Chapter 622 Zhou Zhiruo Wants to Be Rough (33)

Zhao Min imitated Song Qingshu's appearance, and said every word in a casual manner.

"I want you to be more tender if you want my young master to be missing an arm and a leg. Stop talking nonsense there and see the real chapter under your hands."

Grandpa hasn't been cowardly yet.

"OK then."

Zhao Min spread his hands helplessly, but in fact he was eager to try.

It has long been heard that there are three bright pearls in the rivers and lakes of the Central Plains, the leader is Zhou Zhiruo of the Emei School, and the other two are Wudang Young Master Song Qingshu and Zhang Zhenren's young apprentice Zhou Fu.

It's not that she hasn't tried to alienate her, but it's just that the three of them are impregnable.

"Then teach the young head of the Wudang sect how to behave."

"It doesn't matter whether you live or die."

Even though Wudang and Emei are like a family, she doesn't love Song Qingshu at all.

After all, the forces of the rivers and lakes are the forces of the rivers and lakes, so how can they be compared with the imperial court.

Her father is the Grand Marshal of the world with thousands of troops in his hands, and there are countless capable people and strange men by his side.

She has a natural advantage so she doesn't have to envy these proud sons in the arena.

Hehe, look at the people behind her who have worked hard for her, which one has not made a great reputation in the world.

It's a pity that these people are laymen.

In addition to fame, they also want to be well-clothed and well-fed.

As a result, their prestige became a stepping stone.

It is absolutely impossible to make her fear Wudang.

Song Qingshu is young and frivolous, she really doesn't mind teaching him how to behave.

Listening to Zhou Min's ignorant words, Song Qingshu pouted secretly, wanting to teach him how to be a man?
Is Zhou Zhiruo really a vegetarian?

Although he has been clamoring desperately every day for several years to accept Zhou Zhiruo as his younger brother, he knows who is actually the younger brother.

Not only him, but even that brat Zhou Fu, who is so wise and close to a monster, obeys Zhou Zhiruo.

╭ (╯ ^ ╰) ╮

The young master looked really sour.

Alright alright.

Seeing that Zhou Zhiruo had saved Zhou Fu back then, he reluctantly ignored it.

Sheng Ge, who was watching the play in the dark, looked at Zhao Min, who was heroic and valiant, but with a bit of natural flair, his eyes were full of brilliance.

As expected of the heroine in the old man's works, she is really amazing.

Zhao Min is noble and has a wanton and evil temperament. He is unique and the most touching.

Cough cough cough...

She is Zhou Fu's natal family, so she must not mistake her identity.

However, Zhao Min is really pretty.

Sheng Ge's serious meaning is still unfinished.

With such a beautiful young lady, she really doesn't want to be an enemy.

and so……

and so……

Brother Song Qingshu, you can ask for more blessings.

If you can handle it by yourself, don't call this little fairy to appear on the stage.

The appearance fee for this little fairy is very high.

"Zhang Wuji, you are still not up."

"Hesitation, still not a man."

Song Qingshu, who was fighting, looked at Zhang Wuji who was hesitantly advancing and retreating on the edge of the battle circle, and said sneeringly.

After all these years, Zhang Wuji was still the person he hated the most.

without any reason...

That's how he holds grudges, that's how narrow-minded.

Zhang Wuji was speechless, he couldn't remember how many times he blushed since Song Qingshu came.

He and Song Qingshu are really close friends. Obviously, their fathers are brothers who are like a family, so why did the two of them become like this.

The potential is like water and fire, it is difficult to coexist.


On or not on?
Zhang Wuji really couldn't make up his mind.

If he raised his sword against Song Qingshu, it would really mean that he betrayed his master.

Besides, it was expedient for him to stay by Zhao Min's side.

Like Song Qingshu, he found out about Heiyu intermittent ointment, and he came here because he thought of Yang Xiao's broken leg.

In his opinion, Yang Xiao is the bright left envoy of Mingjiao, and he always responds to everyone.

Only in recent years, because of Zhou Zhiruo's ruthless leg breaking, the Ming Cult was in a mess and torn apart.

As long as Yang Xiao can return to the top, it is definitely not an extravagant hope for Mingjiao to regain its glory yesterday.

Unexpectedly, he rushed to Heiyu to anoint him intermittently, and gained something else.

Fan Yao, the bright right envoy of the Ming Cult who disappeared for many years, also works as an undercover agent in the Ruyang Palace, and is also the master of Princess Zhao Min.

In this way, it is more convenient for him to act.

Zhang Wuji thought carefully and felt that he could not express his position at this moment.

He didn't think that the impulsive and irritable Song Qingshu would be able to take the Black Jade Ointment from Zhao Min smoothly.

Besides, with Song Qingshu's disposition, even if he got the black jade discontinuous ointment, he would never give him a little bit to treat Yang Xiao.

Because of Aunt Ji, Miejue Shitai, the relationship between Wudang Emei and Mingjiao is very embarrassing.

It seems that he still has to continue to compromise.

Thinking of this, Zhang Wuji rushed forward and joined the battle.

The male protagonist in the old man's works is Da Da, which should not be underestimated.

Two fists are hard to beat four hands, and he beat the master to death with random punches, not to mention those around Song Qingshu, whoever he picks out at random is someone who can dominate the rivers and lakes.


Song Qingshu gasped, some dog slashed him.

Don't you know that he begged that brat Zhou Fu for a long time before he gave it to him?

I really don't know how that stinky boy Zhou Fu got into such a state, obviously the Wudang faction didn't treat him badly.

If it wasn't for Zhou Fu's sensitive and fragile heart, he really wanted to ask Zhou Fu where the money he earned over the years went.

Others don't know, but don't expect to be able to hide it from him, a person who gets along day and night.

With Zhou Fu's brain that is so smart and close to a demon, he doesn't know how many shops have been opened, but he is still very picky.

If I don't show off my power, do I really think I'm a sick cat?

Song Qingshu, who was already a little exhausted, saw his tattered clothes, and his anger instantly soared.



It seems that the young master really can't beat it.

How to do?
slip away.

This is not an escape, but a strategic retreat.

Zhiruo once said that if you can beat it, you can fight, if you can't beat it, you can run away, and when you can beat it, you can come back and beat the opponent to death.

Well, what Zhiruo said is correct.

Just when Song Qingshu was about to run away, Zhou Fu, who had been hiding in the dark for a long time, saw more and more wounds on Song Qingshu's body, and finally couldn't bear to make a move.

But after all, Zhou Fu is different from Song Qingshu's brainlessness, who directly captures the thief and the king first.

He has not forgotten the purpose of coming this time, Black Jade anoints him intermittently.

Zhou Fu didn't drag his feet at all, and went straight to Zhao Min.

Well, just break the leg.

For a majestic princess, is it possible that he can keep breaking his leg?

In Zhou Fu's view, Zhao Min was cunning and indifferent, breaking anyone's leg was worse than breaking her own.

The ghost knows whether Zhao Min will play tricks on the Black Jade Ointment, so Zhao Min himself is the best choice.

Zhao Min, who was eagerly trying to learn a few tricks of Wudang unique skills, felt a gust of wind blowing and became vigilant, but before he had time to do anything, he felt a pain in his leg.

Was attacked?
Song Qingshu still has support?
 Today is three o'clock...

  The little fairy didn't chat, play games, or follow dramas all afternoon, so she coded three chapters.

  Hurry up and feed me.

(End of this chapter)

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