use his brain, I..."

Gu Huaiyuan was afraid that Sheng Ge would say that she still didn't like to make a promise with her body, so he kept opening his mouth.

"It's very simple to be a private school teacher. You just need to teach them how to read and write."

"Sister, please let me go."

Even though it was still the chilly spring season, Gu Huaiyuan's head was covered with a thin layer of sweat.

One must know that Gu Huaiyuan was the one who could speak eloquently when Shengge was strangled by Shengge.

"How long?"

"Could it be that I stayed in the bandit's den for the rest of my life when I was in my prime and beautiful like a flower?"

"It's okay for me to keep it all the time. If you promise me with your body, then the whole family will not talk about each other."

Shengge suffocated a laugh, trying to speak seriously.

 The cheap anchor Shengge is online...

(End of this chapter)

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