Chapter 612 Zhou Zhiruo Wants to Be Rough (23)

Well, Ding Minjun is really a discerning person.

she likes.

"Senior sister, you have worked hard too."

Sheng Ge said very sincerely.

It can be said that Ding Minjun is also a little expert in the creation world, but it's a pity that her rank is not high, and she often pretends to be herself, and then bears countless notorieties, which is really embarrassing for them in the creation world.

Well, she has to shoulder the responsibility in the future, train Ding Minjun well, and devote herself to cultivating a great god in the creation world and make unremitting efforts.

Hearing Shengge's words, Ding Minjun simply threw the fish aside, hugged Shengge and cried loudly.

Shengge: (╯°Д°)╯︵┴┴
don't, don't...

This little fairy baked fish so hard.

Senior Sister Ding, you are not cute like this.

Shengge stared at the fish thrown on the ground with deep resentment, as if he wanted to stare at a flower.

Ding Minjun, who was about to cry to his heart's content, was keenly aware of the coldness in Shengge's body, and was dumbfounded.

Hmph, what little bastard has made my junior sister unhappy, beat him up.

Simply, Ding Minjun stopped crying and was ready to roll up his sleeves to beat someone up.

It's just, just, the little junior sister's unkindness seems to be aimed at her.

"Senior sister, do you really dislike my grilled fish?"

It is shameful to waste food.

Shengge is a little fairy who is doing her best to practice patriotism, dedication, integrity and friendliness.


Ding Minjun reacted belatedly, what did she do just now when her head was hot.

Ding Minjun smiled embarrassingly, then picked it up...

That's right, you read that right, you just picked it up.

Fortunately, it was thrown on a clean stone. As an elder, I can't dampen the enthusiasm of the child.

Ding Minjun has consciously regarded Zhou Zhiruo as his own child.

Anyway, the younger junior sister also died of both parents, but this small thought can't let the master and her elders know.

Otherwise, it might break her leg.

Ding Minjun tore off the skin of the grilled fish, then began to chew slowly, accompanied by countless rainbow farts.

It was short of directly saying that the grilled fish produced by Shengge was unique in the world.

"Junior Sister, let's go, don't keep Master waiting..."

Oh hoo, she came out to eat alone with her junior sister, she seemed to feel sorry for Master.

But, fortunately, Master and her old man have been vegetarians for so many years, so she probably wouldn't mind a grilled fish.

Thinking of this, Ding Minjun instantly felt at ease.

I don't know if it's Shengge's personal charm, anyway, people who have been with Shengge for a long time tend to become heartless, eat more and think less, typical of no brains.

"It's so slow to eat..."

This little fairy gnawed three pieces, but you only gnawed one.

I am really ashamed of the title of Master Sister.



Back in Emei, the first thing that Shengge had difficulty getting used to was the food in Emei, which was even blander than that of the Wudang School.

Stir-Fried Cabbage...

Cold radish...

Stir-Fried Shiitake Mushrooms...

emmmmm, what kind of dishes are these?

At the end of the day, there are not a few drops of oil.

Shengge only felt that if she continued to eat it, she would turn into a vegetable song, and she might be fired one day.

No wonder there are so many young ladies from the Emei School, all of them are fairy-like, the ones with the thin waists and the pale faces are all hungry.

Seeing such a beautiful young lady go hungry, I feel really sorry.

In particular, she is still a little fairy who loves flesh and blood.

Therefore, Shengge volunteered to master Emei's small kitchen first and then play. The combination of meat and vegetables is exquisite and delicious.

Of course, if it wasn't for Juejue Shitai's eyes that wanted to strangle her to death, Shengge might have killed her directly.

For Shengge, green leaves are natural enemies.

To be honest, Shengge didn't have any thoughts on Juejue Shitai's vow not to talk about marriage and not to eat meat because of Gu Hongzi's death.

Everyone has sustenance and obsession.

Maybe Gu Hongzi is just a narrow-minded and small-hearted person in the eyes of others, but maybe in the eyes of Miejue Shitai, she is someone worthy of entrusting her for life.

She can't do such a thing to spend her whole life remembering a relationship.

But, I have no right to criticize others.


It seems that the past dynasties of the Emei School were easily trapped by love, and they were trapped in it all their lives, and it was difficult to get out and unable to extricate themselves.

Guo Xiang...

They met at Fengling Ferry, and when they saw Yang Guo, they missed their lives.

Although Guo Xiang seemed to have figured everything out and saw through the world by herself, the fireworks at the age of 17 became an unforgettable splendor in her life.

That love only lowers the eyebrows, but it is in the heart.

The patriarch of the Emei School established the tone of Emei.

Precepts and deeds, the huge world, after all, still can't get out of the fireworks of the prosperous age.

Even if he later met Zhang Junbao who was equally good.

After the Emei Kitchen was taken over by Shengge, the one with the highest appearance rate should be Ugly Rake.

chopping wood is it...

Burning fire is it...

Carrying water or it...

In the entire Jianghu, the only one who can use his own weapons so willfully is Shengge.

Just like Miejue Shitai, the Yitian Sword is like a rare treasure, easily out of its sheath.

Shengge doesn't have that kind of worry, instead of keeping it on the shelf, it doesn't always take it by his side.

The treasure has a spirit, and she hopes that the Great Sage can know that she is safe through the ugly rake.

This is a tacit understanding that does not need words.

The ugly rake is so busy, as the owner of the ugly rake, she must be more lively and lively.




Lang Jiujiu: Anchor, have you vented all your grievances against the Great Sage on this rake?

If you walk too rough, you will flash your waist: Ninth brother, are you sure it's resentment?
I'm a magic stick: I counted my fingers, the anchor is itchy, I haven't been beaten by the Great Sage for so long, maybe I forgot...

Dimly lit place: Are you sure the Great Sage will still beat the anchor?I didn't realize that I don't know since when, the great sage protects the calf like a father looking after his little daughter?

Beicheng Nansheng: What the upstairs said makes sense, isn't it just to protect the calf?

Big Pig's Trotter: Do you think the Great Sage will find himself a son-in-law after many years?

Big Pig's Trotter: Ahem, I personally think my son is pretty good.In the thick-skinned online self-recommendation, (*/ω\*), please don't call.



Shengge was a little dumbfounded seeing the increasingly crooked barrage in the live broadcast room.

Looking for a son-in-law?

Doesn't this mean that the Great Sage is her father?
Bah, can't this little fairy be her father?


Master Miejue didn't come forward to stop Shengge from making drastic changes to Mount Emei's original appearance.

As long as it's not too much, she can turn a blind eye.

Besides, she also felt that ever since she could remember, the Emei School had been shrouded in a layer of melancholy, like smoke and mist, making it difficult for people to sleep peacefully.

Children of the rivers and lakes, where do we need so many children to love each other.

 Today's update is delivered.

  It's the end of the month, give me all your tickets.

  In addition...

  In addition, please support my new article "You are what I have planned for a long time" for recommendation tickets, collections, and investment.

  I have never come to sign a contract with the website, and my heart has always been worried.

  Uncomfortable, thinking about trying Xiao Tianwen for the first time, I was very nervous.

  woo woo woo, want to cry

(End of this chapter)

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