Chapter 630 The Bull Demon King Who Wants to Snatch a Kiss ([-])

A good man has ambitions in all directions, as the great demon king, shouldn't he devote himself to fighting invincible opponents all over the world?
If it really doesn't work, I'll go to heaven and play with prestige.

Indulging in the love of children, what kind of words.

If the Bull Demon King was in front of Shengge at this time, Shengge would definitely give the Bull Demon King a good ideological education lesson.

Let the Bull Demon King know what careerism is and what it is to indulge in beauty.

Well, that's right, from Shengge's point of view, the wish of the Bull Demon King is simply to let her die.

Is Miss Zixia something that the Bull Demon King can imagine?Who doesn't know that Miss Zixia's official match is the Supreme Treasure.

Even Tianmei's father's King of Glory knows that on Valentine's Day there will be a limited skin for the marriage of the Great Sage.

Alas, let's not talk about being able to fight but not being able to fight, the appearance alone is very unmatched.

If Zixia was really snatched over, I'm afraid she would really have to say, "Put a flower on the cow dung."

Okay, okay, stop talking, and get back to business.

Under the urging of the glass bastards in the live broadcast room, Shengge slowly told the background story of this world, and then expressed his deep resentment towards the wish of the Bull Demon King.

The Supreme Treasure was brought back 500 years ago by the Moonlight Box, and happened to meet Zixia Fairy.Fairy Zixia once made an oath that whoever can pull out the Ziqing sword in her hand is the one she likes.Not wanting the sword to be pulled out by Supreme Treasure, Zixia decides to agree with her body, but Supreme Treasure refuses.

Zixia got lost in the desert and was rescued by the Bull Demon King.The Bull Demon King forced Zixia to marry him.At the critical moment, the Supreme Treasure reincarnated as Monkey King, the Great Sage Equaling Heaven, and came to save Zixia on the colorful auspicious clouds.During the fight, Wukong gave up Zixia to save his master, and Zixia was killed by the Bull Demon King.

Well, this is the story of the great sage of Journey to the West getting married.

Well, it's the great sage getting married, not the bull devil.

But the Bull Demon King couldn't love him, so he killed Zixia during the fight, and after being beaten to death by Monkey King, he still couldn't figure it out and couldn't let go, and made a wish to snatch her relatives.


One by one, when did the spicy chicken system become such an unprincipled system, accepting any broken wishes.

Just pick it up, can you not harm her...

In the story of the Great Sage's marriage, the Bull Demon King is a villain through and through, the kind that deserves no sympathy at all.

She has always refused any villain or anything, lest the world will not be chaotic.

But this time it's different, this time it's Supreme Treasure.

Although she doesn't know how much the Supreme Treasure has any relationship with the Great Sage she has, but she keeps a respectful distance from anything related to the Great Sage, and will never touch it if she can.

She likes challenging things, but it doesn't mean she's impatient and likes to die.

After so many worlds, it is not easy for her to dissipate the shadow left by the great sage's beating, and she can move forward with confidence.

Hahaha, isn't it just going forward...

There is no future anymore...

Are you sure it's not a joke to grab the young lady from Supreme Treasure?
Shengge wailed in despair and was about to play dead.

It's better to pretend to be dead than to be beaten to death by Supreme Treasure, Sheng Ge thought casually.

To be honest, after many years, Sheng Ge himself didn't remember the plot of Journey to the West very clearly, but some words were always engraved in his mind.

Wearing a golden hoop, I can't love you.

Taking off the golden hoop cannot protect you.

"My ideal person is an unrivaled hero. One day he will wear a golden armor and holy clothes and ride colorful clouds to marry me."

This is Zixia Fairy's heart and mind.

Indeed, in the big wedding, the Monkey King who rides colorful auspicious clouds appeared, but unfortunately it was not for marrying Zixia.

After all,
The tragedy between Zixia and Zhizunbao is like an indelible regret in the hearts of tens of thousands of people in an era.

Showing off your face and smiling is a classic...

A tear in my heart is a classic...

Athena Chu and Master Xing back then left everyone with a lingering sense of sadness.

including herself...

Every audience who has watched the Westward Journey series of movies will more or less have some troubled thoughts in their hearts.

Now, now, is she going to personally participate in this feast of beauty?

Whether in public or private, she can't do the thing of robbing Miss Zixia with Supreme Treasure.


Shengge sighed again uncontrollably.

Shengge finally believed in one sentence, when there is nothing he can do, it's the easiest thing to do except to sigh.

"Brother, can you not sigh?"

"I always feel that the air is filled with your breath..."

Niu Xiangxiang snapped aside the fruit she was gnawing, full of disgust.

Alas, I miss Little Brother Supreme Treasure again, what should I do.

"Brother, do you think it is possible for little brother Zhizunbao to come again?"

"Brother, how can there be such a handsome, unrestrained and handsome person like Little Brother Zhizunbao in the world? Just thinking about it makes people sleepless."

Niu Xiangxiang has a fiery and straightforward personality, and as a monster, naturally she will not be shy.

She fell in love with Supreme Treasure at first sight, and she wanted to keep it as her own.



If you walk too wavy, your waist will flash: anchor, Miss Ben thinks your rhetoric is full of loopholes?Are you sure that Supreme Treasure has something to do with the Great Sage?

Lang Jiujiu: We reject it. The Great Sage is strong and fearless. Although he is ruffian, he will never flirt with others. He is in a dilemma. That is not the style of the Great Sage.

Dimly lit place: +1, the great sage in our mind is definitely not like this.

Beicheng Nansheng: The great sage has been with the anchor for several worlds, but the great sage has not been moved. How could the great sage get mixed up with Bai Jingjing and Zixia fairy successively.

The glass bastards in the live broadcast room exploded after Shengge told the background story of this world.

These are all old fans of the live broadcast room, following the wind and rain of the Shengge along the way, they naturally know the character of the Great Sage best.

When things go wrong, there must be demons, and seeing is not necessarily believing, let alone a world that is about to be destroyed.

If you want to eat spicy sticks, follow me: anchor, the Great Sage’s strong heart is much firmer than yours. Besides, things like the Moonlight Treasure Box may have something to do with the things that the Great Sage secretly studied before.

Father, like son.

All of them could see that Shengge was different in Dasheng's heart.

Whether it is a relative, a friend, or a younger brother, Sheng Ge is different after all.

So, what's there to be ashamed of.

I'm a magic stick: the old man made the calculations, the anchor, you can put your heart in your stomach, the great sage will not beat you to death with a golden cudgel.

Of course, if it is not the words of the Great Sage, then it will be another story...

Shengge didn't know Brother Shengun's unfinished words, but obviously, she was comforted.

Maybe, just maybe, the world isn't so hopeless.

Sheng Ge's temperament was bright when given a little sunshine, and his mood suddenly turned cloudy.


The psychological quality of this little fairy is so strong.

la la la la la la ~

(End of this chapter)

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